You watch your whore mouth...Fidelity Physics (tm): head on collision propels the driver backwards.
For a metaphorical car crash of a project, they're eerily unfamiliar with literal ones.
Soap and shampoo are present at some vendors but the hygiene mechanics aren't in yet. That should be coming down the road with the broader player status system. CIG have talked about possibly having charisma penalties when interacting with NPCs if you haven't showered recently.Man, can't wait for them to add the basic hygiene tech, I mean, what's the point of a prison system if players ain't sort of forced into the showers.
"mah immersion!"
There are already interactive showers in game lol.
... but have they added the soap bar tech to it yet?
Soap and shampoo are present at some vendors but the hygiene mechanics aren't in yet. That should be coming down the road with the broader player status system. CIG have talked about possibly having charisma penalties when interacting with NPCs if you haven't showered recently.Man, can't wait for them to add the basic hygiene tech, I mean, what's the point of a prison system if players ain't sort of forced into the showers.
"mah immersion!"
There are already interactive showers in game lol.
... but have they added the soap bar tech to it yet?
The saddest thing about this "game" is that I don't even know if that's trolling or an actual planned mechanic.Soap and shampoo are present at some vendors but the hygiene mechanics aren't in yet. That should be coming down the road with the broader player status system. CIG have talked about possibly having charisma penalties when interacting with NPCs if you haven't showered recently.
Is it a real mechanic? Seriously asking.The saddest thing about this "game" is that I don't even know if that's trolling or an actual planned mechanic.
Their groundbreaking soap bubbles technology is no joke. The pinnacle of procedural particles physics engine! Only a slight delay is expected on Squadron 42 while this is being worked on.Is it a real mechanic? Seriously asking.The saddest thing about this "game" is that I don't even know if that's trolling or an actual planned mechanic.Soap and shampoo are present at some vendors but the hygiene mechanics aren't in yet. That should be coming down the road with the broader player status system. CIG have talked about possibly having charisma penalties when interacting with NPCs if you haven't showered recently.
Soap bubbles physics & rendering is a minor, tiny, almost insignificant Roberts said:A ballistic round passes through the ship's shield, which scrubs off some of its kinetic energy but not enough as the round's velocity was high as was its mass as it was an armor piercing round. It manages to penetrate the armor and strikes an internal component, say a power relay node (something else we are working on as part of the pipe system refactor). The power node takes damage giving it a chance to "misfire" while in use. A few minutes later the node does misfire, blowing its fuse and resulting in it catching fire. The crew of the ship doesn't realize a fire has broken out in one of the side corridors, as they are busily concentrating on fighting the ships attacking them. The fire starts to spread along flammable surfaces, and as the fire starts to engulf other components they also catch fire. The engineer on the bridge of the ship sees his console flash red giving him a warning that several components have failed and looking at his ships schematic he sees a fire has broken out below decks. The engineer decides to seal the bulkhead doors on the corridor to contain the fire but the doors have no power as the power node is out! He comms one of his crew mates to leave his turret and grab an extinguisher and put out the blaze which is slowly creeping towards the power plant room. Fire reaching a ship's power plant or it's ammo stores are two sure fire ways for your ship to go boom. With the physical damage system ships will no longer just explode when their hit points reach zero, they'll explode because something inside them went critical and exploded (due to damage or heat), which then damages everything else. Outside of that damage will affect the ability of the ship to function or it's structural integrity so they also could become a lifeless hulk as much as they could go up in a flash of light. When the crew member gets to the corridor where the fire has broken out is has already consumed a huge amount of oxygen in that "room" (the corridor) and has released noxious gasses, so the crew member can't breathe and quickly retreats to put on a fire resistant suit and helmet. The engineer in desperation manages to reroute power away from the destroyed node through a secondary node restoring power to enough of the bulkhead doors to allow him to contain the fire. Noticing that there is an external airlock in the sealed off area he opens the airlock, venting the oxygen in the sealed off corridors and rooms to the vacuum of space, depriving the fire of the ability to burn, putting most of it out. By this time the crew member is suitably dressed and can extinguish the fire that made it past the bulkhead door before it can grow again. The engineer then reseals the airlock and allows the life support system to replenish the air in the vented part of the ship. Once done the engineer opens up the bulkhead door allowing the crewmember in with a replacement fuse for the power node, restoring power to that section of the ship, then returns to his turret. It's been a close call but the ship is still alive and in the fight!
