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The Witcher 3 GOTY Edition

a cut of domestic sheep prime

the main questline is counted as finished
but doesn't that mean that you won't get to choose your waifu for the end game bonus in Blood & Wine?

edit: n-not that that matters or anything. :oops:
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Nov 8, 2007
but doesn't that mean that you won't get to choose your waifu for the end game bonus in Blood & Wine?

You know, I'm not sure. Maybe it'll default to Yennefer? She was my OC waifu anyway, so I can live with that. Either way, it's clearly not the ideal way to go about it, but I think it'll be worth it in the end being able to play the DLCs with some fresh mechanics.


Apr 20, 2019
im trying to get into that EE mod but i dont know what the fuck is going on with the controls.

when im out of combat just practising with the sword, it works like it should if you want to have manual targeting: center of the fucking screen. When i get into combat with multiple enemies, the camera comes out like in vanilla and i find myself constantly getting out of position after attacking and thus unable to block shit, so then im having to fight the controls to get geralt to face where i want him to face. I dont know if this is intentional or not, if it is, its fucking dumb, even the most novice fighters in any combat sport learn to face their targets instinctively

a cut of domestic sheep prime

im trying to get into that EE mod but i dont know what the fuck is going on with the controls.
eh, I believe there's a setting that will turn the autolock back on. make sure that's disabled.

other than that, I have no clue. could be a conflict with some other mod or an install issue. I suggest reporting it as a bug and/or trying a fresh install with no other mods and then figuring out which on broke it.

iirc, W3EE doesn't play well with most mods or the script merger. not sure if that was ever resolved.
I dont know if this is intentional or not, if it is, its fucking dumb, even the most novice fighters in any combat sport learn to face their targets instinctively
it shouldn't be interfering with your aim one way or the other.


Mar 29, 2015
I cum from a land down under
Insert Title Here
Good advice, thanks bros!


My best option is to fast track the MQ, I just gotta get it done and finished so I can move on with my life!! And then look at the option of fresh high level start with EE for DLC.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

btw, I've updated the files with the removed exploding Quen when swimming retardation for the current version:

I'd make a mod and put it on the Nexus, but I suspect the sperg who came up with this idea would also be butturt enough at my fixing it that he'd try to get me banned for modifying his content without permission, so I won't bother.


edit: and again, this is the code the author actually bothered to write with multiple calls in both files:

    public function KillPlayerForLulz()
        var player : W3PlayerWitcher = owner.GetPlayer();
        var rotation : EulerAngles = player.GetWorldRotation();
        var fx : CEntity;
        PlayHitEffect('quen_rebound_sphere_bear_abl2', rotation);
        rotation.Yaw -= 90.f;
        PlayHitEffect('quen_rebound_sphere_bear_abl2', rotation);
        rotation.Yaw += 180.f;
        PlayHitEffect('quen_rebound_sphere_bear_abl2', rotation);
        rotation.Yaw += 90.f;
        PlayHitEffect('quen_rebound_sphere_bear_abl2', rotation);
        fx = player.CreateFXEntityAtPelvis('mutation2_critical', true);
        fx = player.CreateFXEntityAtPelvis('mutation1_hit', true);
        player.Kill('Retardation', true);

I love the mod, but spergs gonna sperg.
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Apr 20, 2019
im trying to get into that EE mod but i dont know what the fuck is going on with the controls.
eh, I believe there's a setting that will turn the autolock back on. make sure that's disabled.

other than that, I have no clue. could be a conflict with some other mod or an install issue. I suggest reporting it as a bug and/or trying a fresh install with no other mods and then figuring out which on broke it.

iirc, W3EE doesn't play well with most mods or the script merger. not sure if that was ever resolved.
I dont know if this is intentional or not, if it is, its fucking dumb, even the most novice fighters in any combat sport learn to face their targets instinctively
it shouldn't be interfering with your aim one way or the other.

Its not my aim per se, its where geralt ends up facing after an attack. For example, im trying to get good at fighting drowners in groups, just as a learning activity. What happens is i end up sidestepping the lunges, counter attack, and now im stuck in the middle of the group, trying to get this dumb fuck to turn around to face the nearest target so his back isnt exposed

a cut of domestic sheep prime

(hard to say if this is normal because I don't see what you're talking about.)

eh, the lunges take you forward. the key is not to lunge recklessly.

there are controls for attacking short, med and long range. just clicking buttons will get you killed.

and make sure your attacks are mapped properly like it says in the manual.

other than that, it's up to you to face geralt in a particular direction. he's not going to automatically do anything for you anymore. (and he can't since the soft lock is disabled)

edit: oh, and fighting groups is hard at first. practice with single targets. and watch your stamina.


