As a little sidenote, if we get more Lovecraftian games in the future (which I'm starting to hope we won't given that they all end up being disappointing), I really hope that we will get a game that is not just a collection of Lovecraft stories. In my mind, you can be Lovecraftian without referencing Innsmouth in every goddamn game for example.
Write something that has similar sensibilities, unlocking the mysteries of the world, dealing with sanity and horror, all that shit. But do it without referencing Cthulhu or Dagon or all the other well known stuff that's been done to death. Keep the atmosphere but come up with new stuff. Getting a Cthulhu statuette is not interesting or mysterious, seeing the Marsh family referenced in every Lovecraft game ever made is not interesting or mysterious, having a quest essentially be The Whisperer in Darkness gives away the fact that yes, I will be meeting and probably fighting one of those flying Yuggoth cunts at some point. It goes on and on and on and it's not scary, it's not mysterious, it's not interesting. It's just "hey guys I get that reference, that's so cool!" and it's shitty.
Lovecraft is well known pop culture at this point. I have a Christmas Cthulhu plushie in my sofa. Cthulhu is nostalgic. It's not scary or interesting any more. It's been sucked dry of mystery.
Fuck the stories and come up with something new and have the "oooh it's a Lovecraftian game!" come from the atmosphere instead.