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Wasteland Should I Keep Playing Wasteland 2?


Oct 9, 2018
As others said, California is way better than Arizona, in Arizona i felt like if i was playing a re-tell of W1 beats and California really feels like its own thing.

I dont even know why i finished W2 in the first place either now that i think about it, i played and finished the OG W2 and never tried the DC edition because the OG left a bad taste in my mouth that i could never shake off, i have vague memories of the game, i remember terrible performance, bland graphics, not so interesting dialogue (at least in Arizona), California was green fucking everywhere, a terrible difficulty spike with robots pushing my shit in either before or after Arizona and something to do with metal armors and begin low in ammo all the time.

This is the reason i have 0 interest in Wasteland 3 even if i love post-apoc shit.


Aug 27, 2014
Le Balkans
Best game inxile ever made. Had a lot of fun with it. But if you find it a slog, it wont get much better.

P.S. there is a lot of mines and explosives in the game, so not speccing one char in disarm is defo a mistake


phase-based phantasmist
Mar 14, 2011
no, from my experience it's sadly an irredeemable piece of shit


yes, it's party and turn-based - but it suffers from a horrible character system (they had Stackpole and St Andre on board ffs :argh:), horrible itemization (and/or firearm representation into a game-friendly format - i don't know what moron though the weapon tiers were a good idea), and mediocre content (areas and quests) at best
people who disagree with my post, all righty then:

1) does the character system (attributes, skills, level progression) show it's a new system with design input by Stackpole and St Andre (who have both designed good P&P systems before)?

2) does game content (areas and quests) make good use of that system?

i think both of these have been often mentioned in game threads, and can be roughly summarized as: a meh letdown

3) i know rpg itemization is often funky, and when it deals with swords and bows it sort of doesn't matter as we can treat them as unknowable antiques in an unknowable foreign world of magic so anything goes - but treating roughly contemporary firearms in the same manner?

seriously, how to justify this shit:


every single thing in this table (with the possible exception of price) indicates it was designed by a Prussian teenager unfamiliar with the world who ran away with a time-travelling circus and joined InXile shortly after


Jul 10, 2014
All I remember from this game was some super shitty weapon mechanic near the end, where my dudes would be better off naked than wearing power armor. Which didn't even show on the models because of the fucktarded vanity items design they went with.

So don't force yourself, it's not horrible, but still pretty forgetable.


Jan 24, 2019
Pity, because imho it's worth it. Arizona has some decent atmosphere, particularly as you get into the mad monks area, and then California is great. Mr Manners absolutely cracked me up, and there are some little moments/scenes that are just greatly pulled. Completely inconsequential, but wow.

"Samson Samson protect me. Raise your hammer for all to see. Blazing bright throughout the night. Keep me safe till morning light."

It's too late now but skipping Ag Center and picking the city attacked by raiders is the right choice, Ag-Center is a mess.

Hard disagree. Ag Centre is definitely rough for a new party and a slog at times, but Doc Rose is worth her weight in lore.


Jan 8, 2009
The game is OK but it's a huge mess technically, aesthetically, mechanics wise, everything wise. If it feels really rough now that feeling's just going to continue to build.

Darth Canoli

Jun 8, 2018
Perched on a tree
Hard disagree. Ag Centre is definitely rough for a new party and a slog at times, but Doc Rose is worth her weight in lore.

I couldn't care less about WL2 lore ... The writer was probably on meth or just getting out of a loony bin.

And battle encounters are way better in the village/refinery where you fight a gang with a fair amount of cover for everyone and have to fight your way to the top.


Dec 28, 2015
California is different to Arizona, and it is better in some sense with some sophisticated role playing and quest design, but I would not necessarily say that it is more enjoyable. YMMV. The big antagonist is laughably uninspired, and inXile's SJW issues also become apparent in California (but maybe that's fitting, it is California after all).

I do not remember having any major technical issues with the DC version.
Feb 8, 2020
Wasteland 2 was quite fun for a while, but there is a limit to how many "there are two equally retarded sides In conflict, pick who wins" quest chains I can force myself through. I was on 5th one before dropping it.


May 5, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Deuce Traveler What bugs? I played the Enhanced Edition after playing the original, and there were no bugs. I should spceify that I completed it each time as well.
True story.


