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The Dragon Age: Inquisition Thread


Dec 8, 2011
Alright, time for the final boss!

"We need to defeat Corypenis" they said.

And we do. The party is literally teleported in front of the final boss. No build up whatsoever.

I slap him and his dragon a bit and he dies... the Inquisitor kills him by teleporting him into the Fade... where he wanted to go in the first place...

Oh well. There isn't even some kind of choice with the Orb like DAO Dark Ritual.


You read it well. The NPC and the crafting stations completely disappear from the game.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas

You read it well. The NPC and the crafting stations completely disappear from the game.

Also all companion quests end too. Which is amusing since putting off companions you didn't use much would probably be a common thing.

Goat Vomit

Apr 15, 2014
I slap him and his dragon a bit and he dies... the Inquisitor kills him by teleporting him into the Fade... where he wanted to go in the first place...
I never thought about that. So... does that mean he's a god now or what?


Jul 16, 2009
While reading through a review of DAI I found an official quote from Matt Rhodes, lead artist on DAI, on why 'the characters are ugly':

"For those who are interested, we have been very calculated when it comes to engineering our characters imperfections. The development process has a built in erosion mechanism: many stakeholders in many review meetings tend to trim away a characters humanizing flaws and oddities, leaving little more than "pretty" and "safe" . Strip and shave most game characters today and you'd be hard pressed to tell most of them apart. We've worked very hard on Inquisition to safeguard our characters from this erosion process. We want to give them more identity than just their clothes, hairstyle and makeup. It's our hope that after you've spent some time with them, our character's will be as inseparable from their quirks, flaws and oddities as your own friends and family are from theirs"

Trans.: we went for 'realism.'

Tracing the source, however, I found that the statement was made by Rhodes in a thread on Morrigan being ugly in DAI.

...What? And here I thought Morrigan was one of the best looking female characters in DAI when put beside their other offerings.
I tried to search google for a "cute game character with a scar", just to see how a nice model looks like. Google found xxxxx with a scarf.

Why is Google so fucked up?


Village Idiot
Nov 3, 2014
A few interesting quotes from the let's player I'm watching:

"Oh, Fire Essence, thanks. That I'm sure will come in handy. [+ proceeds to destroy about 10 inventory items to make room for a random trash loot drop] Crafting anything is really underdeveloped for me yet, like, nothing we've really spent time doing." [currently level 7 in the time-warp area, all companions activated]

"I'm actually really enjoying that [Dragon Age routine/community], I come home and I'm just... I get the chance to sit down and unwind and play a little bit of Dragon Age, and then, yeah, it's, ah, nice for me. ... I've been really enjoying that"

"There's one thing that I don't like about Inquisition, one thing and it's very specific, but it's when you're actually in combat and you're targeting different people, like, I'm using keyboard and mouse and so I know I can kinda tab through the people that I'm targeting now and that seems better, but I also think that I'm supposed to kinda click on them to target them, to start it that way, so I kind of have this weird control scheme in my mind that I don't think is translating to the keyboard and mouse directly, where as with a controller I would probably feel more comfortable in the combat scenarios.

But I'm handling it pretty well, I don't use the tactical camera as much as I could but combat up to this point has either been pretty... pretty easy I would say, or drastically difficult and I... they just kill me instantly. And I just think that's just the level disparity between my party and some of the areas that I went to prematurely. So I'm really liking it. ...Pretty cool stuff. [then proceeds to wax beautiful about how much he's loving his Wasteland 2 let's play and how great the combat and options are in W2 for a much longer part of his "thoughts" video etc etc etc]"


Jun 15, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Alright, time for the final boss!

"We need to defeat Corypenis" they said.

And we do. The party is literally teleported in front of the final boss. No build up whatsoever.

I slap him and his dragon a bit and he dies... the Inquisitor kills him by teleporting him into the Fade... where he wanted to go in the first place...

Oh well. There isn't even some kind of choice with the Orb like DAO Dark Ritual.


You read it well. The NPC and the crafting stations completely disappear from the game.
Speaking of Corpypheus, he comes off as utterly impotent and ineffectual after Skyhold in hindsight. On the one hand, the game tries its best to build him up as some mysterious being of immense power, going as far as to include out-of-place cutscenes of him flying around and cheating death by possessing others. On the other hand, the player is able to sabotage Corypheus' plans constantly with no retaliation in sight. While Corypheus' army and ambitions are getting increasingly obliterated, your war table advisers keep mentioning in solemn tones about how dangerous Corypheus is. It almost felt like slapstick comedy, but unfortunately, it's merely very serious Bioware writing that lacks sufficient self-awareness.

