Obviously I continue to disagree. The art direction in the trailer is nothing like this. Why aren't you looking at it? Maybe you think Hardsuit outsourced it to Dreamworks?Obviously, we're not going to be seeing any models covered in tons of swaying accessories and soft fabrics, but that doesn't mean that they wouldn't do it if they could, given that this is the new art direction for the IP.
TBH, Hardsuit did outsource it. To Platige Image.
You weren't addressing anyone, pleb.Or, maybe, just maybe, the direction in a PnP developed alongside the CRPG, with the owner of one project owning the other, has some meaning in the general direction taken.You know, for a community of discerning gentlemen and trannies, this thread features surprisngly many degenerates with the attention span of a goldfish, who cannot tell the difference between PnP stuff and CRPG stuff.
I wasn't even addressing you, pleb. But since you feel I am calling you out, mayhap you are not really convinced of the merit of your arguments?
1. Equip the ring.
2. Re-read the last page or two of the thread.
3. Report back your findings.
4. If you solve the riddle, you shall be richly rewarded.
5. If you fail, you shall turn into a goldfish person.
You were making a retarded comment, and was called out on it. And what kind of retarded fucking logic is it to think that if someone reacts to your ridiculous insituations, then "ha ha, that means means that you actually think the opposite because your argument is weak! xD".
See, you completely misidentified my insinuations. So my logic is rather sound. My comment was not aimed at you, but you got all defensive. Perhaps I should have quoted the goldfish person I had in mind, to make it easier on you? Perhaps I should have added a quest compass and scaled down to your level?
What an absolute waste of air you are.
See dem bones? Breathing is something that happens to others.