What I describe will be possible once we have finished and deployed the systems we're working on. I know it can be frustrating to wait for all of this functionality to be online but I promise you everyone is working as hard and as smartly as possible to get there; we are just going for a higher level of systemic gameplay (versus scripted) than most if not all games, and to architect all of this so it works in multiplayer at scale is no small feat.
I wouldn't normally do this but I know you've invested a lot of time into Star Citizen, including on the testing and community content creation so I'm going to take your reply to as a sign of frustration and try to add a little more context to help you see a bigger picture.
What were you hoping to get from your Original Post? I was assuming it was -
I was wondering where we are almost 4 years later, tested a few things and made a video.
I shared information on where we are, and why you don't see something you thought you should. Part of my motivation for answering is that I commonly see people assume things that aren't true like the room system not being in the game because one aspect of the system doesn't have the behavior that they think it should. I wanted to give you extra context and information so you (and others in this thread) had a better understanding of what is in, what isn't and why it isn't and what is left to do.
If you want to encourage me or other developers to answer questions then it helps to not turn around and question people's professionalism or make sweeping statements. If someone did that to you in your job I am sure it would be irritating. I have a thicker skin than most of the developers at CIG, and realize that not everyone is speaking in their first language or realizes how they phrased things may not have been the best, but in general it is best to approach things with constructive criticism, leaving the ad hominems out. You wouldn't be putting this much time into something if you didn't care, so why put energy into posting something that a developer will dismiss because it feels like an attack? I can tell you that being considerate of someone and treating them with respect will get you much further than than being dismissive. The development team reads these forums and other places like reddit, and the community's feedback really helps, but the feedback that gets actioned on, that gets passed around internally and is discussed is the constructive type, not the overly negative type. Just saying something sucks isn't helpful. Explaining why it sucks for that user, and their ideas to potentially rectify it is helpful.
My biggest disappointment with modern internet discourse is that there's a significant amount of cynicism, especially in forum or reddit debates, and a portion of people assume the worst. If a feature is missing, late or buggy it's because the company or the developer lied and or / is incompetent as opposed to the fact that it just took longer and had more problems than the team thought it would when they originally set out to build it. Developers by their very nature are optimistic. You have to be to build things that haven't ever been built before. Otherwise the sheer weight of what is needed to be done can crush you. But being optimistic or not foreseeing issues isn't the same as lying or deliberately misleading people. Everyone at CIG is incredibly passionate about making Star Citizen the most immersive massively multiplayer first person universe sandbox, and everyone works very hard to deliver that. If we could deliver harder, faster, better we would. We get just as frustrated with the time things take. We practice bottom up task estimation where the team implementing the feature breaks it down and gives their estimates of how long it will take them. Management doesn't dictate timelines, we just set priorities for the teams as there are always a lot more things to do at any one time than we have people to do them. We are constantly reviewing and trying to improve our AGILE development process and how we estimate sprints. As the code, feature and content base grows there is more maintenance and support needed for the existing features and content, which can eat into the time a team has for new feature development, meaning you always have the push and pull of current quality of life in a release versus delivering new features and content. The same push and pull exists in the community as there is a strong desire for polished bug free gameplay now but also new features and content, often from the very same people.
Things like Salvage haven't been pushed back on a whim, but because in terms of priority we felt that it would premature to work on Salvage before the iCache and physical damage system is implemented in the game as this fundamentally changes how we manage state, handle damage and debris. So when presented with a priority call to make on resource allocation we deprioritized Salvage in order to build the infrastructure to really make it sing, as opposed to working on a system we will have to refactor when the iCache and new damage system came on line.