Apr 17, 2020
I decided to play again since I had finished it before DC was released. I have to agree with the criticism regarding the itemization being made in tiers, but that an issue where RPG devs suffer with guns in general they don't know how to balance several weapon brands, they are taught that the player wants a sense o progression. Tier is the easy way out for it.
The first 3-4 tiers of weapon are justifiable since you start with a very old weapon or custom made by a amateur, but after that (Using the Assault Rifles as example here) you go from FAMAS to M16 and so on thats where the shit hits the fan.
Game devs should take into account the caliber of the weapon, custom ammunition, mods and weapon frames in order to balance it and add stats based on these elements.

The gameplay is decent, if you are playing on high difficulties you have to plan how to have the upper hand on your enemies, have to count bullets and medic supplies so you cant simply keep trying to mow down everything.

Character creation I have mixed feelings, since the whole objective is to build a squad where everyone fill a function instead of the squad mate having its own identity. So you end up doing "meta" squad composition. The Quirks added in DC are not much attractive IMO, just created one character with Ascetic status since I designated him as the killer so the extra status and skill point would give an upper head early game and late.

The story is all right I really like the intro of having to choose between Ag Center and Highpool, gives the can't have everything feeling that's a common trend in the game, you have choices and you will have different experiences on that.


Jul 28, 2018
There is absolutely nothing that Wasteland 2 does particularly well. Not the character building, not the combat, not the writing or the C&C. It's just alright.
Drop it.

Old Hans

Oct 10, 2011
when you get to LA and the dogs kill you in 2 hits. that's terrible horse shit. Why are wild dogs and badgers teaming up anyways?
May 26, 2020
The combat really sucks, and the game's full of it. Takes you only about 2 hours to come up with the best AR builds and never lose a fight again. Boring af.

Darth Canoli

Jun 8, 2018
Perched on a tree
The combat really sucks, and the game's full of it. Takes you only about 2 hours to come up with the best AR builds and never lose a fight again. Boring af.

Of course, if you're making a party of clones, the game sucks, that's true for every single party based game.

I thought the encounter design was quite good, most of the time, even brilliant sometimes and if you play like a non autistic codexer with different weapons for everyone, the combat is interesting, like in the red skorpions area, the raiders junkyard/base, the first cultists you meet, the first giant robots, the first cyborgs, some ambushes here and there, etc.


Feb 29, 2012
it has just the right amount of difficulty for me on the normal setting

normal is another word for easy
in today double-speak

not sure if you are serious or trolling

I'm about 15 hours into Wasteland 2: Director's Cut ....

I also can't complete some quests due to poor quest designs. For instance, I freed some pigs for some farmer, but they blew themselves up when they tried to return home via a mine field (I don't have the skill to disarm traps or explosives...oops), but the game doesn't allow me to tell the farmer what happened and death is permanent in Wasteland 2, so it's not like I can bring the pigs back.

The game crashes on me often. I'm also stuck since the game won't load the Ranger Station when I try to return to base to continue my quest. I've deleted the game and reinstalled, but I get the same error. I can look for unofficial patches, but at this point I'm getting frustrated and don't want to spend a lot of time trying to hunt down fixes to this game if I'm going to continue to run into other problems down the road.

It's a shame. There's a good game in here, but the bugs are really sapping the fun out of it for me and I'm wondering if I should bother.

what is wrong with people like you, bro

if you let npc or pig die and fail quest because you dont have needed skills, why it is poor design? it is good design. this means, that character building matters and have C&C.
May 26, 2020
The combat really sucks, and the game's full of it. Takes you only about 2 hours to come up with the best AR builds and never lose a fight again. Boring af.

Of course, if you're making a party of clones, the game sucks, that's true for every single party based game.

I thought the encounter design was quite good, most of the time, even brilliant sometimes and if you play like a non autistic codexer with different weapons for everyone, the combat is interesting, like in the red skorpions area, the raiders junkyard/base, the first cultists you meet, the first giant robots, the first cyborgs, some ambushes here and there, etc.

