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TNO Reviews Neverwinter Nights 2

Review - posted by Jaesun on Wed 21 September 2011, 18:29:46

Tags: Neverwinter Nights 2; Obsidian Entertainment

TNO has written up another review, and this time he did not like Neverwinter Nights 2:

For an Obsidian game, NWN2 has a remarkably BioWarean pedigree. Not only in the structure and the plotting (the '4 quest hub design has been linearized, but the tutorial + linear segment before the game opens out is still there, DA:Os plot bears remarkable similarity to Act 3, etc.), but also in the gameplay: the gradual wasting away of non-combat options, the rise of 'pick up token and kill enemies' sidequests, the dumbing down of combat to a difficulty slider between 'easy' and 'tedious', and the confusion between 'playing it safe' and smearing everything in generica.

NWN2's small archipelago of interesting features are drowned in a sea of the forgettable, the poorly executed, and the pervasive sense that you've done this all before (and done better, too). Avoid wasting 30 hours of your time on this game.​

Read the review here.

There are 56 comments on TNO Reviews Neverwinter Nights 2

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Codex Exclusive - Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Interview with Bethesda

Interview - posted by DarkUnderlord on Sun 11 September 2011, 16:27:39

Tags: Bethesda Softworks; The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Finally, in a long-awaited Codex Exclusive™, Bethesda talk to us about their much loved upcoming Elder Scrolls Game, Skyrim:
<p style="padding-left: 30px;">PCM:&nbsp;There was some criticism in Oblivion that axes became "blunt", which is to say, instead of having a separate axe skill like they did in Morrowind, they were part of the sets of blunt weapons. Have you taken steps to address that criticism? Maybe by bringing back the axe skill?

Todd:&nbsp;Well, you'd think "bring the axe skill back" but that's not where games are going.
Clicky to read the rest.

There are 127 comments on Codex Exclusive - Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Interview with Bethesda

[Quickie Nr. 002]: Jools and Dungeon Siege III

Review - posted by Jaesun on Wed 7 September 2011, 14:38:38

Tags: Dungeon Siege III; Obsidian Entertainment; Quickie

For our second article in the prestigious Quickie series, Jools gives us his impressions of Dungeon Siege III. A snippet:

Last bits and bobs, now. The AI is, well, non-relevant, which is ok in this kind of game. Average encounters (again, the classics: spiders, slugs, bandits, skeletons, etc) will be easily dispatched of, whereas bosses, for one, occasionally display some thin strands of originality, as far as game design goes. Nothing revolutionary, mind you: they are "original" within this game and in comparison to similar titles out there. The economy is not even bad, it is just futile: in the whole game I never once found myself having to buy an item from any merchant, nor the need to sell mine. All the cool stuff drops from mobs and chests, and the drops are PC-related, so if the PC is the melee guy, they will get melee drops, and so each character will get class-related drops. Convenient! Too bad the characters' appearance will only "upgrade" at certain levels and upon equipping some of the items: most items will not have any effect on the visual appearance of the character. Again, a Diablo comeback. The "campaign", as mentioned, is really short: 10 hours, and that's taking things slowly and doing every of the (few) possible side-quests.
Read the whole thing here.

There are 31 comments on [Quickie Nr. 002]: Jools and Dungeon Siege III

[Quickie Nr. 001]: Konjad and Dragon Age 2

Review - posted by VentilatorOfDoom on Thu 11 August 2011, 07:24:38

Tags: BioWare; Dragon Age II; Quickie

There comes a time when a man has to announce the start of a new ongoing series of content items on the Codex. We call it "Quickies". It works not unlike "Forgotten Gems" except we plan to shove there content pieces (mini-reviews or articles etc.) which are too short or too... short to pass as real Codex content. So the local, mostly degenerate, populace is permitted, nay, encouraged to submit further such entries in the future.
So, without further ado, I herewith announce that the honour to start this new potent series with Quickie Nr. 001 goes to Konjad and his review of Dragon Age 2. Have an excerpt:

