So my questions is :- Which will be the better as a game? SC or Starfield?
So my questions is :- Which will be the better as a game? SC or Starfield?
Didn't know that the telescope was notorious. Why is that ?Star Citizen's release date is as notorious as the James Webb Space Telescope's.![]()
Didn't know that the telescope was notorious. Why is that ?
LoL didn't know that,tho it makes sense,nasa is pretty much in decline,far worst since its holywood days. Also if this meme happens i will laugh me arse off.Didn't know that the telescope was notorious. Why is that ?
14 years delayed and probably legitimately 500% over its budget even with the most generous allowances for government corruption. Billions of dollars wasted that could have gone to Star Citizen.
Close enuff.
From the article:
Oh shit, that didn't cross my mind until now but I definitely can see that happening!I fully expect Star Citizen will announce its first NFT-ship sale in 2022.
They invented NFTs before it was cool
From the article:
Oh shit, that didn't cross my mind until now but I definitely can see that happening!I fully expect Star Citizen will announce its first NFT-ship sale in 2022.
Lads, get ready for next-level .jpg selling.
Close enuff.
SCleaks explains situation.
SCleaks says that due to 3.15 changing a lot internally 3.16 was actually forked much earlier in production not to be late if 3.15 had major problems. 3.15 actually arrived with slight delay which was surprising for CIG as they expected major issues with it as it was major rework internally. Once it became obvious that 3.15 is fine and pretty much on time they decided that it doesn't make sense to put a lot of features on old fork that will have to be redone either way so they stripped it and moved most of the work to much newer fork of their master but due to features being done on much older fork they naturally can't be moved 1:1 and they now require some work. They basically made it into event update with ninetails and jumptown events.
3.17 is major rework much like 3.15 was internally. And CIG much like in case of 3.15 expects major delay if something in development goes wrong. 3.17 also brings some further fps improvements.
Lol, the fuck you on about, fucking “SCleaks explains”... it has been happening through its entire development, and there is always a fancy ass “just trust me bro, you are just not big brain enuff to even start to comprehend” sort of excuse for it.
Its just the same old, same old…
I'll stop believing SCLeaks when they stop being right. With all the backend work being done, I'm fine with a couple quarters of relatively small patches just so they're not constantly redoing the same work constantly. Isn't that the kind of scenario the anti-SC crowd should appreciate given their mockery of constant reworks and 'wasteful development'?
Some numbers for 2021:
Lol, the fuck you on about, fucking “SCleaks explains”... it has been happening through its entire development, and there is always a fancy ass “just trust me bro, you are just not big brain enuff to even start to comprehend” sort of excuse for it.
Its just the same old, same old…
SCleaks are guys who were fed up with CIG official explanations and got insiders in CIG. With such huge team it is hard now for CIG to keep under wraps anything. Evocati used to be completely closed testing channel, now patchnotes and such are public few minutes after patch goes up.
They don't need to compromise though, that's the appeal. I guess I don't understand why people want an unprecedented situation to be scoped down to be 'more manageable' when it's unnecessary. They're gonna have new offices with a thousand employees by 2026. Widespread twenty plus years of anti publisher rhetoric on the internet and now those same people want a crowdfunded game in a completely unprecedented scenario to be treated more like something under one of the major publishers? Also it sucks that people treat Star Citizen's development timeline as if it's preposterous even though a by-the-numbers MMO like Star Wars The Old Republic took 7 years. If Star Citizen's soft-launch with a handful of systems happens in 2023-2025 that would be reasonable given the scope of the game.
On a related note, I hope the whales keep buying $40,000 ship packs because if I haven't already felt the supposed "pay2win" aspects of the pledge store then it isn't pay2win because my Avenger Titan ($55) can outmaneuver and destroy ships worth exponentially more. These ship packs are a small price to pay to have a space sim MMO worth half a billion dollars.
I'll stop believing SCLeaks when they stop being right. With all the backend work being done, I'm fine with a couple quarters of relatively small patches just so they're not constantly redoing the same work constantly. Isn't that the kind of scenario the anti-SC crowd should appreciate given their mockery of constant reworks and 'wasteful development'?
Personally I really don't care what they do now. I consider the whole project to be a scam not so much in the sense of "they can never produce anything" (they fucking better with that much money), but that the project does not in anyway resemble what they originally pitched (the singleplayer Wing Commander successor), let alone deliver it in a few years. For those who joined later with the knowledge they were funding an endlessly-developed MMO that's fine, but I will never stop thinking they are scummy for what they did with the original KS.
Personally I really don't care what they do now. I consider the whole project to be a scam not so much in the sense of "they can never produce anything" (they fucking better with that much money), but that the project does not in anyway resemble what they originally pitched (the singleplayer Wing Commander successor), let alone deliver it in a few years. For those who joined later with the knowledge they were funding an endlessly-developed MMO that's fine, but I will never stop thinking they are scummy for what they did with the original KS.
The problem is that they do actually try to do what they promised not that they don't do what they promised. If they would lie and just ignore streatchgoals they would probably be done years ago but there would be no FPS, planets would be nice JPEGs etc.
What systems are still missing to make S42?