Seriously did we play the same game? Why are people pretending like this game was even remotely challenging? There is practically nothing to talk about in regard to builds as there is no need for it in this game. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the combat for its set piece encounters and nice environments but 5e is simplified enough already and there was nothing after lvl 5 even on Tactician that couldn't be solved by just brute forcing with haste and fighter weapon attacks. Occasionally you throw down a CC like hold person or use radiant damage against undead/shadows in Act 2 but that was barely necessary for 90% of the fights.
The difficulty is simply too easy. They really should had made the enemies last longer so they could get a chance to pop off their attacks. Like that fight with beholder was cool in theory but he survived two rounds so he barely could do anything to my party before dying. It doesn't help that supplies (even with 80 consumed per long rest) are simply too abundant.
Don't use haste unless you're one of those retards who has to spam barrels and then cry about it on the forum.
It's still not terribly difficult, but the combat is more fun.
What's retarded is saying "hey don't use this spell that they put in the game" to excuse the atrocious balance. Even if you don't use haste the encounters go from two rounds to three at best because of the itemisation. Like getting free bless/blade ward on heal or misty step ring way too early in the game. You can also CC or nuke spam because you can always long rest before you are depleted as you never reach a point in the game where you are required to be careful with your supplies. My point about haste was how braindead easy the strategy required to beat tactician. What's it going to be next? Don't use long rest?
I don't see the slightest problem, there have always been spells that completely ruined the game if you overused them. When you're handicapped and can't stop yourself, that's how it is.
You literally were able to one shot Firkraag (and every other boss) in BG2 if you were overusing one spell.
Even that wasn't as broken as some of the other spells.
Maybe a newer example. In WoTR with some combinations of class x mythic path you can combine spell books getting a huge bonus to caster lvl and access to broken spells.
This completely removes any combat difficulty, leaving you literally spamming with 1 spell.