What's the current release date on this?
Maybe you're right. I got my hopes up for this game when it was announced, because like everyone else here I really wanted a new Freelancer. Those hopes all died when they started selling ships for real money. The same assholes who have an unfair advantage in the real world will have it in the game too. Now, I just want to watch it burn.Your 34 posts in this thread suggests a fair amount of emotional investment from your side as well
Next Friday on Steam Greenlight. 608547 picoissues remain!What's the current release date on this?
There's dogfighting with online matchmaking and some co-op missions, plus a race mode. All the completed ships are available. Pretty fun, I've played around with it for a couple hours. You can also walk around the first city area which is also 'multiplayer', but as far as I can see there's nothing to do there yet.I am pretty sure if people wanted a tech demo that didn't do anything they would just get 3DMark.
So, I'm not sure if this is widely known but they gave everybody free access to the Alpha 1.2 until October 25th.
Just go here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/promotions/citizencon2k15
Make your account and use this 'coupon':
Then download and install the launcher, which in turn will download some 30 GB and you can play.
Performance: It destroys my i5 + GTX 670 @ 1080p (20 to 30 FPS on the High setting)
I think it is first game to use proper 8k textures.
lol. they rarely use even 2k textures. they're just smart with their texturing and modelling
Played tutorial and definitely i saw huge difference to lets say Elite in therms of polycount and textures.
Star citizen ingame*