Yes, somehow they didn't manage to fix the mistakes of ~25 years old games, even though modders already showed them for free how it's supposed to be done. It doesn't even begin to approach JA2 1.13 with AI mod, and pretty much every modern tactical game I've played was also much better. Hell, even nuXCOM is 10x more challenging and complex than this dogshit.Good tactial game, you give everyone a rifle and autowin everything.
Just like JA1 and 2?
JA2 vanilla at least had a lot of autism, inventory management and shit, so you could roleplay and pretend there is something complex in the game to do, here everything is streamlined so the flaws are even more glaring. Also in JA2 you at least had to get some mercs with decent marksmanship, so you had to do some money management, Gumpy wasn't going to headshot anyone, no matter what weapon you gave him. Here there is literally no difference between 3k merc and 30k merc, both come equipped with dogshit and both will 100% headshot with the rifle. I'm swimming in money, my 20k total cost squad is bulldozing everything and there is 0 reason to hire anyone else, nothing to spend all this cash on.