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Golden Land Zoology 4 - Silent Forest

Codex Preview - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Sat 12 July 2003, 02:33:03

Tags: Burut Creative Team; Golden Land

This is the fourth article in our series about the creatures and nasties in Golden Land. This time up, the creatures of the Silent Forest:

These are ancient forest spirits who live in dead stumps. Many people think that they are the spirits of lost trees which weren't able to leave the trees, some kind of tree ghosts. Of course, carfads are very hostile to the people, who are mostly the reason of trees' death. Carfades differ from each other: there are males and females, and males are much more dangerous than the females. Carfades have one more unpleasant thing, which is useful to know. The thing is that if they see the human, they do not attack him at the moment; they throw pieces of wood and stones, which got stuck in the wood, at the enemy. These attacks aren't very effective, but those creatures are much more dangerous in close combat. That's why it is much better to shoot carfads at the distance, disregarding the stones and wood they throw at you.​

Sticks and stones may break my bones...

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Restricted Area Skills part 1 - Background & Attributes

Codex Preview - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Thu 10 July 2003, 09:34:31

Tags: Jan Beuck; Master Creating; Restricted Area

This is a look at the general background information on the skills and attributes system used in Restricted Area, as written by Jan Beuck of master-creating.

Each character has 15 unique skills, fitting to his background and his potential. Unique really means unique - it was very important to us that there are no similar skills at all (for example, if one character has a skill that increases his attack speed, he has no other skill that effects the attack speed at all and no other character has a skill like this as well). I think this is very important as nobody needs 10 skills of each kind that do basically the same thing, maybe with a slightly different graphical effect, but somehow that's very common. It was also very important to us that there are no skills which become worthless once you may learn a better one! All skills stay useful forever and no development point can ever be spend "wrong", except maybe for your personal opinion.​

I like unique, it's good for skill sets to be unique. Easier to implement, too!

There are 7 comments on Restricted Area Skills part 1 - Background & Attributes

Golden Land Zoology 3 - Dead Lands

Codex Preview - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Mon 7 July 2003, 00:32:04

Tags: Burut Creative Team; Golden Land

Nearly every fantasy setting game has it's undead, and Golden Land is no exception. In the third chapter of our series, written by Dmitry Glaznev, on the nasty critters that make up the setting, we show three of them. Here's the Navia:

Navias are evil spirits. They are the people whose body is dead, and soul was lost on its way to Veles. The body of this creature rots, and as far as the brain is the part of the body, navias become completely mad. They are quite weak creatures, but their ability to dazzle their enemies can give you some unpleasant moments. Sometimes some of the senses stay in half-rotten body of navia, and then the crowds of navias gather over this creature, making some kind of colony.​

So, they're like ants, only dead, and humanoid, and mad, and no queen.. Okay, they're nothing like ants.

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Golden Land Zoology 2 - Goldenland Forst and Northern Lands

Codex Preview - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Wed 25 June 2003, 19:07:20

Tags: Burut Creative Team; Golden Land

Our second look at Golden Land Zoology, this time featuring Chud and Bukis, one from the forest, one from the Northern Lands. Here's a bit about the Chud:

Chudies are the prehuman race of biped creatures. As legends say, it is the first intelligent creatures created by the gods. But, gods have disliked something in them (probably, their ungovernable character), and they had created the human. The hatred of half-minded chudies against people is the envy at more loved and lucky children.​

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Golden Land Zoology - Goldenland Forest

Codex Preview - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Mon 16 June 2003, 15:37:11

Tags: Burut Creative Team; Golden Land

Our first look at the zoology of the Golden Land setting, Chapter 1: Goldenland Forest.


Legends say that aspides are being born from the egg of the bird hatched by viper, or conversely. The result is predictable - the snake with wings which is not able to fly. With all its lack in physics, this creature is really dangerous and poisonous. The dexterous watcher could see how aggressive aspide waves his wings, trying to stand and show the higher growth. This is what shows the bird roots in the snake and the reptile's longing for skies. This feature can really touch anybody! Some pathfinders say that the aspides are trying to fly not only in the moments of danger, but also, for example, when they see the moon.​

Looks like I'll need a bigger bug.. errr.. snake zapper.

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Oxygen interview

Codex Interview - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Mon 16 June 2003, 15:04:03

Tags: Oxygen

Our first interview with Ariel Chai, the guy currently developing Oxygen, a space trading, action CRPG. Here's a taste:

9.) Are there outlets for players who aren't interested in combat? Will there be a way for those players to earn a living without killing lots of things? Can you rig a ship for running away by adding more engines and stripping weapons?

