This is definitely the case.I might be wrong here but I thought items were based on the level of the enemy that dropped them.
This I'm not sure about. I thought loot scaled by area, not character level.Random loot in containers are definitely scaled to your level though
So years after picking this up I finally sat down for a proper go. Combat is decent, even though so far this is 'status effect: the game' which, turns out, gets a bit irritating if you base your entire game around it.
Otherwise the progression at the beginning seems machine-tooled to the point where it feels like the game has level scaling, even though it doesn't (does it?). My primary issue.
Physical damage is the main source for all of those, you have a lot of variety, and if necessary you can switch to magical using skills. To be honest, after I started playing properly (160h right now), I'm much LESS annoyed by the whole system than I expected.
Yup. The trick "choose either physical or magical damage for the whole party" was already known and if anything it's a big part of why the system is generally hated.This is more or less why the system is hated. Simply choosing a damage type is enough to make it irrelevant for the vast majority of the game.
Frankly there's still a lot of this game that makes it feel like a tremendously well crafted product. Close to be an instant classic. But then there's also a bunch of incredibly questionable (if not downright stupid) design decisions that felt almost purposefully designed to ruin it as much as possible.The armor system is idiotic. You win by going all physical or all magic. It just makes the battles one dimensional. But the main reason it is idiotic is because it makes control magic completely pointless. You can't use any control spells when they have even a tiny bit of magic armor. So you have to blast down all their magic armor first, and at that point you may as well just blast them down a bit more and they are dead. They took the one bit of actual RPG scope the game had and ruined it. They want you to just blow up shit and they succeeded in dumbing it down to nothing but that.
Also less AP means less scope for tactics in battles. There is a lot about this game that annoyed me.
Is there any mod to fix it, for those like me who have potato laptops and will play in 2022?
Nope but there are few ways to mitigate it.
scale back hp and damage done. There is mod that makes difference between levels small and you can easily use lvl 1 gear on lvl 10 enemies. Couple that with chance based status effects and it is pretty fun to play.
removal of both magic and armor with additional hp but this does not cover status which now will always work, i don't think status chance mod is compatible with it as it uses % depending on amount of armor/magic you lost.
Imho first one is the best. First it makes your unique/interesting gear much more valuable because you don't need to change it ever 2-3 levels and removes that retarded hp bloat.
2Hander melees are unstoppable meatgrinders by the late game.
You're overthinking it, the game is 99% about combat2Hander melees are unstoppable meatgrinders by the late game.
that's any build ever that made it to late game though
I've been wondering lately if there's some layer to the plot - even gameplay - you won't get to see unless you're LARPing instead of powergaming the fuck out of the game. Lots of conspicuous things and things that don't make sense without a deeper layer.
Why is it possible to pick the city gate and sneak right past Arhu with a lvl 1 character? Why did they make the whole pyramid/ End of Time thing optional? Why, if you snuck past Arhu and lifted the key from the guard outside the murder scene, does Arhu still approach you and says you're meeting "again"? Why am I controlling two chars that seem clearly distinct and yet performing the exact same role?
Why is there a clear lack of respect from the locals and you're treated more like a curiousity? Why would e.g. Aureus address you with disdain even if you get his attitude up to 100? Why does everybody in Cyseal recognize you as a Source Hunter even though you neversaid so and are literally running around in your undies? Are the different locations in Cyseal actually different factions? What's the Source Hunter Academy all about? Is it a witch hunting inquisitorial order or just trying to keep Source exclusive, because my SH's are actually using Source? Why are only Witchcraft spells ever referred to as Source?
And what, on fucking Earth, is a Source Hunter anyway?
You're overthinking it, the game is 99% about combat
For all the simulationist babble this game and the sequel have garnered, this is the truth deep down.You're overthinking it, the game is 99% about combat
Yes, and combat focused RPGs is what I am all about, yet even I was disappointed. The combat just isn't that good, and the big battles were too easy too. The final boss battle especially. I even preferred the first game which is shameful, not being able to improve on a game with a sequel isFor all the simulationist babble this game and the sequel have garnered, this is the truth deep down.You're overthinking it, the game is 99% about combat
Sequel is much more focused on the story. It even reconciled the two games with the plot of Divinity 2.For all the simulationist babble this game and the sequel have garnered, this is the truth deep down.You're overthinking it, the game is 99% about combat