If it bothers you that much you can start a new game and set the AI to loyal, your party won't question each others decisions then. You still have to play the minigame against NPCs though and since you can fail/botch quests if you lose, might want to learn to win. I usually start out with rock. If I win, I just assume the AI will pick next what would have beaten my last pick. This works most of the time. If I lose however, I assume the AI will behave exactly like that, e.g. if I lost with rock vs paper, the AI will assume that I'll pick scissors next and thus choose rock. I will therefor choose paper next. Win most of the time.
The strange thing about this RPS is that it ain't random. Or else the AI would at least once choose the same as you.
I did a long test and the most common pattern I could find was that... If you lose the first round, choose what they AI picked in that round twice. Then in a fourth round you go back and pick the AIs choice again. That worked out almost every single time for me.