Update #60: KotC 2 Version 1.41 Fixes Bugs & Accelerates Gameplay!
Hello everyone! The latest version of KotC 2 is version 1.41. It can be
downloaded here for both Windows and macOS. It can also be downloaded on
Steam and
GOG. In the past month, I've been focusing on bug fixing. I've also been replying to posts on the
main forum,
GOG forum and
Steam forum.
I've added new code to accelerate combat gameplay and a new option to turn off the calculation of the chance to hit of enemy Attacks of Opportunity. Finally, I've started implementing the upgrade of the
Barbarian character class, which will allow you to select the character's Spirit Animals. Thank you so much Juhani for the awesome class-upgrade suggestions!
Knights of the Chalice 2 Version 1.41
- Added a Steam branch allowing players to download the previous version of KotC 2. To access the 'previous' branch, please right click on KotC 2 in your Steam library then click on 'Properties'. Then click on the tab labelled 'Betas'. Then click on 'previous'. GOG users also have access to the previous version of the game.
- Added some code to accelerate gameplay during combat. That's still a work in progress but you should notice some improvement when moving through the effect of terrain spells like Stinking Cloud.
- Added a transparency effect on character sprites when they're standing within a magical cloud.
- The Barbarian's Rage will now grant a +2 bonus to Willpower saving throws (+3 with Greater Rage and +4 with Mighty Rage). Also updated the in-game help entry of the Barbarian class to reflect this.
- Started work on the selection of Barbarian Spirit Animals during character creation. Please note: they don't do anything yet. But you can already check out their help entries. Feel free to comment.

- You can no longer use the Ranger's Critical Shot ability against targets with immunity to Critical Hits.
- Fixed the spell school of the Necromancy spell Dominate Undead.
- A Burdened character will no longer be able to move items from a Bag of Holding to inventory slots.
- The game will now display character Hit Points on top of sprites if the option to display the HPs in combat is turned on in the Game Options screen.
- Fixed a bug with the Bishop's feat Extra Turning.
- Fixed a bug preventing you from casting the Druid spell Summon Efreeti when you have immunity to fire damage.
- Fixed a rare bug with dialogue answers containing the name of an NPC.
- Added a link to the condition 'Dying' in the help entry for the feat Die Hard.
- Added extra tooltip information in the second page of Character Creation when mousing over the ability scores. Also fixed a sprite issue in the second page of Character Creation.
- Fixed a scrolling issue in the stairway ambush of the Tutorial Adventure.
- Fixed a broken link in the help entry for the Energy Shield condition. Also fixed typos in the help entries for Perfect Balance and Halflings.
Knights of the Chalice 2 Version 1.40
- Fixed a source of crashes when recruiting a new companion and summoning a creature. This bug was introduced in version 1.39.
- Fixed a problem in the High Sewers script about the buried treasure of the Sharkman Druid.
- Fixed an issue with the free trip attempt conducted as part of an Attack of Opportunity or Ready Versus Approach command. It was ignoring the size category of enemies.
- Expanded the in-game chart of damage rolls according to each size category.
- Fixed the help for the Death Knight special ability 'Conviction' in the Feats & Abilities tab of the Character Sheet.
- Added some code to accelerate gameplay during combat.
Knights of the Chalice 2 Version 1.39
- Added a new option in the Game Options screen under 'Display'. You can now turn off the calculation and display of the chance to hit of enemy attacks of opportunity in order to accelerate gameplay. Simply click on 'Display Enemy AOO Percentages' under 'Display'. Do this if attack calculations are slowing down your game.
- Fixed a performance issue during combat when a character has many conditions and effects.
- During combat, the game will now display the character class of the acting character and the class of any moused-over character.
- After a charge or a full attack, if your character can perform a swift combat manoeuvre, the game will no longer skip to the next character in the initiative list even if you have the option 'Automatic End of Turn' switched on.
- Fixed a source of crashes occurring when a character is falling down and a script is triggered, such as the dialogue displayed in the tutorial when a character is knocked out for the first time.
- Fixed a bug with the spells Remove Curse and Mass Remove Curse.
- Fixed a bug with the feats Improved Magic Missile and Greater Magic Missile.
- Fixed a bug with Spell Penetration bonuses from items that should apply to the caster level check when targeting enemies that have Spell Resistance.
- Fixed a bug with the number of uses of Barbarian Rage not being reduced properly after activation. Also, you won't be able to start a Rage out of combat.
- Fixed a problem with the five-foot step action ignoring inter-square cover. This problem was more visible in the Hearkenwold module.
- Fixed a problem with the game displaying a five-foot step move + attack when actually you can't take a five-foot step to reach the enemy. That was related to inter-square covers. This problem was more visible in the Hearkenwold module.
- The game will now remove the Monk's 'Flurry Of Blows' condition when combat ends or when your character is knocked out.