We have also decided we wanted to invest more time into the quality of life, performance and stability in Star Citizen as it is actively played every day by tens of thousands of people; on normal days we have an average of over 30,000 different people playing and at the peak during events this year we've hit 100,000 unique accounts playing in one day which is pretty impressive for a game in an early Alpha state. We are on track to have over one million unique players this year. Star Citizen already has the main gameloops of a space sim; cargo hauling, commodity trading, mercenary, pirate, bounty hunting and mining. Just spending time refining and finishing out these would make Star Citizen with all it's detail and fidelity more engrossing than any "finished" space sim you can play today.
We've shown a preview of the new roadmap format ( ) that we are working on. Part of the motivation for changing how we share the tasks we are working on and their progress is so the community can get better visibility into the hard choices that we face everyday on the project and see what exactly every team is working on as opposed to just the few tasks we feel comfortable sharing because we think have a high probability to make that quarter. When we make a priority call and move up or add a task there is always something that needs to be pushed back. The new format which tracks our 58 feature and content teams that work on Star Citizen and Squadron 42, will be able to show what each team is working on and if a new initiative like improving the cargo hauling experience gets added you'll see the tasks that get pushed back on the teams that will work on this new initiative. As a point of data these teams can be anywhere from 4 people to over 20 people and of the 58 teams only 11 are exclusively dedicated to Squadron 42 and 12 for Star Citizen and the rest are shared (things like graphics, engine, actor, vehicle, AI, VFX, sound and so on), although a lot of the priorities for things like actor, vehicle and AI are driven by what Squadron needs.
Switching the roadmap format was something that I made a priority for us at the start of the year when it was clear that the current roadmap format wasn't helping, especially as the teams really didn't want to commit until absolutely definitely their feature would make it, which you'll normally only know about six weeks before release, due to the vitriol they would see when a task was pushed back, despite our best efforts to get everyone that looks at the current Road Map to read and acknowledge the caveats ( ) which explicitly say some of the tasks are likely to slip. Getting tired of this I felt it would be best for the community to see the same view I and the rest of the senior development management see on Star Citizen and Squadron 42. This won't stop people from disagreeing with our priority calls or how long something takes, but at least it will share the overall picture and people can see exactly what everyone is working on at any moment and how long it is projected to take. They will be able to see it change when it does for us and hopefully appreciate how many people are working really hard to make Star Citizen a game like no other. One of the reasons the new Road Map is taking time because we're building a system that visualizes all this as a top level directly from our JIRA database. We plan to use a more verbose version of the public roadmap for our internal sprint scheduling, so the data you see will be a sanitized version of what we see (we won't share individual developer names and assignments publically for obvious reasons but internally we will see this).
I sense from your reply to me that it's the time taken and priorities that you're frustrated with, as you feel like we're focusing on the wrong things. I can see that point of view, but you're looking at it from the outside without the full knowledge of exactly what it will take, and the order it needs to be done in to deliver the gameplay that will set Star Citizen above everything else. This is the game I've dreamed of my whole life. Now I am in a position to realize it, I am not willing to compromise it's potential because it is taking longer than I originally envisioned. What I will commit to, and what is an internal priority is to improve the current gameplay and quality of life as we go, as Star Citizen is already fun in many ways, even if more buggy and not as stable as I would like, and just finishing off and polishing the basics will make it play as well or better than most other games.
I can promise you the gameplay I described is not a pipe dream, nor will it take 10 to 20 years to deliver. I described systems we either have working, or are working on; we've even shown early versions of some of this like fire on Inside Star Citizen. I can't promise you exactly what quarter it will come together but once the new Road Map web work is done you'll be able to see the teams progress to achieving what I describe in real time.