Nov 8, 2007
Whoa, interesting. I actually just loaded up my post-finale save with EE installed, and it seems to work just fine. The points I put into skill categories before remain, but that seems like a fine compromise on natural progression into the DLC. Think I'm going to go ahead and continue on this way.

Agame, I guess this means you could switch to EE now if you wanted too as far as I can tell. Shouldn't really be a problem, as long as you're willing to learn the new mechanics midgame (might actually be fun).
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Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
but doesn't that mean that you won't get to choose your waifu for the end game bonus in Blood & Wine?

You know, I'm not sure. Maybe it'll default to Yennefer? She was my OC waifu anyway, so I can live with that. Either way, it's clearly not the ideal way to go about it, but I think it'll be worth it in the end being able to play the DLCs with some fresh mechanics.
If you don't have a love interest it falls back Ciri.
Unless she's empress, then it falls back to Dandelion.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
EE sounds preddy gud, kind of tempting to restart with it. But its taken me 4 years to get halfway through W3. If I restart now I will NEVER FINISH THIS FUCKING GAME.

Since I just have the apparently excellent DLCs ahead of me after finishing the OC some time ago, I decided to just use the fresh start at level 32 option for Hearts of Stone after installing EE. Not going to start playing it just yet, but wanted to try it out to see if it's plausible. As far as I can tell, it totally is, so that might be an option for you after you get through the OC?
Hearts of Stone is the best part of the entire game. Has the best two quests in the game IMO. Shani is best waifu btw.
I liked B&W but my opinion of it is probably jaded because I was getting bored of the game. B&W is long enough to be a standalone title.


Nov 8, 2007
Jinn that sounds interesting, I assumed a big overhaul like that would need a fresh start. Not sure if I want to risk breaking my save but I may check it out.

Been playing with it the past couple hours. Everything seems absolutely fine. If you're worried about breaking a save, you can always just save an extra one without worry to test it out. But yeah, don't see how it could break the game from a gameplay standpoint from the changes I've observed either.

Combat is brutal, tactical, and awesome now. Most fun I've had fighting anything in this engine. Started doing the runesmith quests just to get acquainted with the new systems and after fighting some humans, I can easily say I'm not overpowered (on "Normal" mode in EE) even with my carryover skill point distribution, and I've got plenty of places I can still go with character development. Really liking the learn as you use system in place here, as well as how he integrated equipping mutagens. Alchemy overhaul is pretty great too. You have to think before you use these things, because you run out and you're going to have to manually brew more with ingredients that aren't nearly as easy to come by.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

but doesn't that mean that you won't get to choose your waifu for the end game bonus in Blood & Wine?

You know, I'm not sure. Maybe it'll default to Yennefer? She was my OC waifu anyway, so I can live with that. Either way, it's clearly not the ideal way to go about it, but I think it'll be worth it in the end being able to play the DLCs with some fresh mechanics.
Unless she's empress, then it falls back to Dandelion.
fake news. she still comes as empress because she isn't empress yet. Her death triggers Dandelion

frankly, her as empress is the best ending for her. as her father, I want the best for her. I don't want her to die at the hands of some drowner, alone in some hellhole.

I play the entire game trying to deliver everything into the empire's hands, except maybe skellege. I'm sure Ciri can get along with them
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Nov 8, 2007
This Enhanced Edition is kind of blowing my expectations out of the water. It is really good, and I wish I could have played through the entire game like this. In fact, I'll probably end up doing a replay of the OC with EE at some point - that's how good it is. I think there are a few things that just wouldn't work well if not fiddled with - such as the default carry weight for Geralt being something like 75lbs - but luckily the mod is highly customizeable. I'm trying to not deviate too far from the default Normal difficulty too much, but I did have to adjust carry weight on Geralt and Roach, cause that shit was going to get tedious very fast. Very happy with the alchemy and meditation changes too. Potion and oil use matters like it should. Also love how beautifully integrated things like Friendly UI is built into the mod. Love having my camera with Geralt in the middle and zoomed out a fair bit further than the default. Higher FOV obviously too.

