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KickStarter Knights of the Chalice 2 Thread - Augury of Chaos


Jun 30, 2021
Decided finally to get this as I'm a bit of a build fag.

Saw this....


After playing a bunch of games with "body type" nonsense, I gotta say I find it amusing that I'm happy to see something so simple.


Jun 30, 2021
What the fuck are you even playing?
Wait, don't tell me, I don't want to know...

I know you said you didn't want to know but there's been a thing lately to label male and female as "body type A" and "body type B" or something similar.

The ones that I can specifically remember that I played were Phantasy Star 2 and Elden Ring (note, English version's only. Jap versions aren't doing this crap).

I think there were a few others it cropped up but those were the ones that I specifically remembered.

It's pretty darn stupid.
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Apr 11, 2022
What the fuck are you even playing?
Wait, don't tell me, I don't want to know...

I know you said you didn't want to know but there's been a thing lately to label male and female as "body type A" and "body type B" or something similar lately.

The ones that I can specifically remember that I played were Phantasy Star 2 and Elden Ring (note, English version's only. Jap versions aren't pozzed).

I think there were a few others it cropped up but those were the ones that I specifically remembered.

It's pretty darn stupid.
This language is profoundly degrading and it's nearly incredible that the idiots who support this don't see it. I imagine this is one of the reasons why this language is being promoted, to try to reduce people to extremely simplistic sets of data.


Aug 30, 2012
The Crystal Mist Mountains
I just fought the Soul Sucker Mastermind battle. Our party's wizard, ranger, and Pizzara died. But on his last turn, our cleric cast True Resurrection to bring back the ranger; who stands up, dusts himself off, and then lands a perfect Critical Shot to finish the Mastermind.

"Suck on this, you son of a bitch!"


Barely Literate
Jun 8, 2022
I've come to the conclusion that this game is still kind of retarded. Even with the extended intro, the extended additional options for fights and extensive meta-knowledge, it still largely boils down to a quickdraw fiesta, and I'm not even in chapter 4 yet.

Also, another thing that I find insulting is how the game autosaves between streaks of fights in Finchbury, but Pierre couldn't be bothered to add that anywhere afterwards in the rest of the game (or at least from what I've seen thus far).
So I stack up initiative to 35. I will be the first even with a nature 1.


Jun 30, 2021
Quick question. Do I have to take an elf for certain searches in this game? Or will a rogue with 20+ int suffice?


Aug 13, 2017
Rogue search does not include Detect Secret Compartments I think? At least according to website. But I always bring 1 elf so I dont know.
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Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
There’s a 22 for some decent loot inside the first entrance to the sewers in the cobwebs. Probably not worth taking an Elf on its own tho. But if you’ve got a wiz might as well get it with your familiar. You’ll have high enough INT from items by lvl 8 I think regardless.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
The Holy Sword from the 21 check is Light so usable for a long time on Mantis Rogue once you get it back.


Jun 30, 2021
Rogue search does not include Detect Secret Compartments I think? At least according to website. But I always bring 1 elf so I dont know.

Yeah, that was my concern. The guidebook (I skimmed it) seems to imply there's certain search checks that only elves get, but is infuriatingly vague as to confirm it either way.

Also, speaking of wizards, I had this funny idea for another playthrough of taking a half-giant muscle focused green wizard with a focus on grappling, buffing, and summoning. My only concern is if it would be viable pre-level 15. It probably wouldn't be but it felt like something funny to try.
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Barely Literate
Jun 8, 2022
Rogue search does not include Detect Secret Compartments I think? At least according to website. But I always bring 1 elf so I dont know.

Yeah, that was my concern. The guidebook (I skimmed it) seems to imply there's certain search checks that only elves get, but is infuriatingly vague as to confirm it either way.

Also, speaking of wizards, I had this funny idea for another playthrough of taking a half-giant muscle focused green wizard with a focus on grappling, buffing, and summoning. My only concern is if it would be viable pre-level 15. It probably wouldn't be but it felt like something funny to try.
Before level 15, you can use Transform to get full BAB. I am playing a green wizard level 2 suffering.


Barely Literate
Jun 8, 2022
My level 1 and level 2 game experience is so bad. I would like to play the second party. Is there any module starting at level 5?


Aug 13, 2017
My level 1 and level 2 game experience is so bad. I would like to play the second party. Is there any module starting at level 5?

Did you play tutorial? It is a good module and you gain levels fast in that one
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Oct 1, 2018

Knights of the Chalice 2 Version 1.39

Hello everyone! KotC 2 version 1.39 has landed. Here is the list of changes:

