Keep in mind for a lot of people "best Dragon Age game" might be similar to "best shit sandwich." They're all pretty flawed.
Yes. Watching Chinquisition made me start the second playthrough of DA:O that's been 5 years in the planning.
And... it's not as good as I remembered it. The camera is clunky. Combat iniates when you're such a distance from your enemies that you can't even target them in the top down camera. Most battles start with me running towards the enemy or waiting for them to come into range. Awkward. Even when enemy archers are in range to shoot, you can just barely target them in the top down camera. The top down camera was already limited in the first installation.
The controls are dumb. Coming from Wasteland 2, which was exclusively top down and where WASD panned the camera, having only the option to pan the camera with MMB is worse. Using RMB to both activate things and rotate the camera smells of consolitis.
Clicking on enemies in third person is just bad. I almost wish this was a full-on action game with a crosshair. If the game had been exclusively top down, or had isometric 2D backgrounds, the mouse controls would have been a lot less clunkier as a result.
The trash mobs in the Mage origin story and the Kotaku Wilds bored me to tears. Packs of Genlocks appearing from thin air that has to be put down in this slow, auto-attacking combat. Now that I've learned more spells and can pull off spell combinations combat is more fun, with the added frustration/fun of trying to keep your party members from attacking enemies and breaking my sleep spell.
I could make all party members passive in the Tactics screen (yay!) but considering how dull and clunky the combat is, I just want as much of it to run itself. Which leads to the frustrating balancing act between full party control and "the game plays itself".
Kotaku Wilds had 2 banal MMORPG sidequests that may as well have been from Inquisition. In one of them you follow an invisible trail only viewable by highlighting (holding TAB), which leads to a hidden cache(!??). In the other, you pour ashes onto a pile of rocks... which summons a generic demon carrying some above-normal loot. All because you found a pouch of ashes, a bookpage on a legend and some added notes on a dead body. So dumb. :D
I can barely take Alistair seriously. I don't remember him being this childish. In a world with Duncan, Loghain and even King Cailan he feels completely off. I can understand Morrigan's attitude, having no relation to the Fereldan army - but Alistair just saw all his friends slaughtered, why does he engage in funny bickering with Morrigan? It's like if Atton in KotOR 2 was a miner on Peragus and still engaged in comical bickering with Kreia after all miners were murdered.
The man's been a Grey Warden for 6 months, just saw his friends and relative slaughtered, and still acts funny and charming. You've chugged Darkspawn blood for heaven's sake! Why do you still act like you're in a romance novel for teenage girls!?
So what good aspects do the game have then?
Well, there are interesting characters and lore in droves. I really like the Dragon Age setting, lifted elements or not. While the main enemy is dull, there are interesting conflicts going on all throughout the world which you can decide the outcome of. Your choices obviously doesn't really matter since it's a BioWare game, but it's still nice to be able to choose who lives and who dies.
The dialogue is good. People react plenty to my sex, my class and my race - and I've had several chances to comment on these things myself. You get to say a lot and define the personality of your character. (Looking forward to Pillars of Eternity and Joshboi's reputation system that will allegedly make this have an effect on gameplay instead of just being flavour).
The music is great! I'm looking forward to visiting
Orzammar and
Wonders of Thedas if just for the music.
The origin stories are a great concept. As a Mage, I got to see the Tower before it was overrun with demons. The story also has an entirely different feel from the Human Noble, where I was motivated by revenge the whole way through. Here, I'm a Mage newly freed from my cage. It's fun to threaten plebs with magic.
Combat is starting to get better as I get more spells. Looking forward to blow shit up as I get access to more spell combinations.
But what DalekFlay says is true. Dragon Age was flawed from the beginning. Compare Origins to New Vegas, released a year later, which not only has acceptable combat that fits the first-person camera, but also has better choices, better writing, better skill checks, better quests and doesn't have romances for teenagers.