I wasn't planning on playing this any more than an hour or so tonight to test it out, but I kind of got hooked in. I'm having fun doing side-quests in The Witcher 3 again. It's amazing.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Yeah the default carry limit with this itemization is truly retarded. Especially on ghost mode that adds weight to everything. I ended up disabling this shit completely after like half hour.


Nov 2, 2006
The Swamp
I've read quite a few positive comments about the EE mod, but I've also seen some things I don't like such as he added some of his own weapons to the game. I generally don't like mods that add fan-made items.

How does EE compare to the Ghost Mode mod or FCR3?


Nov 8, 2007
I've read quite a few positive comments about the EE mod, but I've also seen some things I don't like such as he added some of his own weapons to the game. I generally don't like mods that add fan-made items.

Can't say too much about items yet, except I already like itemization better in terms of usefulness. I think I've found a few of the unique armors that he's put into the game, and I like their placement. He kind of needed to add items and equipment to reward the player for exploration. It's part of why the sidequests I've been doing feel a lot more fun, because despite there not being an XP reward for them, I have found nice unique equipment, mutagens, diagrams, and vital ingredients. I don't know how it'll be handled overall, but it seems better than the base game anyway.

But yeah, don't really know what he was thinking with that weight capacity limit. I have no idea how it would even work with how much shit to pick up there is in the game. I know he wanted to limit it so you had to be more discerning in your looting habits, but the default is just too extreme and doesn't work with what we're expected to have resource-wise.
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Nov 2, 2006
The Swamp
Is the skill system pretty much the same where you can only have 3(?) active skills plus 1 mutagen on each of the four skill trees? (Going by memory here because it's been a couple years now since I've played)


Nov 8, 2007
so what is the tl;dr changelog of the enhanced edition? is it the one that delevel the whole game and make it more like gothic?

I'm not entirely sure if enemies get any stronger depending on the area they are in, but I don't think they do. I think certain creatures and enemy types have their base "level." You can feel when you've progressed past a certain enemy, but they are still usually very deadly if you're fighting stupidly. I don't think that it necessary makes it more like Gothic, but it makes it better than the base system by far. If you're interested in it, you should just download it real quick and give it a shot sometime. You'll get a feel for what is different really quick.

Is the skill system pretty much the same where you can only have 3(?) active skills plus 1 mutagen on each of the four skill trees? (Going by memory here because it's been a couple years now since I've played)

No, it's much better now and fits the open nature of the game in a more natural way, in my opinion. Every skill you put points into is activated, and there is no limitation at which order you acquire them. You gain skill points gradually by using a particular attack style, particular signs, doing alchemy, completing quest, and even eating, I think. Once your use in that particular area reaches 100%, you get a skill point you can spend in that particular skill set. Mutagens are simply equipped to do things like raise HP, vitality, sign intensity, etc. They modify without being tied directly to the use of skills. Again, the whole system works so much better than the terrible skill system in the base game. I kind of love it. He also modified what skills do quite a bit, as far as I can tell.
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Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Awesome, thank you Jinn.

Might need to try that myself. EE does sound like a huge improvement of the game I've had lots of issues with (mainly leveled mobs and equipment and character development). But I went quite far nonetheless (found Ciri, fought the Wild Hunt attack of, fought its Lieutenant or some such semi-boss) and don't feel like starting over such a long game. But if I can install the mod over existing play-trough.. that changes everything. I could finish the game with it.. and also try the DLCs with it.


May 13, 2018
Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
Hearts of Stone is the best part of the entire game. Has the best two quests in the game IMO. Shani is best waifu btw.
I liked B&W but my opinion of it is probably jaded because I was getting bored of the game. B&W is long enough to be a standalone title.
Agree with all of this. I haven't found the vampire who asks what year is it, nor acid tripping Roach part, simply because fatigue set in, and I couldn't be bothered to explore.

They nailed Regis in accordance with the books, thoroughly enjoyed the bromance. It made me want to read the books again.


Sep 8, 2016
Has anyone tried Andrzej Kwiatkowski's FCR3 mod? Dev mods such as Sawyer's for F:NV or Gaider's for ToB tend to be quite good, so I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

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