Dragon Age was a bit different. With it came a return to an isometric camera-angle and fully controllable party members, while the rest of the game stayed true to Bioware's trend of putting action front-and-centre. Dragon Age 2 abandons the throwback to earlier times that Dragon Age: Origins represented, going closer to the action genre like Jade Empire, but still remaining a role-playing game in some aspects. The camera is now fixed on the player's character (or any chosen party member), and while it is still possible to fully control the entire team, it's a bit clunky and inconvenient, and the game definitely lacks the free camera mode and ability to zoom out, so as to get an overview of the battlefield.
As you can see, Dragon Age 2 is still very much RPG, probably because it still has a camera.
Read the full review here.

There are 65 comments on [Quickie Nr. 001]: Konjad and Dragon Age 2

Piranha Bytes Interview on Risen 2: Dark Waters

Interview - posted by VentilatorOfDoom on Tue 9 August 2011, 15:13:18

Tags: Piranha Bytes; Risen 2: Dark Waters

Most of you probably know that Piranha Bytes' next game Risen 2: Dark Waters is scheduled for release later this year (for October to be precise). I would have loved to do an interview with them but unfortunately I'm too busy. Therefor I've sent my best agent old man Vault Dweller to ask them some questions. Here's a snippet:

2. What lessons have you learned from Risen? Lessons that could be translated into meaningful gameplay improvements?
As always we collected all the feedback from our fans and the press before we started to design Risen 2. One of the main critic points was the way the story was told in Risen 1. The beginning of the game seemed overwhelmingly complex for beginners because of all the freedom, and the fourth chapter was too thin story-wise.
To tackle these problems we applied a technique we call the &ldquo;pearl principle&rdquo;. We changed the game structure in a way that the game starts with a small world that becomes bigger and more open the longer you play. The story is like a string of pearls that is split up at certain points, but comes back together again at a later point. Through that we make sure that there won&rsquo;t be a very thin last chapter again.
Read the whole interview here.

There are 69 comments on Piranha Bytes Interview on Risen 2: Dark Waters

Of Monsters, Men and BROche

Review - posted by VentilatorOfDoom on Thu 14 July 2011, 19:26:22

Tags: CD Projekt; The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

CDProjekt's recently released The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings garnered critical acclaim all over the mainstream gaming media, so we thought it was time we jumped the bandwagon. This review is a collaborative effort between Vault Dweller and myself. As most Dh'oine know, the game is excellent, so it doesn't come as a surprise that Vault Dweller insisted on heaping a lot of praise on it. Here's an excerpt:

When it comes to interacting with the environment and its inhabitants, the Witcher 2 is truly without equal. Take boss battles, for example.

In most RPGs all you can do is approach a monster and attack its health bar, while pretending that you’re slashing, dodging, jumping, and yelling “Die! Die! Die!” In the Witcher 2 battling bosses is a cinematic, adrenaline-filled battle guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat. Your options seem truly limitless. You can chop off a monster’s tentacles – at conveniently marked spots, then jump on one you didn’t cut, hacking at it with righteous fury for some odd but incredibly cinematic reasons, jump off at the last minute, run up a bridge above the monster, and toss a grenade at him. Take that, Kratos! Needless to say, if your environment interaction skills aren’t up to par and you fail to interact with the environment in a timely manner, you’ll have to repeat this exciting, cinematic, adrenaline-filled, edge of the seat keeping sequence all over again. And again, and again, and again.

We are not complaining though, as this sequence only gets better every time you go through it and discover new nuances. If you know your RPGs, then you’ll probably agree with me that only Resident Evil 4 and God of War 2 handled the interaction with the gameworld better, so the Witcher 2 is definitely in a good company.​

Read the whole review here.

There are 241 comments on Of Monsters, Men and BROche

Din's Curse & Demon War Review

Review - posted by VentilatorOfDoom on Thu 30 June 2011, 19:27:09

Tags: Din's Curse

Our own reviewing dude TNO decided to fire up Soldak Entertainment's Din's Curse including the expansion Demon War and now bestows judgement upon it.