Nearly every other story arc of the main quest, be it the Mage-Templar conflict, the Warden corruption, the Orlais succession or the Morrigan resolution, would have been a better choice for the main story focus.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
While reading through a review of DAI I found an official quote from Matt Rhodes, lead artist on DAI, on why 'the characters are ugly':

"For those who are interested, we have been very calculated when it comes to engineering our characters imperfections. The development process has a built in erosion mechanism: many stakeholders in many review meetings tend to trim away a characters humanizing flaws and oddities, leaving little more than "pretty" and "safe" . Strip and shave most game characters today and you'd be hard pressed to tell most of them apart. We've worked very hard on Inquisition to safeguard our characters from this erosion process. We want to give them more identity than just their clothes, hairstyle and makeup. It's our hope that after you've spent some time with them, our character's will be as inseparable from their quirks, flaws and oddities as your own friends and family are from theirs"

Trans.: we went for 'realism.'

Tracing the source, however, I found that the statement was made by Rhodes in a thread on Morrigan being ugly in DAI.

...What? And here I thought Morrigan was one of the best looking female characters in DAI when put beside their other offerings.

You know, i think Bioware surpassed Bethesda in terms of how full of shit they are. With Todd Howard and company it is just pure chutzpah, just telling people that they are gifted gods that can do no wrong. But only Bioware could up with such a pretentious rationalization for their own incompetence.


Feb 19, 2013
My take on DA:I. (in German) Spoilers: I did not like what I played. Didn't complete the game because it is really a waste of time. I despise the way they handled the quest system. If I want to go on a mass-tourism trip, I'll go to Egypt and if I want to go grocery shopping I'll do exactly that. But I'm not playing DA:I to satisfy those urges. Ugh.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
I don't think I've ever played an RPG where money was more useless. Take the most "money is useless!" RPG you have ever played and multiply that by a thousand. That's how useless money is in this game.
Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
... I feel like there was a lot of potential in this game but I can't put a finger on what specific things might have improved it.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
I don't think I've ever played an RPG where money was more useless. Take the most "money is useless!" RPG you have ever played and multiply that by a thousand. That's how useless money is in this game.
Well, it's not exactly useless, there are things u can spend on, epic purple bow at lvl 13 for one is 3000 gold, but there's not much necessity.
Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
If Bioware is willing to make all these environments why won't they just make a game that adheres to Dragon Age: Origins standards ...?

I don't think I've ever played an RPG where money was more useless. Take the most "money is useless!" RPG you have ever played and multiply that by a thousand. That's how useless money is in this game.

Bioware can't into balance between economy, crafting, and dungeon crawling, so they decided to write off economy in favor of the other two.

It's okay, but not much more than that. Like most other features of the game.
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collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
... I feel like there was a lot of potential in this game but I can't put a finger on what specific things might have improved it.
*Slams inquisition book on the table*
Fire all the combat developer team.
Tell the new team to play DA:O and recreate that Tactical UI. Electro-shock the entire team when someone suggests 'holding left mouse button to attack' as a valid feature.

That's a start.
The rest are just ideas with fatal flaws in execution.


It's not pure trash, which is why it's so hard to understand why it did not turn out well.
But let's start slow, in the memory of monocause, who wants to read numbers and spreadsheet. Plus, Core Game Mechanics.
Firstly, darkpatriot said the table missions have branching path either you do it so well you gain best rewards, or you pick the wrong counselor for the job and end up with a marginal victory / botched result - reflected by the text and the resulting lesser rewards.

:happytrollboy:So what's the problem, Steve? That's C&C amirite?

To me, this is irrelevant, since the cost of table mission is actually ZERO and just requires time investment, who the hell cares?
You're not losing a damn thing since it's still a net gain no matter what happens.
And as DalekFlay said, money seems useless in this game, so you're not very sensitive to loss and gains on the table. After doing around 30 text missions with negligible results in terms of plus and minuses, my brain just can't give a fuck anymore. I'm just clicking shit cause it's a resource waiting to be exploited, not because I cared about the textual background.

Now, to the whole 'combat is a hassle and clusterfuck being turned over after 5 minutes of class spec. considerations' is probably the fastest turnaround I've experienced in modern RPGs. Fallout 3 had no difficulty curve, ME3 had very little aside from gear and pumping points on the proper skill, a good aim also helps.. But DA:I is just a case of terrible combat devs not understanding basic maths and how the whole math play out in their own game.

I already told you the Thousand Cuts, a focus Skill that has 38 hits dealing 300% weapon damage at maximum.
Someone thinks this isn't crazy enough and thought Flask of Flame's no resource consumption should also apply to this move as well.
So we have situations where Tempest can unload 38 hits with nary a single point in Focus consumed. And then do it again immediately.
:neveraskedforthis: 76 hit at 300% weapon damage? Hello? Wake the fuck up.

Wait, Steve! Dagger has higher DPS and therefore is more rewarding than bows!

Absolutely WRONG.

