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Wasteland Wasteland 3 + Battle of Steeltown and Cult of the Holy Detonation Expansions Thread


Jan 24, 2007
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Never trust people when it comes to rating RPGs. Especially on the Codex.

This place is such a hive-mind of midwits

Trusting the Codex is fine, the problem is people only see what they want to see.

He's trolling a bit, but I don't think he's completely wrong. Codex's tastes have shifted more to the mainstream and there feels like there's some astroturfing going on. And of course you have the people who shit on everything all the time who just like to bitch. I think the best way to utilize the site is to find some bros with similar tastes as yours and watch for their opinions.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
I didn't buy them cuz people told me they're garbage. Also the soundtrack is surprisingly neat
Never trust people when it comes to rating RPGs. Especially on the Codex.

This place is such a hive-mind of midwits

Trusting the Codex is fine, the problem is people only see what they want to see.



2020: The year Brian Fargo regained the hearts and minds of the Codex



Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
Never trust people when it comes to rating RPGs. Especially on the Codex.

This place is such a hive-mind of midwits

Trusting the Codex is fine, the problem is people only see what they want to see.

He's trolling a bit, but I don't think he's completely wrong. Codex's tastes have shifted more to the mainstream and there feels like there's some astroturfing going on. And of course you have the people who shit on everything all the time who just like to bitch. I think the best way to utilize the site is to find some bros with similar tastes as yours and watch for their opinions.

It's more that, as a moving cluster, games have gotten so lowest-common-denominator that either you pick out which are the best (or least-worst) of them, or you just stop playing, reviewing or thinking about new games altogether.

The Dutch Ghost

May 26, 2016
I really wish the original ideas for Cheyenne Mountain had been used with the Faders even if super soldiers are cliche with the detonation thing being put back at the Air Force Academy as originally planned. Perhaps just some location restoring rather than this big slog of a second DLC,
It's more that, as a moving cluster, games have gotten so lowest-common-denominator that either you pick out which are the best (or least-worst) of them, or you just stop playing, reviewing or thinking about new games altogether.
That is basically my situation these days. There is an abundance of games these days to pick from but I have become aware that my tastes can differ so much from current gamers that even a majority of positive reviews is not a guarantee any more that I will like the game and play it from the start to the finish.
I was checking out several games during the latest Steam sale with a lot of them being well received even if they were not major sellers but I ended up only buying Stray as its main character is a cat and not because of the review ratings.
Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
I'm playing W3 for the first time now and haven't played either of the previous games. I'm finding the combat and character progression to be enjoyable and overall the game is built well. However, the "shape the narrative" RPG elements have been pretty light so far, especially if I use Fallout 1 and 2 as a point of reference (though to be fair I'm only like 10 hours/2 hub areas in).

The tone is also way too absurdist for someone who prefers games that take their setting a bit more seriously, so I find myself agreeing with those above who have suggested approaching the game with a comedy mindset. Overall I'd rate this as a "B" game for me.

Wasteland 2-3 is based in the conceit (similar to Fallout) that the general population is extremely ignorant and extremely traumatized. The absurdist, lunatic behavior of large chunks of the population is propelled by this. For more sober minded "Law and Order" groups like the Patriarch/Marshalls and Rangers, wrangling together a working civilization out of disparate groups of madmen like the Gippers and Mannerites is like herding chickens.


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
I'm playing W3 for the first time now and haven't played either of the previous games. I'm finding the combat and character progression to be enjoyable and overall the game is built well. However, the "shape the narrative" RPG elements have been pretty light so far, especially if I use Fallout 1 and 2 as a point of reference (though to be fair I'm only like 10 hours/2 hub areas in).

The tone is also way too absurdist for someone who prefers games that take their setting a bit more seriously, so I find myself agreeing with those above who have suggested approaching the game with a comedy mindset. Overall I'd rate this as a "B" game for me.

Wasteland 2-3 is based in the conceit (similar to Fallout) that the general population is extremely ignorant and extremely traumatized. The absurdist, lunatic behavior of large chunks of the population is propelled by this. For more sober minded "Law and Order" groups like the Patriarch/Marshalls and Rangers, wrangling together a working civilization out of disparate groups of madmen like the Gippers and Mannerites is like herding chickens.

A lot of these games lean heavily on the tiresomely-repeated Hollywood/tv trope, first majorly seen in Deliverance, that rural US Whites are not just poor but crazy, racist, dumb, ignorant, etc.

I once knew an extreme liberal who spent many years as a schoolteacher in one of those regions (West Virginia, Blue Ridge mts. area), and her conclusion was that while there was a grain of truth to the myth, it was greatly exaggerated; she eventually came to love and respect the people of the region and did a lot of advocacy for them in her field.

A post-apocalyptic scenario wouldn't be all that different from the life they live anyway; as hardy folk inured to poverty, it wouldn't drive them mad. That's more like what would happen to some types of middle-class people thrust into that type of situation: IOW, it's projection.