Din's Curse is unique in how much of the game is procedurally generated, and how it evolves dynamically. In this game, being told that 'bad guys are starting an uprising' will mean bad guys will actually rise up into your town instead of obediently waiting to be stopped in the nick of time like almost every other RPG. It's fantastic: the 'Diablo with dungeons that fight back' moniker is wholly justified. It is not only the bad guys who get up to stuff (besides invasion, they also lay curses which give debuffs until you take the quest to solve it, produce machines to make dungeons harder, block the gates, fight amongst themselves, etc.) the good guys can also head off to do the quests themselves, turn on each other, or betray the town in any number of ways. Occasionally the system unfairly shafts you: once all three of my key NPCs killed each other whilst the last standing survivor turned rogue and left, losing me the map; another time one of nastier monsters was made a boss type, leading to a behemoth with a DPS almost two orders of magnitude higher than mine. Yet these cases are rare - for the other 30 ish hours of playtime, it worked perfectly. Although 'living world' is inaccurate for a game where the NPCs are primarily objects and quest-givers, it is definitely a 'living situation': there's considerable strategy as to how to prioritize the various quests, most of which are on a hidden timer.
Read the whole review here.

There are 20 comments on Din's Curse & Demon War Review

Dungeons of Dredmor Preview @ RPGCodex

Preview - posted by VentilatorOfDoom on Fri 17 June 2011, 21:19:42

Dungeons of Dredmor, a comic fantasy roguelike dungeon crawler game from Gaslamp Games, is about to go gold. With the release being imminent, resident community member and valuable human resource MisterStone decided to reap all the fame and glory for himself by previewing the game.

As for game mechanics, DoD distinguishes itself from other roguelike games through its skill trees and crafting system. Although there are no named classes in the traditional sense, you essentially create your own class during character creation: you get to choose seven skill trees, and are not allowed to add new ones later in the game. The game boasts a total of thirty four skill trees (!), including five melee weapon proficiencies, two ranged weapon proficiencies, three defensive skills, and seven schools of magic. In addition there are skills that work in tandem with other skill trees, such as those that help you cast spells more efficiently, give you buffs or special attacks in combat, and so on. There are some rather unique miscellaneous trees such as the &lsquo;fungal arts&rsquo; series (which lets you grow mushrooms for personal use and gives the ability summon fungal pets), a series of skills devoted to wand use, and the archeologist tree, which helps you avoid traps and allows you to do weird things with unique artifacts. Finally, there are the crafting skills: alchemy, smithing and tinkering- more on this later.

Each skill tree has between three and seven upgrades, and the player gets to upgrade a single tree each time they level up. For combat skills, an upgrade usually just means bonuses, but in some cases also usable powers. For the magical disciplines, each upgrade represents access to a new spell. I found that each magical discipline seems to have a fairly wide range of buffs, debuffs, attacks, summons and the like, although certain disciplines focus more heavily on one area over another- for instance, &ldquo;promethean magic&rdquo; is mostly about dealing damage with fire, whereas golemancy is almost entirely about summoning. Mathemagic is largely about debuffing and teleport spells. All in all, I found most of the disciplines pretty interesting, although I sometimes find myself wishing they were even more specialized than they are&hellip; it seems that in many cases choosing more than two or three magical disciplines gives you several redundant abilities.
Read the whole preview here.

There are 25 comments on Dungeons of Dredmor Preview @ RPGCodex

Forgotten Gems: 2400 A.D.

Review - posted by VentilatorOfDoom on Mon 30 May 2011, 15:56:17

Tags: Chuck Bueche; Forgotten Gems; Origin Systems

Esteemed community member Crooked Bee did not only finish her LP of Origin System's 2400 A.D., she also decided to contribute to our popular Forgotten Gems series by typing up a retrospective review.

