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Redfall - open world vampire slaying co-op FPS from Arkane Austin


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
They will probably absorb teams, stop outsorcing others, etc. The games might've done badly but those are still delivered projects which serve as R&D. I remember Josh Sawyer saying that he knew sucesssful people in the industry, with 10 years of experience, who had never shipped a finished game before.

Yeah, "success" in a corporate environment means fuck all except you can survive the politics. In fact, the less talented you are, the better.

It's sad to see Arkane reduced to this, and that AAA PC gaming continues its sadly hilarious free fall.


Jun 22, 2013
IMO this is so bad it's funny. at least that's why I'm still playing. also the performance is pretty awful. it's fun to see how much of a shitshow this can get when the FPS tanks and enemies start clipping through walls


Aug 17, 2006
I'm just gonna chip in and add that the game's tagline "bite back" is seriously fucking lame. Not exactly the game's biggest problem, but it certainly made me cringe.
Jan 5, 2021

To be fair, if you actually use DirectX in the modern era you're in for a world of hurt. Vulkan is a sleek, multiplatform, high-performance system. DirectX is microsoft's old bogged down slow mess. It's never been great, but it had appeal because OpenGL was somehow worse. But now it's literally obsolete. Please don't use it.
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Jan 5, 2021
I still stand by Deathloop not being as bad as everyone thinks it is. It has its problems (namely the AI being dogshit and the short length of the game) but Redfall seems to be a dumpster fire of another type entirely from what I've seen. Deathloop is worse than their previous games by quite a bit when looked at objectively but it got a lot of negative reception here just because it had a black protagonist and black antagonist when the characters themselves were shockingly inoffensive and milquetoast (they didn't even lean into the blacksploitation angle which would have at least set the cast apart from the rest). Even if you look past all the wokery with the cast of Redfall it still looks like an unfinished mess of a game with very little to redeem it.
That's it: Deathloop was still an Arkane game. A needlessly stripped down Arkane game, with a central gimmick that Arkane themselves have already employed to better effect elsewhere, but still for all that there was enough of recognizable Arkane presence to it.
With this, what is at the very least implicit to all the takes I've seen, is that it doesn't even feel like an Arkane game. Rather, even if all the technical issues were to be ironed out, this would remain something that could very much be some by the numbers, throwaway AA co-op shooter you'd get from something under Embracer's embrace.

I mostly agree with this.

I don't hate Deathloop. It's competently made and there's fun to be had. It's just....kinda boring.

I have a lot of trouble taking it seriously knowing that they already did this central idea and better in Mooncrash, which was significantly more interesting in every possible way. Plus, Mooncrash didn't have horribly unlikable, cringe characters.

IMO this is so bad it's funny. at least that's why I'm still playing. also the performance is pretty awful. it's fun to see how much of a shitshow this can get when the FPS tanks and enemies start clipping through walls

Wait wait wait. Is physics tied to the framerate?

Redfall's environmental storytelling.

Of course 2/3 of the Codex will disagree, as 'simulating' meaningless elements allows them to experience the 'realism' of arranging garbage cans in the shape of a swastika, you know, like real people do. Far more important than strong gameplay.

A lot of the codex is kinda cringe, ngl. When you prioritise "muh realism" and pointless interaction over actual gameplay, you get crap, every single time.
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Jan 5, 2021
LOL entertaining watch.

I find it shocking that literally ANYONE is using the Bethesda launcher on PC considering how much of an unmitigated disaster it's been since launch. XBGP is not much better.

If you don't buy the game on Steam you're literally too stupid to have a worthwhile opinion.

I'm not one to worship Steam. It's a shitty platform in many respects and I hate how much of a monopoly it's become. But it's orders of magnitude more functional than the Bethesda and MS garbage.
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Late Bloomer

Apr 7, 2022
LOL entertaining watch.

I find it shocking that literally ANYONE is using the Bethesda launcher on PC considering how much of an unmitigated disaster it's been since launch.

If you don't buy the game on Steam you're literally too stupid to have a worthwhile opinion.

I'm not one to worship Steam. It's a shitty platform in many respects and I hate how much of a monopoly it's become. But it's orders of magnitude more functional than the Bethesda garbage.

Was he? I thought he was using Gamepass on PC. Didnt Bethesda close down their launcher?


He played on Xbox series S first then PC via Steam after Gamepass failed.
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Jan 5, 2021
LOL entertaining watch.

