Where can I find cultish hoods?
one of the hotel rooms in the essex has some in a drawer
Where can I find cultish hoods?
Aren't they in a locked drawer? There is a drawer I couldn't open and I had subterfuge 3. Not sure if it's the same one.
Not for long, and the item is under a floorboard, not a chest. At least if it's the pocket watch that you're talking about.I have a quest to go to the attic of the inn to get an item from a chest but the bartender says the room is occupied. How long does it stay like that?
is occultist playthrough basically malkavian one?
That was a different part. The transmitter is supposed to be in a crate in the warehouse but I went through almost every room in there and couldn't see it. I think it might be the final room, where you're forced to fight 8 ghouls. I just don't see how that room is doable for most characters that aren't strictly focused on combat, like mine is.
If the transmitter IS in that room, then it's fucking shitty quest design.
There is crafting benches,one is in the warehouse's first room with no enemy and the other one is in the hut where the dude sells drugs.
Also, someone mentioned spells were useless - in the hotel you find the al razi spit spell - it usually oneshots crazies for me. The higher your occult and mind is, the more damage it does
Speeding up this game works fine with Cheat Engine.needs a way to speed combat up
what is it with every turn based game being so fucking slow, do devs even test this shit?
I really dig this game, but I have one immersion breaking bug. On every map/screen I see a dwarf doppelgänger version of one of my companion just standing around.
Seriously, hunger/fatigue/(in)sanity/darkness and etc. mechanics are perfect fit for this game, just for the love of Winged God communicate them to us a little better!
Yeah that's the one.Not for long, and the item is under a floorboard, not a chest. At least if it's the pocket watch that you're talking about.I have a quest to go to the attic of the inn to get an item from a chest but the bartender says the room is occupied. How long does it stay like that?
Equipping a backpack results in the backpack disappearing from your inventory.
Kicking two party members can result in carrying too many items, which are dropped on the floor. A side effect is that your inventory disappears completely, and you can no longer access the game menu - you can't even quit the game. I had to alt-tab and go into task manager.
could you address the game being really slow issue?Speeding up this game works fine with Cheat Engine.needs a way to speed combat up
what is it with every turn based game being so fucking slow, do devs even test this shit?
I really dig this game, but I have one immersion breaking bug. On every map/screen I see a dwarf doppelgänger version of one of my companion just standing around.
We're addressing the issue right now. It's crucial for our efforts that you send us a log export if you can indeed reproduce this condition. Please follow these steps:
1. Hit the console button (the one under Escape: "/é)
2. Type "exportlog" without the quote marks. This should generate a log folder on the desktop.
3. Compress this folder and send it to culticgames@gmail.com
Thanks in advance
Pro Tips - A How to Survive Arkham Guide
The right mouse button is your best friend. It opens a radial menu with all abilities and skills applicable to the chosen object or character. It can be used both in and out of combat. Make sure to right-click all objects you find curious.
Choosing your PC’s Belief System is a big decision. It’s an important gameplay mechanic. Make sure to choose the one you are actually going to roleplay most of the time. Don’t make everything harder for yourself by roleplaying a materialist with a humanistic PC.
Make sure to avoid fighting if possible. Combat is the main source of ANGST points. ANGST points are like negative experience points. The more of them you get, the more defect and traumatized your PC will become.
You don’t have to kill everybody in order to win struggles and progress forward. The longer you fight the better chances you will get an open window for a Progressive Escape. If you see blue cells on a battlefield, rush to them and press the escape button. You will win the fight and keep all the loot you’ve salvaged.
All quests and challenges in Stygian can be solved by at least four approaches: direct, cunning, intellectual and costly. Be attentive because almost any character builds, especially non-combat one, can solve most of the challenges without either fighting or spending money.
Every character class has three skills which can be maxed out. We recommend spending most of your skill points on them for the better RPG experience.
Science, Medicine, Survival skills have separate crafting branches. We recommend using all advantages from crafting if your character class allows it.
You can’t complete Stygian and not to go nuts a couple of times. Drug issues, alcoholism, mental disorders - all of this is a part of the game. It is also a part of your PC which can even make him or her even stronger. Don’t be afraid and bravely walk into the abyss.
Skills checks usually involve both skills and attributes. There is no point putting skill points into Subterfuge if your character has low Agility.
Take a closer look at possibilities which resting gives to you and your companions. For example, studying new spells, scientific research and artifacts deciphering are available only when your party is resting.
Always hide your identity before directly opposing the Mob. Wear a mask. Like a swimming mask or a burglar mask. A gas mask will do too.
A lantern is the best way to save your sanity in darkness. Make sure you have it and a kerosene supply before exploring the warehouse.
Try to keep your sanity level above 50% to lower risks of acquiring a mental condition.
Some classes have unique companions from the start. Try out the Explorer to get our favourite dog companion!
Speeding up this game works fine with Cheat Engine.needs a way to speed combat up
what is it with every turn based game being so fucking slow, do devs even test this shit?