In 2400 A.D., everything is a puzzle. Many of the more important quests can only be solved if lined up in a puzzle-like chain. The absence of a quest journal or an automap only make that aspect of the game stronger. The closest you get to having a map is by acquiring a certain device that lets you survey your surroundings when used; it has a very limited scope, though, and leaves much for you to figure out by yourself. Finding your way into the underground is certainly one of the puzzles, with several solutions hidden around the city. Sometimes failing is the best option, and you can learn as much, if not more, from your failures as from your successes; being arrested, for example, is actually the quickest way to reach the underground, requiring, however, a bit of out of the box thinking. Getting to know where to find an item, who to ask about it and who to show it to, all belong to the game's most pleasant and challenging moments. Even locating the vendors to buy new items from or sell old ones to (and those are two different types of vendors) can be a problem if you don't look around or follow clues carefully enough, as the underground tunnels tend to be quite maze-like and hide many secrets. There are also other puzzles: a slidewalk maze, a maze of pushable crates, or a transporter maze. Writing down clues is a must, as is searching around for them. The controls are again Ultima-like, with the game utilizing almost the entire keyboard for issuing commands. You can't just see the items lying on the ground next to you, you must search around to uncover them.

The game features some of Ultima V's future and much praised interactivity, which creates even more room for implementing puzzles. You can push around or climb over many of the furniture items surrounding you -- you can even climb over NPCs in your way! -- sometimes revealing well-hidden, and even plot-critical, passages. Climbing pipes to get to otherwise inaccessible areas is a must, too. Doors can be kicked out, consuming a good deal of your Energy, 20 or 40 points depending on the door type. And if you can find and repair (which is also done as a puzzle) the game's most powerful secret weapon, you'll be able to simply blow doors open like a real badass. The city of Metropolis features an extensive slidewalk system that can also provide some entertaining moments (try disabling a robot standing on a moving walkway!), as well as transporter and subway networks. Figuring out how to operate transporters, including the secret ones, is in fact one of this game's hardest puzzles. And as far as interactivity goes, you can even get run over by a subway train! Truly ground-breaking stuff.​

Read the whole article here.

There are 27 comments on Forgotten Gems: 2400 A.D.

Academagia - The Making of Mages Review

Review - posted by VentilatorOfDoom on Fri 13 May 2011, 20:33:54

Tags: Academagia

Academagia: The Making of Mages is a whimsical fantasy life simulation and role-playing game created by Black Chicken Studios. Darth Roxor decided to have a look at it and now he shares his experience with us.

Negative relationships are pretty interesting. Some students will hate you &lsquo;just because&rsquo;, but you can just as well make them grow to hate you through your mischievous actions. Slandering someone, using offensive magic, will all lower your relationships with people. This can lead to a couple of fun things, as they shall often try to retaliate, spreading foul rumours about you among students, trying to put you into detention, sabotaging your actions, etc.
When your mutual hatred with a certain character reaches the epicentre, you may actually even be called to a magic duel. If you&rsquo;ve really grown sick of someone, there you can go as far as unleashing eleven barrels of magic to put them into the infirmary right when they are supposed to take an exam. Through the usage of even more illegal magic, you may even attempt to gain control of your enemy, and have him do your bidding as a mindless puppet. Being an asshole has never been so amusing!

There are 31 comments on Academagia - The Making of Mages Review

The Witcher 2 Interview with Tomasz Gop

Interview - posted by VentilatorOfDoom on Fri 29 April 2011, 19:35:05

Tags: CD Projekt; The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Tomasz Gop, Senior Producer at CD Projekt RED was kind enough to answer me a couple of questions regarding their upcoming <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">action-Adventure</span> cRPG The Witcher 2. I got these answers a month ago to be honest, but I had some follow-up questions and wanted to wait until I received those answers before I'd publish the interview. Unfortunately the CDProjekt guys seem to be too busy to respond and with the release date drawing near I decided to show you now what I have. I'll also take this opportunity to show off some huge ass screenshots which might or might not have been already shown elsewhere. I even created a Witcher 2 screenshot gallery. Of course I had to downsize those images because, frankly, the Codex is too l33t for images bigger than 1,444 444 bytes. The whole point of this screenshot business is obviously to make the interview appear more meaty than it actually is.