I find it shocking that literally ANYONE is using the Bethesda launcher on PC considering how much of an unmitigated disaster it's been since launch.

If you don't buy the game on Steam you're literally too stupid to have a worthwhile opinion.

I'm not one to worship Steam. It's a shitty platform in many respects and I hate how much of a monopoly it's become. But it's orders of magnitude more functional than the Bethesda garbage.

Was he? I thought he was using Gamepass on PC. Didnt Bethesda close down their launcher?


He played on Xbox series S first then PC via Stream after Gamepass failed.

Yeah you're right.

I did not realise the Bethesda store was closing down. Good news I guess.

It's always the same story.

>Greedy company thinks Valve's 30% is unfair
>"We'll launch our own storefront!"
>Don't want to pay for the maintenance required for the launcher as it dwarfs the 30%
>Oh shit, better go back to Steam.

XBGP is still not much better. Not just because renting games is cringe, it's just overall not a great launcher.

Also, the horrendous frame drops while things pop in is a staple of incompetent developers using the Unreal Engine. UE4 has this nice "texture streaming" feature built in but if it's not utilised properly causes these exact issues. I first noticed it with Insurgency 2, but it's been in a lot of shitty UE games where the developers have no idea what they are doing.


Jun 22, 2013
Rolled credits. It's a confused mess of a game. Enjoyable in the same way watching a train wreck in slow-motion is.

TLDR: Redfall is Arkane's attempt at a Far Cry 3 style game, which runs counter to the hand-crafted, deliberately paced games they're known for. Here, I quickly STOPPED caring about looting, reading in-world texts, as everything just felt like litter. The game throws ammo resupplies at you at every turn, so scrounging for resources is never incentivized nor feels rewarding.

I was ready for the game to end after the first Hub, then breezed through the 2nd. The game leaves the door open for a sequel, but by God I hope it never sees the light of day. This was not just bad, but, embarrassing.

favorite bug: when reloading, my gun got stuck in a frame where it was half off screen, the gun kept firing in that position, even when switching to other weapons
one more: during one of the "cutscenes" an NPC is freeze framed, dialogue running in the background, camera slowly pans before transitioning to a different cut, as the camera pans, you see the SAME NPC in the corner of the room chilling :D
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Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013
As of right now, Redfall (Xbox Series X version) has a 64 Metascore on Metacritic, making it Arkane's lowest rated game of all time. Just to give you an idea, thegame surpassed the classics Arx Fatalis (71 of Metascore) and Dark Messiah Might and Magic (72 of Metascore) in negativity. The user notes option will be released tomorrow for Redfall, which will likely be very low. The situation regarding Redfall is worrying even on Steam, as the title has registered 589 negative reviews and only 233 positive reviews - at the time of this post.


Apr 11, 2023
As of right now, Redfall (Xbox Series X version) has a 64 Metascore on Metacritic, making it Arkane's lowest rated game of all time. Just to give you an idea, thegame surpassed the classics Arx Fatalis (71 of Metascore) and Dark Messiah Might and Magic (72 of Metascore) in negativity. The user notes option will be released tomorrow for Redfall, which will likely be very low. The situation regarding Redfall is worrying even on Steam, as the title has registered 589 negative reviews and only 233 positive reviews - at the time of this post.
The fact that Arx Fatalis and Dark Messiah are that low on the journo-normalfag ratings should be a much bigger outcry than whatever this shit is.
Jan 5, 2021
Seventy dollars for this shit? Go the fuck to hell.
Saw in a review that in Australia it's 100 - 119$. Jesus.
Literally every game in Australia is that price. This is nothing special.

Keep in mind we also earn higher than average American wage (minimum wage here is about $12-13 an hour, most people make $20 or so). As a contractor I can charge $350 a day and it's considered a junior rate.

So it's about the same overall price/value.

Not that this game is worth buying, but it's just some perspective on the Australian economy.
Jan 5, 2021
Seventy dollars for this shit? Go the fuck to hell.
Saw in a review that in Australia it's 100 - 119$. Jesus.
1 USD = 1.5 AUD

The price is still insane though

Or is that actual USDs?

Again, comparing the monetary value of the dollar is pointless.

You have to compare wages vs expenditure, and how much you can acquire with 1 minute of your time.

Everything else is just moving economic numbers around


Oct 28, 2019
Wolne Wilno
So the plan is simple now, re-remaster all Dishonored games for easy money (or any other cash grab imaginable) and they are ready to close the studio. The curse of Microsoft ownership.

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