- Using the Curing ability on allies when your character also has the Flux domain will no longer require a ranged-touch attack roll.
- In the 'Activate Items And Special Abilities" box, you can now right click on a line to open the help entry for the associated spell, if any. Also fixed a bug in the 'Activate Items And Special Abilities' box if you click on the heading to change the order of the list of abilities.
- Fixed some scrolling issues when using the single-panel dialogue interface.
- Added a bit of text in the help entry about Damage Reduction explaining how 'DR / x AND y' works, as well as 'DR / x OR y'.
- The help entries for spells will now indicate if a spell is a Spread spell, in the list of descriptors.
- When you have to select an item in your inventory as part of a dialogue taking place during combat, you'll now be able to open bags and chests in order to select items contained inside.
- Fixed a display issue in the Weapon or Armour Details screen.
- In the Inventory Screen, fixed an issue with the display of weapon and armour names when mousing over item slots.
- In the Inventory Screen, fixed the comparison tooltip when mousing over Wands and other items with charges. Also fixed the comparison tooltip when mousing over Shields.
- In the weapon and armour enchantment box, fixed an issue with the expected enchantment cost when it exceeds 10 points.
- Fixed a link to the help entry for the Grease spell in the text of the Tutorial Adventure.
- Added some text in the Tutorial Adventure: << Note that Ronja has multiple attacks. Left clicking on a nearby enemy directly, without using the Combat Actions menu, will let her perform all her attacks on the same enemy automatically until the target is defeated or your character has run out of attacks. However, you can use the attack commands in the Combat Actions menu to give more precise orders. You will then be able to select a different target for each one of your attacks. You will also be able to take a five-foot step in the middle of your attacks.>>
- Added some more text in the Tutorial: << When you're viewing someone's Character Sheet, pressing the left or right arrow keys will switch the Character Sheet to the next party member. However, if the Character Sheet's active tab is one of the spell tabs (Arcane, Divine or Psionic), then pressing the left or right arrow keys will switch to the next party member that has spells of the same type as the active tab. Therefore, if you want to cycle between all of the characters, and not just magic users of a certain type, you should switch to the Attack tab before pressing the left or right arrow keys. >>
Knights of the Chalice 2 Version 1.38
- When the game's dialogue interface displays the list of your party members and you have to select one or several party members, mousing over the name of each character will now display the character class and level, and you can now right click to open the character sheet of the moused-over character.
- The feat Healing Focus now allows a Psychic Healer to activate Cell Division as a level-1 power. Also corrected the in-game help entry for Healing Focus.
- You can now right click on the spells of a character in the Party Creation Screen to display the help entry of each spell.
- Fixed display problems in Puzzle Screens when the single-panel dialogue interface option has been switched on in the Game Options screen.
- Fixed character name display problems in the Level-Up Screen.
- Fixed a bug in the level-up Hit Point rolls above level 20.
- Fixed the Halberd sprite used by the weapon named Severance.
- Fixed a bug with the AI when the enemy uses the Slide action to free allied mages from a grapple.
- Fixed a typographical error in the help entry for Game Controls Out Of Combat.
- Fixed a bug when trying to pick up items after the party has failed on a hidden search check.
- Fixed the gold amount check when booking a room at the inn after using the skill Word of Honour.
- Allies will now be marked as 'Defeated' (not Unconscious) if their Hit Points drop to zero or below.
Next Steps for Knights of the Chalice 2
Essentially, the next steps remain unchanged from the list presented in the
previous update:
- Continue replying to posts on the Steam Forum, GOG forum and the website Forums, and fix any remaining bugs and issues in the game mentioned by the players on the forums or by email.
- Work on the Kickstarter Social Goal promises. The remaining promises are: custom spell effect sounds, the new Druid spells Vampiric Spores, Creeping Doom and Iron Grip, a new option to display spell icons during level-up, a new option to display the monster injury status rather than the Hit Points, and a new option to distribute only 80% of Combat Experience Point awards.
- Continue working on the other planned features: the upgrade of the Barbarian, Monk, Rogue and Mage Knight character classes, the iconised combat actions menu, new feats (including epic feats), new subraces, new spells, new Wizard familiars, new items, and new sound effects. The new spells I'm interested in include Wail of the Banshee, Mass Hideous Laughter, Reach, Mass Reach, Fly, Mass Fly, Vampiric Spores, and Creeping Doom.
- Hire a graphic designer to create new sprites, new maps and other types of artwork.
- Work on the three upcoming adventure modules. Create the new world map & new dungeon maps.
As always, if you find bugs or if you have any feedback, thoughts and suggestions, please feel free to let me know here, or
in the Forums, or by email at
Thank You For Your Stalwart Support, Valorous Heroes of the Realm! Enjoy!