  • Added a new option in the Game Options screen under 'Display'. You can now turn off the calculation and display of the chance to hit of enemy attacks of opportunity in order to accelerate gameplay. Simply click on 'Display Enemy AOO Percentages' under 'Display'. Do this if attack calculations are slowing down your game.
  • Fixed a performance issue during combat when a character has many conditions and effects.
  • During combat, the game will now display the character class of the acting character and the class of any moused-over character.
  • After a charge or a full attack, if your character can perform a swift combat manoeuvre, the game will no longer skip to the next character in the initiative list even if you have the option 'Automatic End of Turn' switched on.
  • Fixed a source of crashes occurring when a character is falling down and a script is triggered, such as the dialogue displayed in the tutorial when a character is knocked out for the first time.
  • Fixed a bug with the spells Remove Curse and Mass Remove Curse.
  • Fixed a bug with the feats Improved Magic Missile and Greater Magic Missile.
  • Fixed a bug with Spell Penetration bonuses from items that should apply to the caster level check when targeting enemies that have Spell Resistance.
  • Fixed a bug with the number of uses of Barbarian Rage not being reduced properly after activation. Also, you won't be able to start a Rage out of combat.
  • Fixed a problem with the five-foot step action ignoring inter-square cover. This problem was more visible in the Hearkenwold module.
  • Fixed a problem with the game displaying a five-foot step move + attack when actually you can't take a five-foot step to reach the enemy. That was related to inter-square covers. This problem was more visible in the Hearkenwold module.
  • The game will now remove the Monk's 'Flurry Of Blows' condition when combat ends or when your character is knocked out.
  • Using the Curing ability on allies when your character also has the Flux domain will no longer require a ranged-touch attack roll.
  • Fixed a bug in the box 'Activate Items And Special Abilities' if you click on the heading to change the order of the list of abilities.
  • In the 'Activate Items And Special Abilities" box, you can now right click on a line to open the help entry for the associated spell, if any.
  • Fixed some scrolling issues when using the single-panel dialogue interface.
  • Added a bit of text in the help entry about Damage Reduction explaining how 'DR / x AND y' works, as well as 'DR / x OR y'.
  • The help entries for spells will now indicate if a spell is a Spread spell, in the list of descriptors.
  • When you have to select an item in your inventory as part of a dialogue taking place during combat, you'll now be able to open bags and chests in order to select items contained inside.
  • Fixed a display issue in the Weapon or Armour Details screen.
  • In the Inventory Screen, fixed an issue with the display of weapon and armour names when mousing over item slots.
  • In the Inventory Screen, fixed the comparison tooltip when mousing over Wands and other items with charges.
  • In the Inventory Screen, fixed the comparison tooltip when mousing over Shields.
  • In the weapon and armour enchantment box, fixed an issue with the expected enchantment cost when it exceeds 10 points.
  • Fixed a link to the help entry for the Grease spell in the text of the Tutorial Adventure.
  • Added some text in the Tutorial: << Note that Ronja has multiple attacks. Left clicking on a nearby enemy directly, without using the Combat Actions menu, will let her perform all her attacks on the same enemy automatically until the target is defeated or your character has run out of attacks. However, you can use the attack commands in the Combat Actions menu to give more precise orders. You will then be able to select a different target for each one of your attacks. You will also be able to take a five-foot step in the middle of your attacks.>>
  • Added some text in the Tutorial: << When you're viewing someone's Character Sheet, pressing the left or right arrow keys will switch the Character Sheet to the next party member. However, if the Character Sheet's active tab is one of the spell tabs (Arcane, Divine or Psionic), then pressing the left or right arrow keys will switch to the next party member that has spells of the same type as the active tab. Therefore, if you want to cycle between all of the characters, and not just magic users of a certain type, you should switch to the Attack tab before pressing the left or right arrow keys. >>

Thank You For Your Support, Brave Heroes Of The Realm!! Enjoy! :)


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
New patch broke piza fight, have not tested other encounters yet. Game crashes turn 2-3 with multiple tries

I'm not saying Pierre didn't screw something up, but just in case, have you tried doing the validate and repair function on the game just to ensure there wasn't an error somewhere in the patching process?


Jun 30, 2021
<goes into cahoots with bandits>
<extorts merchants with fake documents>
<sells copy of document to obviously evil bastard>
<gets money promised from bandits the next day>
<turns on bandits, kills them>
<turns in bandit body for bounty>

This game is great :D


Aug 13, 2017
New patch broke piza fight, have not tested other encounters yet. Game crashes turn 2-3 with multiple tries

I'm not saying Pierre didn't screw something up, but just in case, have you tried doing the validate and repair function on the game just to ensure there wasn't an error somewhere in the patching process?

you mean "verify integrity of game files"? Tested now did not help


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
New patch broke piza fight, have not tested other encounters yet. Game crashes turn 2-3 with multiple tries

I'm not saying Pierre didn't screw something up, but just in case, have you tried doing the validate and repair function on the game just to ensure there wasn't an error somewhere in the patching process?

you mean "verify integrity of game files"? Tested now did not help

Yeah, that's what I meant. That sucks.


Jun 30, 2021
Great. Now my game is crashing if I summon anything.

Which is really really annoying considering how much I rely on my aberration summon.

edit - checked around and it's not just me. Evidently Pierre pulled an Owlcat. Well, guess I'll take a break for a day or two.

2nd edit - on a more positive note, I want to say I appreciate how the game let's me cause Wily Coyote styled shenanigans such as

causing that evil fire druid in the spider cave to slip and fall off a cliff and break his neck when I used grease on him
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Jul 16, 2005
Small but great planet of Potatohole
Quick question. Do I have to take an elf for certain searches in this game? Or will a rogue with 20+ int suffice?
Why would you want a Rogue with 20+ INT anyway?
Half-Elf gives +1 to search btw, not that it's very helpful but easy to forget.
Forget elves if you want to min-max you characters, they are mediocre for most classes other than perhaps the "triple-stat" casters.

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