There are 101 comments on The Witcher 2 Interview with Tomasz Gop

Sword and Sorcery -- Underworld Review

Review - posted by Elwro on Mon 4 April 2011, 14:32:40

Tags: OlderBytes; Swords and Sorcery: Underworld

It only took us a year to prepare a review for the onlybest oldschool dungeon crawl of 2010, Sword and Sorcery -- Underworld. Here's the review by yours truly.
<p style="padding-left: 30px;">Every step outside of a tavern is a risk, and don't be surprised if your freshly created party is reduced to 1 barely standing, 5 unconscious after a stroll around a corner of the starting town. (...) later on, in true oldschool tradition you're fighting varieties of dragons every second step.
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"> 

There are 135 comments on Sword and Sorcery -- Underworld Review

Vault Dweller Does Dragon Age II

Review - posted by VentilatorOfDoom on Thu 24 March 2011, 20:23:08

Tags: BioWare; Dragon Age II

Resident Ubersturmfuhrer Vault Dweller, mostly known for his involvement in making this indie vaporware cRPG and his love for Dragon Age: Origins, fearlessly approached BioWare's latest masterpiece Dragon Age II, despite all the dark foreboding.

Back to the story, mages draw power from a “metaphysical” realm, the Warp, I mean the Fade, which exposes them to the dangerous emo spirits populating it. These emo spirits, called demons in the game, try to possess mages and wreak havoc in the real world. So, if a mage isn’t strong enough to resist, Bad Things Happen.​

Since relying on mages to be strong enough to resist is kind of like relying on EA to resist the temptation to shut down studios, the Circle of Magi was created to train mages properly in the arts of self control and meek obedience. When a mage in training completes the program, he or she takes a test where they attempt to fight that demonic possession in a “controlled environment”. Meaning that the Templars hack anyone who fails the test to abomination-bits.​

So, while in Kirkwall, you’ll constantly run into Templars, Circle mages, apostates (renegade mages), and new mages who are just discovering their powers and trying to work out what to do about them. The conflict is fairly well presented – it’s one of the few strengths of the game - and many characters you’ll meet will help you look at the situation from different points of view.​

As you’d expect, some Templars are just doing their jobs in a difficult situation, convinced that they are protecting the public. Other Templars sympathize and are willing to help mages, while still other Templar are convinced that mages are dangerous abominations who should be killed or neutered (a mage’s connection to the Fade can be forcefully cut via a lobotomy-like procedure which turns them into vegetables) outright.​

Similarly, there are mages who are “normal people” like your sister and other party members (probably because you keep them on a tighter leash than the Circle), mages who truly need help controlling their powers, and mages who are angry and willing to fight back, rightfully seeing the templars, the Circle, and the Chantry as their enemies.​

I’d say it’s one of the more interesting settings for an RPG and it does manage to raise interesting questions, questions without an easy answer. The potential is there, but it’s wasted on an action RPG where you kill bad guys and monsters instead of exploring the ethics of the society Bioware created.​

Read the full review here.

There are 363 comments on Vault Dweller Does Dragon Age II

Jools' Drakensang Review

Review - posted by Elwro on Sun 13 March 2011, 19:27:43

Tags: Drakensang

Since the dawn of humanity Man has wondered upon the nature of time. Is the experience of its passage indicative of a real process? Is it a form of Anschauung, constitutive of our everyday experience, but not per se&nbsp;a part of it? The RPG developers from Radon Labs attempted a metaphorical analysis of the subject in Drakensang 2: The River of Time, partly based on Cratylus and Heraclitus. Still, a long-standing tenet of RPG Codex has been that the passage of time does not apply to good games; they don't age. (Well, bad old games continue to be bad, too). That's why, even though the game is already a few years old, we bring you&nbsp;Jools' review of Drakensang: The Dark Eye.