(Side note: I had the privilege of having some traditional regional Moonshine on a visit, in a mason jar and the whole thing. It was crystal clear, and surprisingly smooth, lovely drink.)


Mar 2, 2017
I'm playing W3 for the first time now and haven't played either of the previous games. I'm finding the combat and character progression to be enjoyable and overall the game is built well. However, the "shape the narrative" RPG elements have been pretty light so far, especially if I use Fallout 1 and 2 as a point of reference (though to be fair I'm only like 10 hours/2 hub areas in).

The tone is also way too absurdist for someone who prefers games that take their setting a bit more seriously, so I find myself agreeing with those above who have suggested approaching the game with a comedy mindset. Overall I'd rate this as a "B" game for me.

Wasteland 2-3 is based in the conceit (similar to Fallout) that the general population is extremely ignorant and extremely traumatized. The absurdist, lunatic behavior of large chunks of the population is propelled by this. For more sober minded "Law and Order" groups like the Patriarch/Marshalls and Rangers, wrangling together a working civilization out of disparate groups of madmen like the Gippers and Mannerites is like herding chickens.

A lot of these games lean heavily on the tiresomely-repeated Hollywood/tv trope, first majorly seen in Deliverance, that rural US Whites are not just poor but crazy, racist, dumb, ignorant, etc.

I once knew an extreme liberal who spent many years as a schoolteacher in one of those regions (West Virginia, Blue Ridge mts. area), and her conclusion was that while there was a grain of truth to the myth, it was greatly exaggerated; she eventually came to love and respect the people of the region and did a lot of advocacy for them in her field.

A post-apocalyptic scenario wouldn't be all that different from the life they live anyway; as hardy folk inured to poverty, it wouldn't drive them mad. That's more like what would happen to some types of middle-class people thrust into that type of situation: IOW, it's projection.

(Side note: I had the privilege of having some traditional regional Moonshine on a visit, in a mason jar and the whole thing. It was crystal clear, and surprisingly smooth, lovely drink.)
It makes sense when you take into consideration that they are detached from the realities of life outside their own artificial existence. A lot of times it reads like one of those made up travel diaries of some gentleman pretending to have gone to and explored Tibet in the 1800's. It only seems plausible to his peers, who also hasn't been there. Better to lean into the absurd comedy angle then, IMO, if you don't know that which you're writing about, at least then it might still be entertaining, even when it's completely retarded.


Jul 4, 2022
I'm playing W3 for the first time now and haven't played either of the previous games. I'm finding the combat and character progression to be enjoyable and overall the game is built well. However, the "shape the narrative" RPG elements have been pretty light so far, especially if I use Fallout 1 and 2 as a point of reference (though to be fair I'm only like 10 hours/2 hub areas in).

The tone is also way too absurdist for someone who prefers games that take their setting a bit more seriously, so I find myself agreeing with those above who have suggested approaching the game with a comedy mindset. Overall I'd rate this as a "B" game for me.

Wasteland 2-3 is based in the conceit (similar to Fallout) that the general population is extremely ignorant and extremely traumatized. The absurdist, lunatic behavior of large chunks of the population is propelled by this. For more sober minded "Law and Order" groups like the Patriarch/Marshalls and Rangers, wrangling together a working civilization out of disparate groups of madmen like the Gippers and Mannerites is like herding chickens.

A lot of these games lean heavily on the tiresomely-repeated Hollywood/tv trope, first majorly seen in Deliverance, that rural US Whites are not just poor but crazy, racist, dumb, ignorant, etc.

I once knew an extreme liberal who spent many years as a schoolteacher in one of those regions (West Virginia, Blue Ridge mts. area), and her conclusion was that while there was a grain of truth to the myth, it was greatly exaggerated; she eventually came to love and respect the people of the region and did a lot of advocacy for them in her field.

A post-apocalyptic scenario wouldn't be all that different from the life they live anyway; as hardy folk inured to poverty, it wouldn't drive them mad. That's more like what would happen to some types of middle-class people thrust into that type of situation: IOW, it's projection.

(Side note: I had the privilege of having some traditional regional Moonshine on a visit, in a mason jar and the whole thing. It was crystal clear, and surprisingly smooth, lovely drink.)
It makes sense when you take into consideration that they are detached from the realities of life outside their own artificial existence. A lot of times it reads like one of those made up travel diaries of some gentleman pretending to have gone to and explored Tibet in the 1800's. It only seems plausible to his peers, who also hasn't been there. Better to lean into the absurd comedy angle then, IMO, if you don't know that which you're writing about, at least then it might still be entertaining, even when it's completely retarded.

That reminds me of an audio log I came across somewhere in Wasteland 3 from right when the bombs dropped. Some guy was in couples counseling and both his partner and the therapist were ganging up on him and after a bit he just goes off saying he'd rather die in a nuclear holocaust than deal with any more of the counseling. Then they notice the bombs falling outside and the last thing you hear is the guy saying something like "Oh thank God!"

So in retrospect maybe the game is more realistic than I gave it credit for.


