Heard other people have that problem. For me it's always hit three times.Ok what is wrong with Barrage skill from Expert Marksman skill set ?
I mean it says i should get multiple shoots but for some reason there is only one arrow.
Unlike in other cases, those people are a minority and largely mocked by those around them. As I mentioned earlier, the game is hugely successful outside of the old-skvl RPG crowd. Even the reddit crowd is all over it, and the gaming subs of reddit are usually at the bottom of both reddit and gamer communities in general.
Heard other people have that problem. For me it's always hit three times.Ok what is wrong with Barrage skill from Expert Marksman skill set ?
I mean it says i should get multiple shoots but for some reason there is only one arrow.
what, no larian apologists trying to worm their way out of this? fuck this game
http://www.larian.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=511603&page=3so where's the megadungeon in phantom forest? i scoured every inch of it to no avail, am sad
Larian lied, people cried. "Haha, let's promise to add a level to a dungeon for every 1000 backers we get after 10,000 to create hype and enthusiasm and then just cut that reward after we have their money." You wanted a carrot and instead you got the stick.The Knight's Dungeon, the Inner Sanctum (Temple of the dead), the Druid Dungeon(Alchemist) were originally all part of the mega dungeon but when we realised we were never going to make it at the density level we aspired to, we decided to modify their function. We have the other parts of the dungeons on our HDDs but they're not that much fun so we decided not to include them. As I said before, it's a game, not a shopping list and "Killing your darlings" is an inevitable part of any production as is shifting priorities.
I think there's more than sufficient content in D:OS as is. There certainly is more than we planned for and I hope people do realise just exactly how easy it would be to construct a few extra boring dungeon levels just for the sake to living up to the "letter of the law". Or maybe we could have cut up some of the existing dungeons and split them in different levels. We opted not to do that because we thought it'd deteriorate the game and tbh, didn't consider it a big deal. A lot these resource shifts had to do with implementing other feedback we got during the beta which we thought was more important. You may agree or disagree with that, but it's one of those things developers sometimes have to do. I certainly don't regret making other areas more dense and adding more freedom at the expense of these dungeon levels.
what, no larian apologists trying to worm their way out of this? fuck this game
No, those people have nothing to do with master race of any kind. Good console games didn't have any hand holding either. These people are bottom of the barrel modern scum, they could never 1CC a bullet hell or learn the mechanics of a fighting game, let alone be considered to be above that level. They should be euthanized. This is what happens when casuals start blindly aping rhetoric which they can't even comprehend.The low end of the master race, which is still better than the majority of the console peasants who can't write at all, except for maybe their name, one letter at a time.
what, no larian apologists trying to worm their way out of this? fuck this game
Nope. I think they dropped the ball on this one, but not because they didn't add it, but because they didn't say anything about it until someone realized it wasn't in the game.
Aren't you mixing it up with the Ricochet skill?
AAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA. This is hilarious. After the day/night cycles cut, and now the cut of the megadungeon, I hope companies realise that they shouldn't set unrealistic stretch goals in a KS project.
what, no larian apologists trying to worm their way out of this? fuck this game
In your mad fanboy rage you can't even detect sarcasm
I found this gem of wisdom in one of the Steam reviews (i hope Black haven't posted it already). Tell me Codexers, which one of you wrote this ?After 60+ hours of play, the game itself has been genuinely entertaining. Fans of classic turn-based RPGs such as Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights and Arcanum will feel right at home.
I found this gem of wisdom in one of the Steam reviews (i hope Black haven't posted it already). Tell me Codexers, which one of you wrote this ?After 60+ hours of play, the game itself has been genuinely entertaining. Fans of classic turn-based RPGs such as Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights and Arcanum will feel right at home.
The problem is your starting gear is fucking shit, and you'd need to loot half city to afford a new one. Thus these who don't want to loot half city can't afford much, and you don't get backup weapons from loot from killed enemies, because they have random drops and not what they were wearing."Are you having a fucking laugh? Your starter gear is relevant for all of 5 mins before you can change it out for whatever you want."
How about just giving character starting money and elt them buy equipment. HOLY FUCK! Even DnD did this in the fukkin' 70s so if you wanted your fighter to start with a hammer instead of a sword you fukkin' could.