Well, nobody said you can't be a pacifist trader (I can't imagine a person buying a trading vessel for the weapons), but it's a tough world out there, you'll need to make sure you can defend yourself. (of course, you're going to see a lot less action in a trading ship)

Weapons will have no effect on cargo and vice versa, so if you don't use their space, too bad. (if I don't have it this way, things get mixed up, and too many ships will have access to powerful weapons). But in the economical level, you could invest your funds on an engine/thruster-upgrades rather than a shiny new (and big) weapon.​

Well, at least trading will end up resulting in less combat situations. That's a plus.

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Lionheart - Wielder Faction

Codex Preview - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Fri 6 June 2003, 21:13:31

Tags: Eric Dallaire; Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader; Reflexive Entertainment

Our first part in our guide to factions in Lionheart. This installment features a faction called The Wielders. It contains background information, perks, and much more!

Apprentice Wielder

Description: You have been accepted into the secret society of the Wielders, a group of heretical outcasts who embrace the taint of magic. To prepare you for the hardships and prejudices the Wielders must endure, your master has cast a permanent enchantment that grants you additional powers. Your Cold, Electrical and Fire Damage Percentages are increased by 4, and you receive +5 Hit Points (increasing your maximum hit point total).

Requirements: Accept Invitation to join the Wielders

For more info, click me!

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Golden Land - School of Darkness

Codex Preview - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Wed 4 June 2003, 09:09:51

Tags: Burut Creative Team; Golden Land

This is our last article on the magic system in Golden Land, mainly because all the disciplines have been covered. So, saving the worst and most evil for last, fear the School of Darkness article!

Mirror of Pain - the anger of the face reflected in the mirror poisons the victim's blood, killing it slowly.​

Mirror of Pain makes victims reflect on why it's wrong to piss you off!

Again, thanks to Dmitry Glaznev, script-writer of Golden Land for these articles.

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Golden Land - School of Magic of Gods

Codex Preview - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Thu 15 May 2003, 20:54:52

Tags: Burut Creative Team; Golden Land

School of Magic of Gods is our sixth article on the fun and mayhem you can cause in Golden Land using those wacky and powerful casting skills you can gather in the game. For example, there's this:

The hammer of heaven blacksmith - The huge hammer of the blacksmith-god Cronner falls on the skulls of your enemies, giving them little chance to stay alive.​

And everyone knows, I love hammers. This one is as big as it gets!

Thanks, Dmitry Glaznev!

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The Ultimate CRPG by Glasnev and Bouravtsov

Editorial - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Sun 11 May 2003, 16:57:46

Tags: Burut Creative Team

Yet another developer editorial on things they like and don't like in CRPGs these days, Dmitry Glasnev and Sergey Bouravtsov of Burut tackle the subject this time:

Moreover, such tendency of last years as mixing the genres has always given some exceptions from the definitions of computer role playing games to the most keen classifier. Besides, some gaming elements, without which good CRPG can't exist, can be defined. Our point of view is that it is, firstly, a worked out and debugged role system, freedom of player's actions, and the convenience of controls, a clear and natural interface. Those are the moments we'd like to dwell on.​

Yeah, that's a pet peeve of mine, all the damned RPG Hybrids watering down the genre.

There are 6 comments on The Ultimate CRPG by Glasnev and Bouravtsov

Temple of Elemental Evil chat log

Codex Interview - posted by Kreegle on Fri 2 May 2003, 04:39:35

Tags: Temple of Elemental Evil; Troika Games

Here's the log from tonights ToEE chat.
Thanks to the Troika people who participated in the chat.

There are 32 comments on Temple of Elemental Evil chat log

Golden Land - School of Elements

Codex Preview - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Tue 22 April 2003, 10:35:27

Tags: Burut Creative Team; Golden Land

Our fifth installment on the magic system in Golden Land covering The School of Elements.

Funeral Pyre This spell burns alive all those who dared to step too close to you...​

I love a spell with an optimistic name!

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Jan Beuck's What Makes a Good CRPG

Editorial - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Thu 10 April 2003, 01:14:00

Tags: Jan Beuck; Master Creating

Jan Beuck offers his perspective on what makes a great CRPG in one of our little developer-written CRPG mechanics articles:

Lets start with a really critical point. It's easy for me and I will find many friends here with words like, great game needs great gameplay, but the sense of this article is to talk about game mechanics. A critical point when creating an RPG, one that really can cost you half of the players (the one half or the other one...) is the discussion between a single main character and a party. Both have been successfully demonstrated in various titles, but for some it's only a true RPG if they control the classic party, others disagree and say that it's only an RPG if the slip into the role of a single character. Although I like both, my opinion is that slipping into a single character is exactly the sense of role-playing, it's essence. Controlling a party makes it more like a tactical or strategy game than an RPG. Combat, for example, becomes mass-battles. Real time combat games, it also detracts as a party disables any real action. The player becomes a viewer that can only make specific guidelines for the characters to act, but he can not be any of the characters. Especially strange is that there are games you can win although your character (read: you) has died and only his friends go on (like in Dungeon Siege).​

I've always liked the I'm role-playing a party crowd. They're funny.

