They're adding paid boosts to TBC, letting you skip all the old world content and start with a 58 in Outland. Blizz couldn't help themselves. Game is dead on arrival.
Way to ruin it...
Level 60 blood elf hour 2.
You can't boost characters of the new races. Also the boost is limited to one character per account.
Not saying it's perfect, but without the boost I'm going to have a hard time convincing friends to start playing for TBC content.
One of the main reasons for the decline of WoW is that you would see a level 80 guy, and you wouldn't be sure that he beat Stratholme in his early 50s or whatever. The learning experience wasn't there for most people, and you couldn't trust them.
I quit the game late in WotLK and even doing heroics and pick up raids with my small group we had to check gear of the randoms, because we couldn't be sure they know how to play. Check the guy who wants to tank, he has very little defense. Stacks stamina instead. Has to be explained why this is bad. Nobody who played from level 1 to level 80 with a tank class would need this explained to them. Same with boss mechanics, and system interactions, etc. Boosts make it so there is no trust between two high level characters that both know how the game works. One might've just bought the character.