There are 29 comments on Jools' Drakensang Review

Might & Magic VI: Review - Here there be monsters...

Review - posted by DarkUnderlord on Tue 1 March 2011, 06:43:59

Tags: Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven; New World Computing

Varn reviews Might & Magic VI, one of those old game from the days when RPGs didn't allow you to respec at the sign of a tough battle:

I have been told by a townsperson whose name I cannot recall, that the Dark Magic master can be found in a small town called Sweetwater. What at first seemed an absurdly easy task for the power it would grant my party has quickly turned into a nightmare. Over the hill near Sweetwater are swarms of Titans and there is no other way in to the town. I cast the “fly” spell, nervously hover over the beasts while taking massive damage, and drop down to the ground to cross to the next zone. Once it loads, my party survives for about 3 seconds before being obliterated by the giants’ shock attacks. My last save was 3 hours ago and I think I’ve been playing for 6 hours straight, but I can’t be sure. The only indication is the slight ray of light coming through a crack between the blinds. Fighting off sleep, I reload, and try again.

What? Reloading in my RPG?

There are 20 comments on Might & Magic VI: Review - Here there be monsters...

2010: The Year in Review

Editorial - posted by DarkUnderlord on Thu 27 January 2011, 01:09:34

Tags: The Year in Review

Once again we look back at the year that was:
<p style="padding-left: 30px;">If 2009 was the year stuff didn't happen, then 2010 is perhaps as good as it gets to the year stuff did happen. Sort-of. The year opened with a bang as BioWare released Mass Effect 2, the sequel to their previous space romance simulator Mass Effect. It was a design goal right from the start for you to be able to continue with your Mass Effect save games into Mass Effect 2. What remained to be seen was how BioWare would overcome the problem of finishing the first game with an awesome character capable of kicking ass and chewing space-gum - and yet still allow you to level-up your stats in the sequel. The answer of course, was an ingenious and revolutionary system that...
Until next year.

There are 41 comments on 2010: The Year in Review

A History of RPGs – Event Horizon Software

Information - posted by JarlFrank on Thu 23 December 2010, 01:42:44

JarlFrank takes a nostalgic look at the early games created by Event Horizon Software, that is, the years before they became DreamForge Intertainment (that "I" is not a typo - God only knows why they picked that monicker):
<p style="padding-left: 30px;">While their earlier works were much more obscure than the EoB-style games they made later on, they were very interesting and, at the time, unique experiences that can be put into the same sub-genre as Diablo, but with much more depth than either Diablo or any of its clones would ever achieve. If they had continued to develop games in the style of Dusk, Summoning and VoD, maybe the sub-genre of the Action-RPG would look vastly different today, with more dialogues, non-linear stories and puzzles than Diablo&rsquo;s simple kill-and-loot gameplay.
This is what happens when you change your company's name to some kind of popamole bullshit.

There are 22 comments on A History of RPGs – Event Horizon Software

TNO fellates Fallout: New Vegas

Review - posted by DarkUnderlord on Sun 5 December 2010, 02:03:14

Tags: Fallout: New Vegas; Obsidian Entertainment

Fallout: New Vegas is an RPG made by the same company that brought you Alpha Turd, that slightly unpolished spy thing. Did they do better with Fallout: New Vegas? Find out as TNO reviews fellates New Vegas. I could say it's an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of one of the most important RPGs of the century but that'd just be lying. Nope, TNO pretty much just sticks to the fellatio with this one:

Fallout: New Vegas is one of the best RPGs of all time. A masterpiece, although not an unblemished one - the Obsidian trademarks of beta-as-release candidate, consolized interface and badly optimized graphics are there. But so is a cracking story, clever, intricate quest/C&C design, and the wasteland brought back to life in the same blackly jaunty way Fallout did. If you've been after a proper successor to Fallout, or simply something to redeem the genre after several years in the doldrums, look no further. Welcome back, MCA: all is forgiven.​

Agree / Disagree? More importantly, what does this mean for Dungeon Siege 3?

