They did the same thing with Margott or w/e his name is when it was revealed his entire character and motivation all along was wanting buttsex with Miquella, though I don't know if that was something From wanted or GRRM wanted.
100% that was Martin's idea.
doubt it, that's not his style
the fat man did the broad strokes of the lore, the details are entirely From's doing
Japanese history disagrees with that,
right back at you
yes these are men (the ones carrying swords anyway)
this piece is from the Edo period - when they were dumb isolationists, all about muh tradition like fucking boys in ass
how about we go back, to the Kamakura period:
this was the time that saw the emergence of the samurai class
and fittingly the subject of the art is wa
as it can been seen it idealizes martial prowess and physical fitness
but it still can be observed that the "heroes" of this piece have more feminine traits than the villains - their faces are soft as opposed to rough, their hair is uncut and well groomed, they wear "dresses" as opposed to armor revealing their bodies, even their poses are more elegant
but let's go backards again, now to the Heian period - their "cultural peak":
depection of a scene from "The Tale of Genji", the literary masterpiece of the time
Genji being a son of the emperor, described as a genius and a superbly handsome man (so much so he tempted both men and women alike)
since Japanese males neither looked feminine nor they behaved in a feminine manner.
no shit, it's an ideal for a reason - i.e. no one is ever going to attain it
try not to be so literalist
"femine" as in - soft, graceful, even androgynous features
not that they acted like women
you later mention mifune, but mifune to them is like (ironically) charles bronson to us
he's not what they consider handsome, let alone a beautiful man
agree with the rest of your post though