Tested Interloper and than never used it in 10+ full runs on Dominating.
I don't give a flying fuck about Dominating. Dominating is primarily for autistic sadists who for some bizarre reason believe that anyone actually gives a damn what they can slog through utilizing the cheesiest tactics, most tortuous min-maxed builds, and most meta strategies available.
If you play Dominating in order to challenge yourself and to see what's possible at the extremes, that's fine. If you play it because you need people to know that you play on Dominating, are unable to stop talking about Dominating, and use Dominating as the be-all, end-all yardstick for balance and build quality, then frankly I pity you. Being too proud of beating a hard computer game is a great example of being both a winner and a loser at the same time.
If you really are just so good at the game that Dominating is the new Normal for you, then you should have no trouble at all dropping one of the min-maxed feats from your 18 DEX / 3 CON / 3 PER / Versatility / Crawler save-scum autistic sadist build and take Interloper instead. Think of it as making Dominating challenging for you, the awesome expert gamer, all over again.
The game wasn't designed to be played on Dominating. Styg has said so, the description of the difficulty mode says so, the content of the difficulty mode makes it apparent, and the fact that 50%+ of the feats in this game go ignored by Dominating fetishists in favor of overwhelming power combos makes it apparent. Nor are the higher difficulty modes fine-tuned. The arbitrary slash-and-burn adjustment of values (400% this, 50% that) is not expertly tuned to be
just right. It's shotgunned for those who crave additional difficulty, but Normal is the default, and Hard is for those who are seasoned. Styg is well aware that too much development time spent fine-tuning every aspect of higher difficulty modes is a waste, but he did add some extra content to Dominating, possibly out of sheer awe for you sadists.
You really do not need it, you have enough stealth to pass all encounters you want (even cloaking device is not really needed though you can use it for extra 70+ stealt).
See, the thing is, I'm aware that my meta-skillmaxing (just enough Lockpicking and Hacking to open all pre-DC containers while wearing X and Y pieces of gear, etc.) is kind of asinine, and not really the sole and only way to play the game. It's a guilty pleasure. I like to do it, but I don't recommend it to others.
But you and your ilk who metamax every aspect of your build for Dominating and then shamelessly refuse to discuss any other way of making builds or playing the game are absolutely obnoxious. Frankly, you all should have your own dedicated subforum wherein you can jerk each other off about how great it is that Dominating is no problem for you and your metamaxed builds that include not a single suboptimal feat or one wasted skill point.
Healthy, completely normal people do enjoy playing suboptimal and/or messy builds on Hard, or even Normal (GASP!) if they only want a little bit of challenge, or if their build is particularly pathetic combat-wise.
For someone who played on hard once and did not master game mechanics, you have loud mouth and you are not in position to tell others from whom someone should take advise or not.
I've mastered every aspect of the game mechanics. I could beat the game on Dominating, but I don't want to. Get that through your head.
When you are dead, no one will remember or care that you beat Underrail on Dominating. In fact, even your fellow Dominating fetishists, right now in the present, spend exactly 0% of their time thinking about how great you are at Dominating. They're too busy wondering how impressed everyone is that THEY play on Dominating.
Indeed, the only way to make anyone care that you play Dominating is to be obnoxious about it, but at that point people only care that you're being obnoxious. Hence, really, no one cares.
Why would you always move in stealth? Only use when enemies nearby.
Obviously. But I can move THROUGH an entire group of enemies if I choose, even Death Stalkers, before I'm spotted because I'm not moving at a slow crawl. I can flit around setting up traps here and there, quickly, without getting bumped by some random dog moving five times faster than I am.
If you invested in shooting spree and +crit damage fear you would not need those extra 15 mp from interloper at all.
I did.
You can reliably kill 5 enemies in first turn as sniper user.
Save-scummer detected. I fucking knew it.