There are 131 comments on TNO fellates Fallout: New Vegas

Codex 2010 Short Story Winners

Competition - posted by DarkUnderlord on Sat 4 December 2010, 11:29:21

<span class="postbody">Well, it's time we announced the winners for The 2010 Codex Top 5 RPGs Short Story Contest. From all the stunning entries we received (of which you may inflict the pain of reading them upon yourself by turning here), the judges spent some considerable time in deliberation and, after much debate, have chosen the following winners:
  • [Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines]: grotsnik made two entries and wins a prize, not for his follow-up "serious" entry, but for his original Dracula inspired series of letters. At one point we were happy to give him all 5 copies and declare him the out-right winner. But then we didn't.
  • [Fallout]: treave took the rape and torture theme others had tried and ran with it, creating wonderful subtexts that will score him a game.
  • [Fallout 2]: In what was deemed a surprise entry, Commie actually wrote something pretty good. It's a story about a man who's entire world is reduced to 'a thumb and a forefinger' and it wins him a prize.
  • [Planescape: Torment]: flabbyjack for making a simple tale that seemed like a good start, disappointing only in that it didn't go further.
  • [Arcanum]: Kaanyrvhok - who needs a lesson in the definition of "we said short, mother-fucker" - wins because anyone who can talk about a character called "Huggy" engaging "in a sort of masterbatorious foreplay" deserves a prize... even if it was all a bit tl;dr.
They all get a free GOG game of their choice - or if any of them want Bloodlines we'll hook them up with it via Steam.

Notable mentions but ultimately deemed unworthy were:
  • <span class="postbody">Zed's graphic rape story that might've worked better if it had pictures. </span>
  • <span class="postbody">zelda64whatagreatgame for his tale of a new 'artistic' approach to a store. </span>
  • <span class="postbody">Callaxes', who tried to grab our attention, did so mildly successfully at one point but then didn't go anywhere with it. Also "burrowing" ladders lulz.</span>
<span class="postbody">Special thanks of course goes to all those who <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">decided it'd be funny if they inflicted their crappy writing skills on us</span> participated. Winners will be contacted with their prize details shortly (or should hassle VoD).

There are 25 comments on Codex 2010 Short Story Winners

Divinity 2: The Dragon Knight Saga Interview

Interview - posted by VentilatorOfDoom on Tue 30 November 2010, 23:05:54

Tags: Divinity II; Larian Studios

Swen Vincke of Larian Studios took some time to answer our probing questions about Divinity 2: The Dragon Knight Saga and future Larian titles.

&lt;blockquote&gt;Another rather nifty idea in Divinity 2 was the mindreading. In my opinion the *thank god no one knows the location of mah trezure*-kind of application was a bit overused and in FoV it was a bit too expensive XP cost-wise but it was a nifty mechanic nontheless and enabled some nice unique quest solutions. Can we expect to see this or a similar mechanic in future games or was it an one time thing for Divinity 2 only?

I&rsquo;m glad that one received so much positive attention. It was quite a lot of development work to put it in there, and I&rsquo;m pretty sure many people in QA wished it wasn&rsquo;t there. I remember when introducing it, the team looked at me as if I&rsquo;d been taking drugs. Already they were overloaded with work to get all of the content in, and here was this madman telling them that every single dialog should get a mindread path because of this new cool skill. Considering the amount of dialogues in the game, that really added a lot of work to their plate, so you can understand that on occasion they took a shortcut, but there really are some very cool mindreads in there. And yes, we&rsquo;re thinking of similar &rdquo;small&rdquo; things when it comes to our next RPGs.&lt;/blockquote&gt;

There are 38 comments on Divinity 2: The Dragon Knight Saga Interview

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