Child of Malkav
He's pretty good. His intro summary is on point. Never knew how bad the KBpeople actually had it, holy shit.
He's exaggerating it. There are keys you can't rebind but the rest are pretty standard.
One thing that pissed me off is that you have to go into the settings to toggle PC keys to show instead of the console ones. I had to check some websites to know that was a thing. Sekiro was much better as it detected the input device automatically and displayed appropriate keys.
The other one with the dodge, sprint, backstep all being on the same key as well as center camera, lock on, unlock also being on the same key is just dumb but it's been there since DkS1. I'm not excusing it but I'm used to it at this point. These are the things you notice when you play DkS1 and after that is just....meh.
This being his first souls game, all his complaints regarding the control issues are also applicable since DkS1 as every souls game had the same control scheme except that on PC the game was showing console key prompts for any interaction. Only in the settings menu if you looked, you knew what each key did and rebind it correctly but it still always showed console keys regardless.
Sekiro was the first that actually had PC prompts.
Still played all of them on kb+m.
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