I really dig this game, but I have one immersion breaking bug. On every map/screen I see a dwarf doppelgänger version of one of my companion just standing around.
We're addressing the issue right now. It's crucial for our efforts that you send us a log export if you can indeed reproduce this condition. Please follow these steps:
1. Hit the console button (the one under Escape: "/é)
2. Type "exportlog" without the quote marks. This should generate a log folder on the desktop.
3. Compress this folder and send it to culticgames@gmail.com
Thanks in advance
I think this thread is going to take a hard pass at your further involvement.Hard pass until they fix slow combat and slow game.
IndianNoob 8/10:
Stygian: Regin of the Old Ones is hands down one of the best Lovecraftian video game adaptations out there. It’s also a good RPG that’s just short of excellence due to the average combat, relatively short length and somewhat limited exploration. A dark, brooding setting, narrative-driven gameplay, satisfying role-playing options and plenty of choices await those who buy Stygian. If the current price seems a bit too steep, don’t forget to add it to your must-play list and pick it up down the line.
Gaming Trend 95/100:
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones is a fantastic RPG. The story is interesting, the characters are unique, the quests are varied, and the systems run deep. There are a variety of different ways to play this game and I can’t wait to jump back in and explore some new paths. This is one nightmare I highly recommend.
High Ground Gaming 7.3/10:
Reign of the Old Ones promises deep roleplaying, choice-driven questlines, and a terrific sense of existential dread. I could take the combat or leave it, and a few mechanics could have been fleshed out better, but I still have plenty of reasons to dive back into the half-dead shell of Arkham.
Radial menu doesn't help you if you are missing an item and you can't figure out what item you need. It's the old point-and-click adventure game problem - trying to figure out what the developer is thinking, rather than coming up with your own solution. The brick wall safe is a perfect example of this. It's absolutely not intuitive that you need to go talk to the guard to ask him to break the wall. Why can't I break down the wall? Why would he just let you loot the safe without asking for a cut of the contents, or just murder you for whatever's in there? How did he get past the monsters that I sneaked by, in the previous room? My first thought was to throw an explosive at it - I could have spent the next 30 minutes trying to find such an item, but this is too tiresome for an old gamer like me to bother with. Perhaps a clue, such as my character saying "I need to find someone strong enough to break through this..." would help.https://steamcommunity.com/games/779290/announcements/detail/1580124947776142443
Pro Tips - A How to Survive Arkham Guide
The right mouse button is your best friend. It opens a radial menu with all abilities and skills applicable to the chosen object or character. It can be used both in and out of combat. Make sure to right-click all objects you find curious.
Choosing your PC’s Belief System is a big decision. It’s an important gameplay mechanic. Make sure to choose the one you are actually going to roleplay most of the time. Don’t make everything harder for yourself by roleplaying a materialist with a humanistic PC.
Make sure to avoid fighting if possible. Combat is the main source of ANGST points. ANGST points are like negative experience points. The more of them you get, the more defect and traumatized your PC will become.
You don’t have to kill everybody in order to win struggles and progress forward. The longer you fight the better chances you will get an open window for a Progressive Escape. If you see blue cells on a battlefield, rush to them and press the escape button. You will win the fight and keep all the loot you’ve salvaged.
All quests and challenges in Stygian can be solved by at least four approaches: direct, cunning, intellectual and costly. Be attentive because almost any character builds, especially non-combat one, can solve most of the challenges without either fighting or spending money.
Every character class has three skills which can be maxed out. We recommend spending most of your skill points on them for the better RPG experience.
Science, Medicine, Survival skills have separate crafting branches. We recommend using all advantages from crafting if your character class allows it.
You can’t complete Stygian and not to go nuts a couple of times. Drug issues, alcoholism, mental disorders - all of this is a part of the game. It is also a part of your PC which can even make him or her even stronger. Don’t be afraid and bravely walk into the abyss.
Skills checks usually involve both skills and attributes. There is no point putting skill points into Subterfuge if your character has low Agility.
Take a closer look at possibilities which resting gives to you and your companions. For example, studying new spells, scientific research and artifacts deciphering are available only when your party is resting.
Always hide your identity before directly opposing the Mob. Wear a mask. Like a swimming mask or a burglar mask. A gas mask will do too.
A lantern is the best way to save your sanity in darkness. Make sure you have it and a kerosene supply before exploring the warehouse.
Try to keep your sanity level above 50% to lower risks of acquiring a mental condition.
Some classes have unique companions from the start. Try out the Explorer to get our favourite dog companion!
Yeah, sorry I just couldn't be bothered to spoiler any of my posts, I'm a lazy fuck like that. Apologies if you saw anything that you considered spoilery.I think I'll suggest to devs on Steam forums idea of having eldritch watch item we could use to measure rest of our doomed existence and track our financial obligations/hunger/fatigue etc. Noice solution both mechanically & immersive
Also some of fellow Codex brethren could reaaally learn: