The +9 Darts are the darts that are shot out of the walls when you step on the pressure plates in the hallway where you find the dead paladin (who's a Fighter in-game, but his gear suggests otherwise). They're probably given that high a value so that the trap does any real damage against the party.
That's just the thing, though - this was always my assumption, but I don't think the trap ever deals more than 3 damage. It just fires ordinary 1d3 darts at you. I was looking through EOB Explorer trying to figure out what the Cluebook note at the end of the level is all about, and noticed the +9 darts seemingly don't have anything to do with the trap. The game just uses the LAUNCHER function to spawn regular darts mid-air like all the other traps:
$1169 REMOVE_ITEM TYPE = $0F (dart), POS = <08,09>
$116D REMOVE_ITEM TYPE = $0F (dart), POS = <08,13>
$1171 REMOVE_ITEM TYPE = $04 (dart), POS = <08,09>
$1175 REMOVE_ITEM TYPE = $04 (dart), POS = <08,13> // coords correspond to where the darts are ostensibly loaded, this is I guess where the game deletes them
$1179 TELEPORT TYPE = $F5 (item), SOURCE = <08,09>, DEST = <02,16> // and I guess this is the game teleporting them to the end of the level, hence the Cluebook's blurb
$117F TELEPORT TYPE = $F5 (item), SOURCE = <08,13>, DEST = <02,16> // ...but the game's already deleted them, so I guess that's why they're not there.
$1185 LAUNCHER TYPE = 236 (item), INDEX = 38, POS = <08,09>, DIR = 2, FACING = 0 // and here's the game just using LAUNCHER to spawn the ordinary darts mid-flight?
$118D LAUNCHER TYPE = 236 (item), INDEX = 38, POS = <08,13>, DIR = 0, FACING = 0 // 38 is their index number, the +9s are in the 434-445 slots.
The darts that hit you even have the ordinary dart sprite, while the +9 Darts have the Drow-themed sprite - I used ASE to teleport into the walls to grab them, and found out after the fact about how you can just pluck three of 'em out of the wall. Looking in EOB Explorer now and item 38 is indeed the plain darts, but their *category* index # is 4, vs. 15 for all the other darts. And in EOB2 4 is a null slot, so I guess that's why they don't carry over. Which is good I guess, darts that deal damage on par with Severious is pretty bananas.
So it's like they pre-loaded these weird unique darts to give the impression that they're loaded in the trap, to people 30 years after release looking at the maps. But 99% of players would never even know they're sitting in the walls, you'd have to move and click pretty randomly to stumble onto the ones that you can just pick up. Maybe True Seeing was originally intended for EOB1, and using it would let users see through the walls and surmise there's a trap. And/or they intended to use the weird +9 darts to make the trap actually threatening that late in the game, but accidentally coded it to fire regular harmless darts. Just Westwood weirdness like you said I reckon.