Your DPS means dick if you had to reposition every few seconds to land regular attacks. You also had to contend being squished by Dragons or other big bad's AOE. Not to mention knockdowns and shit mean you had to worry about when to go in and when to go out.

And your active skills barely scratch the mobs on the region of 1000+ DMG that Longshots can do. That doesn't even include Full Draw dealing 1600% Damage as opener. If that Full Draw crits, it's 3000 damage. It's instakill on non-heavy armor mobs.

:killitwithfire:3000 damage in one attack. You can't fucking outperform that even if I give you 10 seconds as daggers.

You can't fucking outperform ONE awesome button.
What hope do you have in countering FOUR?!

And since pure, raw damage gives more Focus gauge, you end up in situations where Bow user's Focus Gauge fill up much quicker than Dagger assassin while taking MUCH LESSER RISK AND DEALING MUCH MORE DAMAGE FROM 15 METERS AWAY IN MUCH LESS TIME.

:popamole:<---- this doesn't happen in DA:I cause the enemies don't even know how to use cover. Nor do they even have a chance to use cover.
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Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
I don't think I've ever played an RPG where money was more useless. Take the most "money is useless!" RPG you have ever played and multiply that by a thousand. That's how useless money is in this game.
Well, it's not exactly useless, there are things u can spend on, epic purple bow at lvl 13 for one is 3000 gold, but there's not much necessity.

I haven't seen one thing in a store better than what I had on me or could craft. It's all beginner equipment seemingly on there for if you respec and have nothing to use. Only thing I have bought in 40 hours of play is blank runes for crafting, and they cost like 50 gold when I have 50,000.
Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Well, like I said, the war room isn't a totally bankrupt notion. In theory it allows them to create a meaningful sense of atmosphere and consequence through different world states.

In theory. The trouble is, the content doesn't add up to a tangible sub-plot/mini game that could be satisfying in its own right (aka, NWN2 OC fortress management) and it isn't well integrated into the core systems. It had to do one of the two to constitute a meaningful role-playing experience. \

In an amended state, I can see how branching, long term, story and choice driven missions with CRITICAL rewards and gameplay bonuses COULD create a sense that supporting Bhelen over Harrowmont court was a real thing in the world of Thedas that make a concrete difference in the way the world evolved in a way that could never come through just through the game's NPCS and environments. But it would have to be more similar in presentation to what they did in Pillars of Eternity.

But if you think about it, you can see how a relatively involved King of Dragon Pass-lite mini-game reinforced by encounters with NPCs in the open world *might* support an all pervading sense that King Bhelen getting the throne constituted a real difference in the world of Thedas.
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Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
The whole game is kind of an "in theory this would be great" and then the execution sucks. In theory making the locations massive for more exploration than Origins and DA2 had is a good idea. In theory leveling up your cult as well as yourself is a good idea. In theory the war room stuff is a great idea to add strategy depth to the role-playing. In theory in theory in theory.

Execution-wise it's an MMO busywork simulator.
Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
The whole game is kind of an "in theory this would be great" and then the execution sucks. In theory making the locations massive for more exploration than Origins and DA2 had is a good idea. In theory leveling up your cult as well as yourself is a good idea. In theory the war room stuff is a great idea to add strategy depth to the role-playing. In theory in theory in theory.

Execution-wise it's an MMO busywork simulator.

True. It's possible that well designed DLC or an expansion could carve out a meaningful content driven experience from all these assets and resources, but at this point I kind of doubt it. Ugh.

So many resources, so many assets, so badly misused...


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
The whole game is kind of an "in theory this would be great" and then the execution sucks. In theory making the locations massive for more exploration than Origins and DA2 had is a good idea. In theory leveling up your cult as well as yourself is a good idea. In theory the war room stuff is a great idea to add strategy depth to the role-playing. In theory in theory in theory.

Execution-wise it's an MMO busywork simulator.

True. It's possible that well designed DLC or an expansion could carve out a meaningful content driven experience from all these assets and resources, but at this point I kind of doubt it. Ugh.

So many resources, so many assets, so badly misused...

There's nothing in theory about King Arthur's take on text adventures and time limits.
That's fucking C&C right there that stumped many casual gamers even to this day, cause it applies a hard time limit and forces players to think when they do decision making.
Clicking that end turn meant you have one less turn to do ALL quests, are you REALLY SURE you want to deal with that roaming demon army first? Or put it on hold and try to rescue that imprisoned Hero to form another army? Or do you spend another turn to build your forces in the training grounds?


The practical combat might be broken in KA, but surprisingly many people still get overwhelmed by the Crisis on the World map gameplay.
There's real pressure for you. Not an imagined threat.
How do you deal with it?

Let me tell you when I finish DA:I it will be a sense of fulfilled eventuality, unlike KA where you breathe a sigh of relief that the crisis is finally over and you have claimed a well-deserved victory after surviving waves and waves of crisis.
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