You don't even need a whole party of AR guys. You just need 3 AR guys, you can do with the rest whatever you want and still win every fight. Something is seriously imbalanced, but it's apparently all swept under the rug because you don't want to "play as an autistic codexer" when in fact, this game is so fucking easy that my 11-year old cousin could beat it on his first try.

Y'all are deriving pleasure from this shit because you are just too retarded to actually build any viable character, and even if you do create a semi viable character, your retarded brain tells you that it's not "cool" because this arbitrary guy is using the same weapon as the last arbitrary guy.


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
How's dying and reloading a thousand times working out for your enlightened philosophy of true enjoyment?
Look, bro.

One of us chose not to use assault rifles at all because they sounded overpowered and boring. This person instead experimented with a variety of weapons and character builds, deliberately exploring strengths and weaknesses, improvising various tactics, experiencing surprising victories and hilarious defeats. This person had a dynamic, interesting time with the game and remembers how fun it all was.

The other person found one thing that worked, pressed the same button over and over again for 30+ hours straight, never risked anything, never tried anything new, and hated it the entire time, hoping to prove to someone how tough they are at video games. (Spoiler: no one cares.) This person regrets their time with the game, yet loudly and angrily pats themselves on the back for being so smart.

Which approach do you think worked out better?
Last edited:


Aug 28, 2008
Nirvana for mice
The game feels like the project of some random eastern Yurop Fallout Fans who got together one day and decided to make their own post apocalyptic RPG on a budget of one full potato. It's not bad, but everything about it feels cheap. The graphics, the sounds, the UI, the haphazard skill design, the awful controls, everything about it is amateurish. But then you realize this game was supposedly made by industry veterans. And it's also one of the ugliest RPGs I have ever played, even managing to outugly AOD, and that's saying a lot.

Still better than POE.
May 26, 2020
How's dying and reloading a thousand times working out for your enlightened philosophy of true enjoyment?
One of us chose not to use assault rifles at all because they sounded overpowered and boring. This person instead experimented with a variety of weapons and character builds, improvising various tactics, experiencing surprising victories and hilarious defeats. This person had a dynamic, interesting time with the game and remembers how fun it all was.

The other person found one thing that worked, pressed the same button over and over again for 30+ hours straight, never risked anything, never tried anything new, and hated it the entire time, hoping to prove to someone how tough they are at video games. (Spoiler: no one cares.) This person regrets their time with the game, and loudly and angrily pats themselves on the back for being so smart.

You're assuming a lot of things about me, since I JUST said that you don't even need a whole team of AR guys. When you have one basic type of weapons of the game that is so overpowered, you have an imbalance of mechanics. Just because you avoid using it doesn't mean it's not a problem. No amount of pivoting can cover up this glaring weakness of the game.

On top of all that, it hasn't even been overhauled or fixed in any way for the last 5 years. Just goes to show how much anybody cares. The new Wasteland came out, not sure if you've tried playing it, but the AR's actually got nerfed to the ground in this one. I saw you roll your eyes at one of my earlier comments. But seriously, roll eyes at this.
May 26, 2020
The game feels like the project of some random eastern Yurop Fallout Fans who got together one day and decided to make their own post apocalyptic RPG on a budget of one full potato. It's not bad, but everything about it feels cheap. The graphics, the sounds, the UI, the haphazard skill design, the awful controls, everything about it is amateurish. But then you realize this game was supposedly made by industry veterans. And it's also one of the ugliest RPGs I have ever played, even managing to outugly AOD, and that's saying a lot.

Still better than POE.

That pretty much sums it up, thanks.


Dec 15, 2016
Look, bro.

One of us chose not to use assault rifles at all because they sounded overpowered and boring. This person instead experimented with a variety of weapons and character builds, deliberately exploring strengths and weaknesses, improvising various tactics, experiencing surprising victories and hilarious defeats. This person had a dynamic, interesting time with the game and remembers how fun it all was.

The other person found one thing that worked, pressed the same button over and over again for 30+ hours straight, never risked anything, never tried anything new, and hated it the entire time, hoping to prove to someone how tough they are at video games. (Spoiler: no one cares.) This person regrets their time with the game, yet loudly and angrily pats themselves on the back for being so smart.

Which approach do you think worked out better?

The third approach ofc: Repeatedly complaining about how unbalanced and shit the combat is in codex :smug:

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