Watching in the credits the army of people who've been involved in one way or another, one can't help but reflect wistfully on what could have been. So close in many ways, yet so far ...
More people doesn't mean better product, if anything things start to become bland after ~200 people or so. IME the games i liked the most the last few years were made by companies of around 50 people or smaller - the only exception was Arkane's Prey with the company size being 150 people, but Arkane had two teams and working on two different games in two different countries, with different engines, etc so even then it was probably around 60-70 people per team (that is just a guess of course).
Panam storyline is trash, typical Stronk Female M-Rey Sue bullshit.
-Panam is kicked out of Nomads for being too reckless and not a team player
-Proceeds to get numerous Nomads killed for being reckless and not a team player
-Learns nothing of this, blames everyone but herself, and inexplicably earns loyalty of more Nomads
-Player forced to continually validate her, never call her out or put her in her place
-Gets the Nomads in more trouble with the gangs and pisses off a major corp.
-Never learns any lessons or shows any self-reflection on her behavior
-Saul does complete 180 for no reason, decides she's the best Nomad ever, puts her in charge and literally no one disagrees.
-Universally loved by everyone.
If you liked her character or found her romance engaging you should consider getting your T-levels checked. Srsly.
Panam storyline is trash, typical Stronk Female M-Rey Sue bullshit.
-Panam is kicked out of Nomads for being too reckless and not a team player
-Proceeds to get numerous Nomads killed for being reckless and not a team player
-Learns nothing of this, blames everyone but herself, and inexplicably earns loyalty of more Nomads
-Player forced to continually validate her, never call her out or put her in her place
-Gets the Nomads in more trouble with the gangs and pisses off a major corp.
-Never learns any lessons or shows any self-reflection on her behavior
-Saul does complete 180 for no reason, decides she's the best Nomad ever, puts her in charge and literally no one disagrees.
-Universally loved by everyone.
If you liked her character or found her romance engaging you should consider getting your T-levels checked. Srsly.
She is Veronica from NV but way stronKer![]()
but EA built their reputation on excellent and innovative games unlike these retarded poles who couldn't design a system to save their lives whose only saving grace in the minds of the average consumer is their good guy pandering to the average reddit gamerlol EA literally scams millions of retards with their yearly garbage sports games and no one gives a shit. They dickslap their customers and the customers love it.
but EA built their reputation on excellent and innovative games unlike these retarded poles who couldn't design a system to save their lives whose only saving grace in the minds of the average consumer is their good guy pandering to the average reddit gamerlol EA literally scams millions of retards with their yearly garbage sports games and no one gives a shit. They dickslap their customers and the customers love it.
Not questioning your opinion on's true
literally everything after witcher 1 has been a derivative product
CDPR: Hello Fellow Open World Adventure fans. You love Le Keanu?In the ideal fabulously optimistic world where these retard poles had any business sense, what would happen. Cool we got Keanu on board, hmm lets do next expansion where he is your sidekick/antagonist/lover/whatever, so it will help with the player retention for next content.
Paralez quest was good. Would have been way better as main quest.
CDPR: Hello Fellow Open World Adventure fans. You love Le Keanu?In the ideal fabulously optimistic world where these retard poles had any business sense, what would happen. Cool we got Keanu on board, hmm lets do next expansion where he is your sidekick/antagonist/lover/whatever, so it will help with the player retention for next content.
No cocksuckers, I loved Yennefer being a focal point of The Witcher 3.
Discovered maybe the most braindead design decision yet, hope it's actually an oversight. If you're stealthing it up and you hack a turret to fire on your enemies it puts them all in the same alert status as normal, so they know exactly where you are and start attacking you. WTF? Seems to me that would ruin a stealth and hacking build, which thankfully I am not.
Paralez quest was good. Would have been way better as main quest.
I loved the quest, but the ending left me with the dick hanging thought the consequences would be extreme or at least I would get ambushed by theby the fucking illuminati controlling their thoughts
Paralez quest was good. Would have been way better as main quest.
I loved the quest, but the ending left me with the dick hanging thought the consequences would be extreme or at least I would get ambushed by theby the fucking illuminati controlling their thoughts
Thats my point, shit got really interesting and I want to see where it goes. I wish this game had been way more about corpo espionage and skullduggery.
My experience has been the minute you do anything hostile to an NPC that isn't a backstab or silencer to the head - every enemy in 12 block radius develops echo radar and can detect you anywhere. (Including sniping an NPC who's all alone 100 miles away, all his choomba's seem to just "sense" a disturbance and start firing on you)
I've also learned that Stealth is not only boring, slow and unrewarding.. but on highest difficulty I can just run around like a retard with literally any build and blow through everything.
AKA Stealth is shit and even when it works it's pointless.
My experience has been the minute you do anything hostile to an NPC that isn't a backstab or silencer to the head - every enemy in 12 block radius develops echo radar and can detect you anywhere. (Including sniping an NPC who's all alone 100 miles away, all his choomba's seem to just "sense" a disturbance and start firing on you)
I've also learned that Stealth is not only boring, slow and unrewarding.. but on highest difficulty I can just run around like a retard with literally any build and blow through everything.
AKA Stealth is shit and even when it works it's pointless.
I got the thing that slows time briefly when you're seen and even if I miss a headshot as long as I kill the guy fast it doesn't alert everyone. I agree otherwise though, everyone knows exactly where you are immediately when you're really seen. I can accept that to some degree though, I can imagine they shouted where I was or something, but hacking a turret and the turret attacking them? Knowing where I am then is total bullshit, they should patch that shit.
I agree stealth becomes super easy after you level up a bit, but I enjoy that kinda gameplay so much I'm sticking with it. When I feel like mixing it up I run in guns blazing every once in a while, and the funny thing is my revolver is so badass they usually die in one hit anyway, even outside of stealth.
(Compared to games like Hitman / Thief or :gags: Skyrim)
Or Faggout 4 for that matter...You know something is deeply wrong when Skyrim does a better job than this game...
(Compared to games like Hitman / Thief or :gags: Skyrim)
You know something is deeply wrong when Skyrim does a better job than this game...