
I don't think it was bad software engineering per se. It was more like "a deal with the devil", and the devil is Nvidia, obviously. I have seen it way too many times, and that is yet another reason why i hate Nvidia with a passion. You see, Nvidia often offers "help" to various game studios and also sponsorships, and in exchange they get their "engineers" to "help" with the game engines, where "help" really means they optimise the engines for their latest gpu architecture while making everything else (including older nvidia generations) run like shit. This has happened too many times, and in the past it happened to other companies like Ubisoft. Ever wondered for example why Ubisoft used to be big on Nvidia "gameworks" in the early years of the previous generation, and apparently all their games were garbage optimized disasters, stuff like Unity and Watch Dogs... And apparently in the last years Ubisoft mostly ditched the Nvidia shit and suddenly the games that ditched it run far better while having better graphics! I could get technical and explain in serious detail why this happens, but i won't cause it would be off topic and looooong, and no one would read it anyway cause you are ADD cucks. 
In any case, the point is that Nvidia probably offered many incentives to get their filthy paws on Cyberpunk 2077's engine, and it shows. And since the game was mostly designed to run optimally on recent Nvidia hardware, the game runs unoptimally on anything else, including consoles. Nvidia for example typically uses high geometry on everything, which is not optimal visually but their architectures have typically much higher geometry performance than comparable AMD gpus so AMD gpus bottleneck more. I can easily see that Cyberpunk 2077 uses A LOT of useless geometry and that can cripple consoles that use weaker cpu cores and amd gpus. I can't see how they can optimise this shit now and release for PS4. They need to literally swap all models for lower poly variants, then redo the animation. Perhaps do a pass on textures, replace some poly-based effects with shader-based effects etc. There is a reason performance on PS4 sucked. It won't be easy to make the game playable on previous gen consoles, and if they do, it will probably lower the hardware requirements on PC as well, if they port the assets.
CDPR should have NEVER made a deal with Nvidia. I suppose they probably did it cause polish engineers suck and they were adamant on being "state of the art" on "next gen" for marketing and bragging reasons, so they invited the Nvidia scum to "help". Instead of just advancing the Witcher 3 engine a bit, which was already somewhat optimised, they instead created a frankestein monster while also delivering Nvidia the keys to the castle, and the Nvidia fucks turned Cyberpunk 2077 from the most anticipated game of the decade to just a tech demo to push RTX 3080 sales. Fucking potatoland idiots, like anyone played the Witcher games for the graphics...

In any case, the point is that Nvidia probably offered many incentives to get their filthy paws on Cyberpunk 2077's engine, and it shows. And since the game was mostly designed to run optimally on recent Nvidia hardware, the game runs unoptimally on anything else, including consoles. Nvidia for example typically uses high geometry on everything, which is not optimal visually but their architectures have typically much higher geometry performance than comparable AMD gpus so AMD gpus bottleneck more. I can easily see that Cyberpunk 2077 uses A LOT of useless geometry and that can cripple consoles that use weaker cpu cores and amd gpus. I can't see how they can optimise this shit now and release for PS4. They need to literally swap all models for lower poly variants, then redo the animation. Perhaps do a pass on textures, replace some poly-based effects with shader-based effects etc. There is a reason performance on PS4 sucked. It won't be easy to make the game playable on previous gen consoles, and if they do, it will probably lower the hardware requirements on PC as well, if they port the assets.
CDPR should have NEVER made a deal with Nvidia. I suppose they probably did it cause polish engineers suck and they were adamant on being "state of the art" on "next gen" for marketing and bragging reasons, so they invited the Nvidia scum to "help". Instead of just advancing the Witcher 3 engine a bit, which was already somewhat optimised, they instead created a frankestein monster while also delivering Nvidia the keys to the castle, and the Nvidia fucks turned Cyberpunk 2077 from the most anticipated game of the decade to just a tech demo to push RTX 3080 sales. Fucking potatoland idiots, like anyone played the Witcher games for the graphics...