My Vagabond is around level 30, and after a few weapons upgrades he is wrecking everything so far, but more about weapon upgrades later. Starting zone looks too shiny and friendly for a Souls game, but you get reminded quickly enough that it's a From Software game. Mini bosses everywhere, some chest that teleported me to some red swamp etc. I especially like how Miyazaki trolled people who took the key as a starting gift. Right at the begining of the game you got a lock that you can use it, and there is a mini torture dungeon inside, with an optional boss that is harder than Margit

Speaking of Margit he is weak to bleed, and was a pushover since im using Curved Greatsword that builds bleed on hit. When it procs he loses like 1/5 of his health, that and two spirit pets and he was gone.
Exploration is rewarding so far, i got a bunch of weapons, necklases, but still no armor sets. Combat is the same as in DS 3 which i liked the most in souls series, so another huge plus there. Now the downsides, i don't like mounted combat, it's clunky, and some boss fights are clearly designed around it, like lake dragon and that rider at the start. What i really hate is what they did with weapon upgrade system. You use smithing stones now, and to upgrade a weapon you need smithing stone +1, for next upgrade you need +2 etc, I got a full inventory of +9 smithing stones that i can't even use, what the fuck Miyazaki that is some mmo shit. I got around this by using a boss weapon, that uses different smithing stones, so i got it to +2.
About performace, i got a solid 30fps at mixed high settings at 1080p, here is my toaster
i5 4590
8gb of ram
970 graphic
win 10pro