There are 5 comments on Jan Beuck's What Makes a Good CRPG

Golden Land - School of Light

Codex Preview - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Sat 5 April 2003, 17:06:16

Tags: Burut Creative Team; Golden Land

Our fourth article on the magic system in Golden Land. This one covers the The school of Light.

Supernova - powerful magic energy of light causes great damage to your enemy.​

Nothing like baking nasty critters in town!

There are 3 comments on Golden Land - School of Light

Geneforge 2 interview

Codex Interview - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Wed 2 April 2003, 20:48:19

Tags: Geneforge 2; Jeff Vogel; Spiderweb Software

Our interview with the guy making Geneforge 2, Jeff Vogel of Spiderweb Software on the subject of that very game.

6.) A big part of advancement in the first Geneforge revolved around barred technology, like canisters. Can we expect canisters to make a return in the second one even though they're barred?

Jeff Vogel: Unfortunately, the magical technology that was forbidden will have an irresistible pull for a lot of people. The skill canisters from Geneforge will pop up occasionally. Some Shapers are secretly working very hard to make more of them.

Unlike in Geneforge, however, you won't get most of your skills from canisters. Now there are actual Shapers around to train you.​

Interesting that there are canisters being created by Shapers.. Sounds like a conspiracy!

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Another War 2 interview

Codex Interview - posted by Ausir on Thu 27 March 2003, 00:19:43

Tags: Mirage Interactive; Weird Wars: The Unknown Episode of World War II

An interview with Pawel Smyla and Lukasz Gorny of Mirage Interactive about Another War 2 a sequel to their first World War 2 cRPG. Here's a bit about some changes from AW1:

10.) What other changes in the game can we expect?

The biggest change is in the advancement of the joinable NPCs - in AW the player's influence on their advancement was very limited - they couldn't use new weapon classes, and the Armor Class was artificially increased, because they couldn't change their clothes. Now we have introduced an entirely new NPC advancement system, limited only in using the special abilities (we need to work more on AI to add it) - we hope we'll be able to add this element.
Additionally, new weapon classes and special abilities will appear.​

(This is where Ausir forgot to add teh funneh)

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Golden Land - School of Shadows

Codex Preview - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Sat 22 March 2003, 05:43:42

Tags: Burut Creative Team; Golden Land

Our third installment on the magic system used by Golden Land, as written by Dmitry Glasnev, the script writer on the project.

Hypnosis - This shadow spell tricks your enemy, and he doesn't consider you the enemy for some time.​

You will comment on this.. You will comment on this..

There are 1 comments on Golden Land - School of Shadows

Spells of Gold Character Development

Codex Preview - posted by Mistress on Wed 19 March 2003, 03:56:00

Tags: Buka Entertainment; Spells of Gold

A quick peek at the options available to your in developing your character in upcoming trade focused RPG, Spells of Gold.

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Prelude to Darkness recruitable party members

Information - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Mon 10 March 2003, 20:59:25

Tags: CP McBee; Prelude to Darkness; Zero Sum

This is the recruitable party member listing for Prelude to Darkness. Here's a sample:


Location: Random
Race: Mixed
Sex: Female

Background: As a pilgrim fervently devoted to the Goddess, Tauna spends her days wandering the Valley searching for the path to the heroic destiny that she is convinced her mistress has carved out for her.

Strength: 14
Dexterity: 14
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 15
Willpower: 17
Endurance: 13
Speed: 12

Polearm: 12
Music: 4
Nature: 11
Gifts of Goddess: 14​

Thanks to CP McGee for compiling this and writing the brief bios of the party members.

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Starfury interview #2

Codex Interview - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Sun 9 March 2003, 19:03:37

Tags: Aaron Hall; Malfador Machinations; Space Empires: Starfury

Another interview with Aaron Hall about his space trader CRPG, Starfury. Here's a bit on the skills:

9.) Can you shed a little light on the skills in the game? Will there be skills that affect things other than the ship piloting, such as trade skills or diplomacy? How do the piloting skills work?

Skills mainly cover piloting, combat, repair, and haggling. Diplomacy skills don't really come into it as the player is the one interacting. We didn't want to limit this interaction. As you increase experience, you will have points to spend on different skills. You can improve your crew targeting ability, repair ability of the ship and its systems, negotiation of prices with traders, etc.​

Yes! A Haggling skill! I smell riches in my future!

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