Indeed. But one with a couple good legacy dungeons and some cool but sensible bosses would already be a good thing.A DLC as good as The Old Hunters is scientifically impossible
Indeed. But one with a couple good legacy dungeons and some cool but sensible bosses would already be a good thing.A DLC as good as The Old Hunters is scientifically impossible
Btw one of the best additions of ER compared to Dark Souls games was the whole bunch of beastman/savage themed items and miracles centered around Strenght/Faith hybrids.
I've been playing Strength/Faith on my first blind playthrough of every Souls game and it was quite a joy to discover Gurranq's "miracles".
Oh no you can see it, take it in, mull it over, and then dismiss it"See that shit there ? That shit that bothers you ? That shit that you see ? Just don't see it !"
No shit !
Carian sorceries (piercer, greatsword, and slicer) are are a great way to complement the moveset of your primary weapon, while still allowing you to play the game in melee how Queen Marika intended. My favorite has to be Carian Piercer, since it gives you a very strong poke regardless of what's in your right hand and it sends most enemies flying, so you can almost always follow up with an ash of war attack (Carian Grandeur definitely being the most satisfying). Carian Greatsword is a great way to deal with huge packs of enemies, and Carian Slicer allows you to always have access to a fast-hitting attack, even if you're using a heavy weapon. If you rush to the north, you can get all of this online by the time you reach Liurnia.BTW, sorceries are pretty wierd. There's like so many but a lot of them just seem to be a variation on the same thing and it's unclear exactly what uses some of them even have. I'll say, incantations were a lot more fun due to their variety. Aesthetically and thematically the whole glintstone concept is cool but the spells themselves are too samey. It's still fun to use them for the novelty if nothing else since i never did magic before.
Man, they really made the AI so passive on those fights:
I expected the spear one to come after me non-stop but half the time he did nothing. Wonder how the Crystalians Trio fight is going to play out compared to when i did it then, before the patch changed the AI.
From unfortunately built up a reputation for making hard games and they stupidly insist on maintaining it. "Stupidly" because at this point they are trying to up the difficulty for players who have been playing their game for over a decade so the only way they can do it is to mechanically sabotage their own product. I played the network test beta which was just a few months before release and even that was in many ways basically a wholly different game. Poise and armor for example were about twice as high on all armors so you could take a hit or two without staggering even with medium armor, in retail you have to go full heaviest armor to get even close to that. Same with Vigor it used to give substantially more HP per point in network test than in the released game. In fact the game just straight up lies to you about your poise value because in reality its only 1/10 of what the stat screen shows.Like I said before: the bosses in the DLC will make Malenia seem tame and fair by comparison. After the DLC I won't be touching their games anymore. They went off...way off. If I wanted to play a sonic game or whatever speedy Gonzales shit there is out there, well I'd probably be playing those instead. Fighting sekiro bosses with demon's souls character is not fun.
I very much hope so, this poor bitch inevitably remains with just 30% of her HP after a single R2:Like I said before: the bosses in the DLC will make Malenia seem tame and fair by comparison.
Yes and that's exactly why From's solution to difficulty is fucking stupid.Bosses have to be unfair just to gain the slightest chance of reacting to the unreasonable amount of overpowered tools this game gives you.
If you're still struggling to get past the blades for the grab you could try vow of the indomitable.So i tried to get intentionally eaten by the virgin and the fucking whore just shredded me instead, making me lose a rune arc. I feel like an incel who has just been refused service by a whore whom he just paid to have sex with.