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The fuck is Vavra Game Studios doing these days anyways? Are they just wasting their time on hookers and drugs or are they making Legend of Henry pt. II? fuck is Vavra Game Studios doing these days anyways? Are they just wasting their time on hookers and drugs or are they making Legend of Henry pt. II?
You should really speak for yourself, not "the player"; there are plenty of people, myself included, who enjoy the cinematic presentation as much as the gameplay itself, assuming it is well done (which in KCD it is).even though these detract from RPG immersion and the experience of the player.
Vavra's game-design tendencies might be far superior to the typical tendencies of AAA game design, but they could still be considerably improved. He is the person responsible for KCD's heavy focus on cinematic cutscenes involving a pregenerated character, emulating games such as the The Witcher II/III, even though these detract from RPG immersion and the experience of the player. Similarly, Vavra insisted on prolonging the main plot in order to have as much exposition of the life of Henry as possible, preparing the grounds for at least one sequel, even though this results in the game dragging on and on in the later parts, with repeated anticlimaxes; there's even a second bandit fortress that again fails to fully resolve Henry's situation after their defeat. The true heroes of KCD are those who designed its systems and its historically-grounded Open World setting.In a sense, Vavra wants to do the same thing the industry wants to do. He thinks roleplaying is about "experiencing" the role as if the player was actually living it. The difference between him and other devs is that he is going the right way about it. Codexers may scoff at the idea roleplaying has anything to do with "experiencing" anything, but if one MUST go that road, there's no better way to do it than how Vavra is doing it.
Unless the sequel is set at least couple decades after Dan seems too stubborn to change the MCIf Henry is back as main character, It's gonna be a hard pass for me.
Untrue. Games with custom characters don't need to be silent to begin with, but going back to the main point of your argument, in games with custom characters the story shifts from the character's personal story to the conditions of the world around you, the NPCs, villains, etcetera. Fallout, Arcanum, Age of Decadence and many do this well. Of course you can prefer a story like Planescape Torment or The Witcher, but it's wrong to suggest that premade characters are a requisite for having a good story.It's really a focus on a good story, which kindda needs a premade character, coz stories with a custom silent protagonist like Skyrim or Dark Souls have always sucked and always will, for obvious reasons.
If you do this without having played through the game before, you might have a bit of a bad time when it comes to some perks. I know it sounds lame, but I would recommend consulting the wiki, because the way some perks work/flat out don't work as worded, might ruin your playthrough.I have half a mind of starting an HC game with all the perks on.
The game is built so that you can't really brick your run. No matter what you do you can always complete the game. In fact oftentimes failures are way more entertaining than successes (drinking with the priest if you fail a speech check being the best example) so there's no real benefit to savescum (and even less if you have to quit and restart everytime, what with the long loading times).BTW, so the game saves everytime you quit? Doesn't that negate some of the challenge i mean seems like its easy to save scum any time you want just by quitting. Not that i'd do it or anything.
the saves should be deleted when you continue, so if you alt+f4'd I think you'd have to start back at your last non-suspend saveBTW, so the game saves everytime you quit? Doesn't that negate some of the challenge i mean seems like its easy to save scum any time you want just by quitting. Not that i'd do it or anything.
the saves should be deleted when you continue, so if you alt+f4'd I think you'd have to start back at your last non-suspend saveBTW, so the game saves everytime you quit? Doesn't that negate some of the challenge i mean seems like its easy to save scum any time you want just by quitting. Not that i'd do it or anything.
Check if Henry got the munchiesThe frequency by which i keep getting hungry is starting to worry me
You haven't really completed the tutorial yet; the game doesn't properly begin until you reach the horse stables that have been raided. Admittedly, this prolonged opening probably wasn't the best design for an Open World game.I decided to give the game a proper shake, and I've been playing for a few hours now. Got to Rattay and have started my first patrol.
So far, I am very lukewarm on the whole experience. The combat system actually seems fun and I look forward to fighting proper enemies. The setting and story are great too, although this is due to the premise versus the writing quality which really isn't anything special (maybe even substandard at times). Trouble is, even with all the settings bumped up to max and a smooth 100 FPS+ experience, the game still kind of looks/feels like shit.
It's also mind numbingly boring walking around in first person for some reason. I get the whole appeal is for "muh immersion" but I don't think I'm autistic enough for that. Running/walking around is such a slog that I often find myself wriggling in my chair from the pain that it causes me. I can reload the same KotC2 fight for five hours until I get the optimal result I was looking for, but walking for more than 60 seconds makes me want to alt f4 out of the fucking game. I think this might be universal for me for all walking simulators though.
I will push on though, because I like our sexually frustrated protagonist, and I want to continue on his quest forsome medieval waifu fornicationrevenge. Will need a few more hours before I can decide whether or not this is the kind of game I will want to finish.