Dec 11, 2023
The concept of these post WW3 games is a bit silly in itself. Apparently NATO ALONE had staged 2000 nukes in Europe including motherfucking nuclear landmines to blow up Soviet tank divisions (the West German government must have been thrilled with that).

The reason why nobody pushed the button is because it was suicide. "Secret" bunkers would have been first on the target list saturated with half a dozen ICBMs.

Taka-Haradin puolipeikko

Filthy Kalinite
Apr 24, 2015
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Bubbles In Memoria
The concept of these post WW3 games is a bit silly in itself. Apparently NATO ALONE had staged 2000 nukes in Europe including motherfucking nuclear landmines to blow up Soviet tank divisions (the West German government must have been thrilled with that).

The reason why nobody pushed the button is because it was suicide. "Secret" bunkers would have been first on the target list saturated with half a dozen ICBMs.
Oh, come on!
It'll be fun.
Oct 4, 2010
Re-installed and planned on finishing, but I'm stuck at 40% trying to start a new game.

Anyone else had that problem?

EDIT: Win10 Pro

EDIT: Solved. Turns out the game doesnt like my VPN.


Mar 24, 2023
I read they tried to turn Wasteland into Borderlands with 3, is that right? Bad Californian humor and writing, very linear, focused on making unfunny jokes and looting and shooting, way too many guns most of which suck, and so on?

I haven't played it but I remember 2 being generally serious and not too preoccupied with shoving memes and political satire into everything, then I read two major factions in 3 are a group of idiot white people who worship insane robo-reagan, and a utopia of peaceful robot communists.


Jul 4, 2022
I read they tried to turn Wasteland into Borderlands with 3, is that right? Bad Californian humor and writing, very linear, focused on making unfunny jokes and looting and shooting, way too many guns most of which suck, and so on?

I haven't played it but I remember 2 being generally serious and not too preoccupied with shoving memes and political satire into everything, then I read two major factions in 3 are a group of idiot white people who worship insane robo-reagan, and a utopia of peaceful robot communists.

I never played 1 or 2 so I don't have a strong point of comparison between the Wasteland games, but for me Wasteland 3 was goofy without going into Borderlands territory.


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
I read they tried to turn Wasteland into Borderlands with 3, is that right? Bad Californian humor and writing, very linear, focused on making unfunny jokes and looting and shooting, way too many guns most of which suck, and so on?

I haven't played it but I remember 2 being generally serious and not too preoccupied with shoving memes and political satire into everything, then I read two major factions in 3 are a group of idiot white people who worship insane robo-reagan, and a utopia of peaceful robot communists.

Eh, it's not that bad. I mean a little bit, yes, but not as strongly as you're putting it. I prefer WL2(DC) on the whole, because it feels more "serious" and more like a sustained adventure (although it has its goofy bits too, just less than WL3), whereas WL3 feels more episodic, less like an adventure and less engaging as an RPG, but as a tactical game with some RPG flavour it's quite enjoyable (and still has that WL difficulty about it - I mean WL2 can be as hard as nails, and WL3 isn't far off).

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
I read they tried to turn Wasteland into Borderlands with 3, is that right? Bad Californian humor and writing, very linear, focused on making unfunny jokes and looting and shooting, way too many guns most of which suck, and so on?

I haven't played it but I remember 2 being generally serious and not too preoccupied with shoving memes and political satire into everything, then I read two major factions in 3 are a group of idiot white people who worship insane robo-reagan, and a utopia of peaceful robot communists.
Base game is fine, DLC can get a bit cringy with its humor but still nowhere near Borderlands.


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
I read they tried to turn Wasteland into Borderlands with 3, is that right? Bad Californian humor and writing, very linear, focused on making unfunny jokes and looting and shooting, way too many guns most of which suck, and so on?

I haven't played it but I remember 2 being generally serious and not too preoccupied with shoving memes and political satire into everything, then I read two major factions in 3 are a group of idiot white people who worship insane robo-reagan, and a utopia of peaceful robot communists.
Ehhh I dunno about that. I may be wrong but I feel like Wasteland always had that weirdness to it, kinda like playing Wild Wasteland in FNV. It's definitely turned up to 11 in WL3 though I'll grant you that.

Comparison with Borderlands is a little extreme IMO, since Borderlands is fucking shit while WL3 is really not that bad

I'm not gonna pretend that all the writing/jokes in this game hit the mark they were aiming for though


Jul 17, 2013
Bad Californian humor and writing

All the Wasteland games have this. What's really shitty in WL3 is that it actually harms a decent attempt at worldbuilding and storytelling that isn't there in WL1 and 2.
Wasteland 2 has caricatures of groups that are based on something somewhat believable. Wasteland 3 goes has lolrandom murderclowns. Not even remotely comparable.

It doesn't help that Wasteland 3's male leaders quite obviously had a writer's pen stuck through their orbital cavity.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Wasteland 2 has caricatures of groups that are based on something somewhat believable. Wasteland 3 goes has lolrandom murderclowns. Not even remotely comparable.

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