Yeah, I would totally see a Ventrue controling a central bank to bankroll bankrupt goverments at the expense of people.Why should True Belief in the invisible hand of the market do something e.g. to a Ventrue? Nothing, he is playing the field himself.
Objection! The Ventrue don't believe in the invisible hand of the market. On the contrary, they're cold-blooded cynical capitalists. They know that the invisible hand is a convenient myth to keep the plebs from rebelling, and who's really in control.
A genuine naive true-believing libertarian who really truly believes that everyone would be happy, free, and exactly as wealthy as they deserve if only the free market was left completely alone to do its thing is not the least bit like a Ventrue.
Hello, my name is Liz Starr, I am one of the Producers at Hardsuit Labs, and I have the dream job of working on Bloodlines 2. I am very happy to bring you this dev diary about Hardsuit Labs and the story behind our fantastic team.
Hardsuit Labs began in 2015 with Andy Kipling, Russell Nelson, and a team of about 20 people. We had all worked at another studio together before. When that place went out of business, Andy and Russ – then a Production Director and Tech Director – decided to ask a few of their former teammates to help start something new. Back then, we thought that it’d take maybe five years of bringing older games to newer formats for this band of veterans to gain enough reputation to pitch a full game production.
Two years later, Ka’ai Cluney, our Creative Director, burst into Andy’s office with an idea he and his friend Brian Mitsoda had come up with. Ka’ai is one of those people who seems to have been everywhere and done everything; from design at id Software and Monolith to building roofs in Alaska. He had worked with Brian (of Troika and Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines fame) before. Together, they came up with a concept that lured Brian out of his own indie studio, into our team.
More importantly, it convinced Andy and Russ to go all in and to start pitching that full game project three years earlier than we’d have guessed.
When I discovered that what we were pitching was Bloodlines 2, I was beyond excited. Not only because Paradox has released some games that I give much of my free time to, but also because I am a huge World of Darkness fan. I wish I could tell my LARPing younger Ventrue self that she would one day be working on this game.
Turns out I wasn’t the only one: One of the wonderful things about World of Darkness and Hardsuit Labs is that we have a lot of fans in the team. There’ve been off-hours Vampire tabletop games in the conference room since before the project properly started. Those who were new to the IP were gently introduced to the fandom and have also embraced it.
Nowadays, Hardsuit Labs is a good mix of seasoned veterans and recently bloodied developers of many different backgrounds. One example of strengthening this mix is Cara Ellison, who joined us early last year. Cara's known to some for her work as a journalist (at Rock Paper Shotgun et. al), to others for her work on Dishonored 2... and to even fewer for her testing on GTA4. We value our diversity of experience and the diversity of us as individuals; we know this brings more perspective to our work and company culture, and ultimately creates better games.
For Bloodlines 2, this team is putting all its passion and motivation behind the narrative of Brian and Cara. We can’t wait for you to sink your teeth into it!
I completely agree with you that a corporate democrat looks much more like a Ventrue than a libertarian.
[citation needed]True Faith is the same power (the divine spark)
And do the characters we've seen in the trailer look anything like these?Well then, if we're in that mood, let me regale you with the archetypical characterizations of the various clans presented in V5, pulled straight from the Core Rulebook!Holy fuck guys. ten pages of this shit.
Better this than endless whine about SJWs.
Which 3, aside from select Toreador and Ventrue, would you consider wearing, specifically?Some of these clothes are cool and I'd even wear them, but why do they look so alike? Most of them are overdesigned and blur together. The Gangrel are a catastrophe, though. Subtlety, anyone? They look more stereotypically elvish than elves.
Well then, if we're in that mood, let me regale you with the archetypical characterizations of the various clans presented in V5, pulled straight from the Core Rulebook!Holy fuck guys. ten pages of this shit.
Better this than endless whine about SJWs.
First up, Brujah! This is the traditional street-wear of the counter-cultural that are trying to blend in, anno 2019. From the Warriors of Troy to the Woken of Soy:
And then we have Gangrel, a collection for the discerning city-dweller that is in touch with their animal side:
Next up is Malkavians:
Followed by the nu-Sferatu, who we have discussed earlier. Nobody else can really capture that "hobo with a sewing kit" and "disheveled baglady" feel like the Sewer Rats:
Next up is Clan Tremere, also known as the soyomancers. Most famous for having invented a tofu substitute for blood in 2016, leading to the death of the patriarchy, they have managed to sink to levels of irrelevance previously thought impossible; they may be dead, but it doesn't mean their sense of fashion has to be:
Toreador. Just Toreador:
And last but not least, the princes of the Camarilla, the Blue-Bloods, the ever-traditional, ever rulers, Ventrue, ready to inspire loyalty:
The book then proceeds to throw away four fucking pages for Caitiff and Thin-Bloods as if they were real clans, rather than actually covering any of other clans, but it thankfully doesn't assault you with any more runway fashion. There is more, however. So, so, so much more. For example, this is how the writers of V5 think the archetypical "Scholar" looks:
There is so much more on how SJWs covered themselves in feces and hugged Vampire: The Masquerade.
Do not test me.
Jesus fucking Christ, isn't vampires should hiding from eyes of humans behind of masquerade and not trying to attract attention of ALL people around?
That art is from the fifth edition of Vampire The Masquerade, not from the game.Jesus fucking Christ, isn't vampires should hiding from eyes of humans behind of masquerade and not trying to attract attention of ALL people around? I don't know about clothes that people wear in Seattle, but I doubt that average person would dress like THIS. Not even because they don't want "being hipsters", but because majority of such clothes isn't practical + they look like "modern fashion" shit and this shit expensive as hell.
i think this game will be shitshow for years to come. Why the hell they look like this? Whats the fuck is wrong with person who designed them? It's seems "traditional diversity" wasn't enough for them and they decided to dress vampires like shit, just in case people with shit taste will be offended.
It's pretty weird. The first thing I thought after skimming through different clans was, "I can't tell them apart." Necktie=Ventrue, wolf head=Gangrel, magic pentagram=Tremere but other than that they all look the same, even the freakin Nosferatu. Luckily Bloodlines 2 looks nothing like this.They all look like toreadors lol
Well, if original PnP concept art is that bad - i fear to see whats will be in game.That art is from the fifth edition of Vampire The Masquerade, not from the game.
Down with the patriarchy!The Ventrue art looks awful. How hard is it to just draw a man in a business suit?
the lower left guy looks pretty normal to meThe Ventrue art looks awful. How hard is it to just draw a man in a business suit?
a fatso that identifies as a woman?Well, at least none of them is ventrue in the original, French sense of the word.
It literally describes a potbellied woman (or a bulging object whose grammatical gender is feminine), although it can also mean 'wealthy', for obvious reasons.
What? That one artist clearly isn't involved in B2.Well, if original PnP concept art is that bad - i fear to see whats will be in game.That art is from the fifth edition of Vampire The Masquerade, not from the game.