What's wrong with babes with big boobs?meh, stopped it about 2 minutes in. The idea that "Fallout" was some deep social commentary is ridiculous and quite frankly I'm tired of hearing it. I use quotes for Fallout because I know they're not referring to the first Fallout(I doubt most people who believe this even played it), but some amalgamation of all its incarnations slapped together like a frankenstein monster.
Here's the truth about Fallout, folks:
Get ready for it.
They wanted to build a better laser gun. A laser gun with multiple choices.
Meh, you should read the Planescape: Torment vision document, which is all about babes with big boobs. This kind of thing is exists to convince the dimwit business guys (most of whom had never touched an RPG) to continue supporting your game.
Nothing, so long as the boobs don't conceal poison darts or are used to hide vital intelligence memos.