There really isn't all that much SJW shit in this. It's more of a late 90s/early Noughties level of wokeness - in fact, it's more of a traditional Leftie game with a bit of SJW window dressing.
It's not obnoxiously SJW like ME:A, or PoEII; if anything it's charmingly old-fashioned Leftism, centered on individual liberty, anti-corporate, etc., etc.
I think there's a "Gramsci Hotel" in the game? That about sums it upSJWs don't know anything about history beyond slavery and Hitler, or about politics beyond "Nazi" and "woke."
It's not SJW
It's SJW but it's mild
It's not SJW, but leftism
Incedible how delusional people can be.
Wake up Neo, it's just different grades of shit - leftism and SJW.
I'd say the difference between good, old-fashioned Leftism and SJW-ism is more like the difference between different stages of a degenerative disease. At first old uncle Bert just has a few slips of the tongue and occasionally says something that makes you worry about him; eventually he's frothing at the mouth. In one sense it's the same thing that's affecting the poor old bastard in both stages, but the result is less marked in the earlier form (of course I'm bracketing the millions who died under Communism, but to explain that would go too far afield in the context of this thread).
Play the game, and you will see. The SJW stuff is superficial box-ticking to appease the HR department Stasi and social media. In fact that's what real SJWs are complaining about.