Doom 4 was designed for urban youths
Are you talking about this? If so, it looks better than E4M2. More verticality and bigger enemy diversity: mancubis, hell knights, guys armed with lasers guns and flying revenants, instead of the basic variety of Doom 1 (hitscan guys, melee enemies with a single attack and projectile enemies who throw a single fireball). The enemies can even jump through platforms; they no longer keep walking in circles when confronted with anContrast this with E4M2 (Perfect Hatred), which is probably just a bit bigger than that same E3 showcase arena, really, but it works in so much more. It's multi-level, despite the engine technically not allowing multiple levels. It requires finding two keys. It has Cacodemons that roam around and potentially block your way through smaller doorways. It sends you through the same spawn area like four times, and each time is different. It trolls you with a Cyberdemon that you can telefrag. It doesn't get much better than that!
But then these fuckers aren't even trying...
Yes, I was referring to that. But that's the most they wanted to impress people. It's just a big empty room that you walk around in. There is no objective other than to kill everything in sight and then move on. E4M2 has you figuring out where to find the next objective, as well as searching for secret items in hidden passageways that recover the damage you took in E4M1, which had nearly no health items at all.Are you talking about this? If so, it looks better than E4M2. More verticality and bigger enemy diversity: mancubis, hell knights, guys armed with lasers guns and flying revenants, instead of the basic variety of Doom 1 (hitscan guys, melee enemies with a single attack and projectile enemies who throw a single fireball). The enemies can even jump through platforms; they no longer keep walking in circles when confronted with anContrast this with E4M2 (Perfect Hatred), which is probably just a bit bigger than that same E3 showcase arena, really, but it works in so much more. It's multi-level, despite the engine technically not allowing multiple levels. It requires finding two keys. It has Cacodemons that roam around and potentially block your way through smaller doorways. It sends you through the same spawn area like four times, and each time is different. It trolls you with a Cyberdemon that you can telefrag. It doesn't get much better than that!
But then these fuckers aren't even trying...invisible wallledge.
Also, the excess of Baron of Hells (bullet sponges) in E4M2 makes the level annoying and repetitive.
"It has Cacodemons that roam around and potentially block your way through smaller doorways."
Shame they were a bit spongey in Doom 1 (no SS).
Cacodemons were spongey in the original Doo, but they were pretty much chainsaw fodder, if you can get up'n close.
Why not? It's the developers' original intention brought to its logical conclusion of full mouse support, and it's what I'm already accustomed to. The original Doom manual recommended using a mouse because of its precision, if you happened to have one back then, so I'm not sacrificing some sacred authenticity of the past or anything.
I think they took inspiration from Hdoom lahenemies stumbling over and just waiting for you to stick your dick in.
oh snapWhy not? It's the developers' original intention brought to its logical conclusion of full mouse support, and it's what I'm already accustomed to. The original Doom manual recommended using a mouse because of its precision, if you happened to have one back then, so I'm not sacrificing some sacred authenticity of the past or anything.
Ohh noo, I'm aiming for myself instead of letting the computer do half the job for me. Sue me, Romero. You didn't make anything good since you left id until you made E1M8b.Why not? It's the developers' original intention brought to its logical conclusion of full mouse support, and it's what I'm already accustomed to. The original Doom manual recommended using a mouse because of its precision, if you happened to have one back then, so I'm not sacrificing some sacred authenticity of the past or anything.