In theory, steampunk is great, particularly in terms of stylish visuals (as per the previews for this, to be fair, just as victoriana-ish design), but it always irritates my autism when they have things like robot servants. You just ain't got compact enough computing power to do that honey (though it's conceivable that some fiendish overlord might have a central steam computer that teleoperates robots via radio waves).
I think they could get some quite advanced stuff going though. I remember in one of Ken MacLeod's s-f stories, this group had developed a kind of clockwork computing to do space travel stuff (because the network they'd used had been compromised). If it's big enough, it might be possible (like a huge, vast space, bigger than the ones they had airships in). It would be very high maintenance, so it would need people to regularly scuttle around all over it, so it would have to have gangways and walkways all over the place. Hmm ...
I've just invented a steampunk scenario. I shall call it: Wonderworld.
I think really, to get any oomph out of Victoriana, you really have to mix it up with a bit of the arcane and occult. Foggy side streets, mysterious personages, and all that. I suppose that's why it just suits the techno-magic scenario.
I think they could get some quite advanced stuff going though. I remember in one of Ken MacLeod's s-f stories, this group had developed a kind of clockwork computing to do space travel stuff (because the network they'd used had been compromised). If it's big enough, it might be possible (like a huge, vast space, bigger than the ones they had airships in). It would be very high maintenance, so it would need people to regularly scuttle around all over it, so it would have to have gangways and walkways all over the place. Hmm ...

I've just invented a steampunk scenario. I shall call it: Wonderworld.
I think really, to get any oomph out of Victoriana, you really have to mix it up with a bit of the arcane and occult. Foggy side streets, mysterious personages, and all that. I suppose that's why it just suits the techno-magic scenario.