poland grenade cannot into space
Is there some way to mod him back into the game. I cannot believe they cut him. Seriously Larian...
poland grenade cannot into space
These games have no soul.
Eh, I wouldn't say it's soulless. It's well made, but that doesn't mean it's INCREDIBLE. Unfortunately the Codex holds it on a bit of a pedestal, especially when compared to PoE. I hate to bring up the comparison, but unfortunately I've seen it a lot on random threads. Even worse, it has a lot more apologists intent on thinking they're giving PoE a bad name while somehow bolstering D:OS than people who are capable of liking both.
Pillars of Eternity is a dungeon crawl through (what is supposed to be) an arresting narrative and well designed encounters.
Larian failing at humor again. Maybe they should just stick to selling their engine to much more talented game designers.
Tactician perhaps? I only played non-EE edition before (and in SP), which was "classic" only, I think.I might be up for it, what are your preferences for difficulty? I don't mind as long as it's not the perma wipe mode.
Belgians can never be funny.
Belgians can never be funny.![]()
its something strange about Divinity series, D:OS has an excellent combat system, yet halfway through it on honor difficulty I got bored. DD, with its naive (but real good quality) 2D graphics and the real time hack & slash fest still keeps me going
it being slow is a superficial criticism. It's just too easy with shit encounter design and begins to get grindy at one point, which makes the slowness bubble up to the surface for everyone to see. I tried to play it again today with a friend and got extremely bored the moment we got to Cyseal. It's just thoroughly uninteresting and vapid.
You fangirls have no reading comprehension. The part you put in bold is his attempt at replaying the game, not his first playthrough. And yes, I can see where he's coming from. Finding motivation to replay this when you already know what to expect, the slow ass combat, slow ass exploration, and then enter cyseal for the second time and are met once again with the shittiest writing in RPG history (yes, even Bioware writing is more serviceable than this) you just want to uninstall the thing and not think about it anymore.it being slow is a superficial criticism. It's just too easy with shit encounter design and begins to get grindy at one point, which makes the slowness bubble up to the surface for everyone to see. I tried to play it again today with a friend and got extremely bored the moment we got to Cyseal. It's just thoroughly uninteresting and vapid.
So you played it for about 15 mins? Cyseal is literally the first city you get to after the tutorial.
Unskippable and not being able to fast-forward combat animations is a huge problem that is so bad that for the second time now I've stopped playing in the Silver Forest with no idea if I'll be able to get myself to finish the game up.