The 3 most rabid fans I can think of are Infinitron (still here), Shevek (disappeared), and PrimeJunta (self-ejected for reasons of insanity). I've gotten the impression that Grunker is a fan, but with some digging it seems that maybe that's only after years of patches and WM.I'm curious about the financial success of Wrath of the Righteous. I wonder what the general audience finds attractive or not in these RPGs "in the old style". It could very easily be theorized why PoE1 failed to create fans of this franchise, but it's always going to be a guesstimation at best. Can anyone even here say they are fans of PoE? Like pomenitul said, this thread keeps delivering after almost 7 years, but I personally find it more intellectually engaging and satisfying to talk about its admittedly interesting failings than the game as-is.
I love PoE in its current state so I certainly consider myself a fan. I was around 6/10 on the initial release. I think the second game was 1 step forward 2 steps back, but I still like it. Enough to now have 3 complete playthroughs of each game.
I also really like Kingmaker, though it's a similar deal with that game: I was meh on release but thought the turn-based mode elevated the game a lot (and that's even though I'm a big fan of RTwP - check the link below for why I don't think RTwP works that well for PoE and Kingmaker). I think I'd like it as much as PoE if it had better difficulty/encounters. As is it doesn't live up to its potential once you get to level 10+, whereas in PoE I'm consistently challenged all the way through, which is probably the most important thing about RPGs for me, increasingly so the older I get. Incidentally this is also the main reason I like Deadfire less than final state PoE, it's simply too easy (except for the megabosses which range from amazing to very poorly designed grindfests).
I don't think I qualify as a "rabid" fan though, since I'm very critical about many things in PoE (especially the writing). I even made this thread fairly recently where I admit that Sensuki, whose criticism of PoE I opposed for a long time, was right about his core objection about PoE:
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