Thank you for your support and passion over the years. I hope this extra insight was helpful.
Hey man, he 'promised' that this gameplay is NOT a pipedream! Its not going to take "10 to 20 years to develop" because this shit is being "worked on'". Thats from Chris himself.It’s amazing how in every shady ass video game project development, there is always this one developer making long-ass boring posts filled with excuses to attempt to justify their bullshit to dem “haters”, the “setting the record straight” cliché sort of post.
It’s amazing how in every shady ass video game project development, there is always this one developer making long-ass boring posts filled with excuses to attempt to justify their bullshit to dem “haters”, the “setting the record straight” cliché sort of post.
Some developers find the best way to convince haters they're wrong is by simply delivering the product they promised in a timely manner.
Seriously though, the nerve of that guy...squander 300 million in backer funds, 9 years and it’s still ”early days“, go dark and hide from the public for months, keep cutting all features from the quarterly patches, no updates on what is happening with SQ42 or core tech like server meshing. Then write a post that’s basically saying „Im tired of you suckers, if you expect to get any updates from me or the other devs you better be nice to us!“.
And he gets showered in praise by the fanboys on the official reddit for it, too. Unbelievable.
Hello again, everyone!
Coming at you with another update as we get closer to Alpha 3.11! Like we mentioned before, teams are putting the final touches on their work that you’ll be able to see in the ‘verse come patch day, and we're taking the opportunity to provide some additional insight into some of the upcoming improvements!
In tomorrow's Roadmap update, a card will be added detailing the relaxation of armistice restrictions. Beginning in Alpha 3.11, we are allowing ship combat in Armistice Zones around all rest stops. The caveat is that it’s ship combat only – FPS weapons combat is still disabled inside or outside the station due to a limitation which should be rectified in a later release. Obviously, we couldn’t simply allow ship combat without also ensuring our stations were adequately protected and policed so there have been big developments in this area.
We wanted to give you a bit of a deeper look into the changes that will be made alongside the armistice relaxations, so we once again caught up with Luke Pressley (@PickledAtRandom) and the design team to break them all down for you:
- Destructible defenses of a few sizes and varieties have been added on and around the rest stops. These range from the small S4 turrets (now destructible) placed on landing pads, through S6 sentries seen in the Claim Jumpers missions, to ALL new S10 turrets on and around the perimeter of the stations. Once destroyed, these currently respawn after 5 minutes (subject to balancing), but in future we aim improve this simplistic system.
- We have created a Security Response system which while still quite simplistic, adds the CrimeStats of all players in the area (we’re calling this internally the “heat”) and spawns security ships of increasing number and strength in response. The system responds quickly to increases in an area’s heat by spawning in new ships and despawning out any weaker ships they replace. The system responds slower to the killing of its own members (should the heat not be raised by this) and slower still to decreases in heat (to keep security patrolling for a time to ensure the threat doesn't return any time soon). We will develop this system further in the future to also take into account the type of ship the players are using.
- A new infraction has been created called the Armistice Violation. This is a felony and is given should players damage other ships or station defenses within the Armistice Zone. It does have a grace period and allowance in which the player is warned that further infractions will result in a felony. For it the first implementation, this new infraction will only remain active on the player’s criminal record of 1 day.
- Should the player enter the Armistice zone while having a CrimeStat or gain a CrimeStat whilst within the zone, they will be shown a warning telling them to leave immediately.
As usual we'll be monitoring your feedback closely as soon as soon as you get your hands on these changes, so be sure to let us know what you think! We understand this is a fundamental change and fully plan to iterate until we're in a good place.
We hope you enjoyed this update! Like we mentioned before, we don't have a set schedule for these types of updates but we'll be continuing to follow up with other teams in the coming weeks to see what additional 3.11 fixes and improvements we're able and ready to share early with y'all. Stay tuned!
Do actual gamedevs try to work at this company?
Like I'm wondering how does their development process even function without admitting to themselves that it is a scam.