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KickStarter ATOM RPG - Wasteland Soviet style! - now with Dead City update

Will you back?

  • I will consider it!

    Votes: 39 54.9%
  • No! I would never!..

    Votes: 9 12.7%
  • kingcomrade

    Votes: 23 32.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Atom Team
Oct 1, 2016
Bought it. Love it.
Some bugs and technical issues I've noticed: For some reason the intro cinematic when starting a new game lags like crazy. I have to skip it with Esc to be able to play. The fisherman who teaches you how to skin animals in the second area is sitting on thin air.
Thanks a lot for trusting us!! Say, would you happen to be sporting an ATI card HD4 or HD5? We have some trouble with those, we're working on fixing. And the fisherman as well as few other bugs of that type are already fixed, the fixes will be patched into the game in 1.0!


Feb 4, 2014
Bought it. Love it.
Some bugs and technical issues I've noticed: For some reason the intro cinematic when starting a new game lags like crazy. I have to skip it with Esc to be able to play. The fisherman who teaches you how to skin animals in the second area is sitting on thin air.
Thanks a lot for trusting us!! Say, would you happen to be sporting an ATI card HD4 or HD5? We have some trouble with those, we're working on fixing. And the fisherman as well as few other bugs of that type are already fixed, the fixes will be patched into the game in 1.0!
Nope, it's an nvidia gtx 970. All videos in the game lag, not just the intro. Up to date drivers etc.

Also, a Kippa adds +10 barter :lol::keepmyjewgold:
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Atom Team
Oct 1, 2016
Bought it. Love it.
Some bugs and technical issues I've noticed: For some reason the intro cinematic when starting a new game lags like crazy. I have to skip it with Esc to be able to play. The fisherman who teaches you how to skin animals in the second area is sitting on thin air.
Thanks a lot for trusting us!! Say, would you happen to be sporting an ATI card HD4 or HD5? We have some trouble with those, we're working on fixing. And the fisherman as well as few other bugs of that type are already fixed, the fixes will be patched into the game in 1.0!
Nope, it's an nvidia gtx 970. All videos in the game lag, not just the intro. Up to date drivers etc.

Also, a Kippa adds +10 barter :lol::keepmyjewgold:

Huh! In that case, if it's not too much of a bother, can you launch any video, let it play (and glitch) from start to finish, and send us the resulting error log? It's a file called output_log.txt located in %AppData%/../LocalLow/AtomTeam/Atom our email is support@atomrpg.com
P.S.: Also, another quick shot at a nice and easy fix: maybe instead of a hardware problem we got a simple codec problem? Do you use custom codecs like K-Lite codec pack or the CCCP codec pack? If you're only using what came with the computer originally, you might have problems with some video formats like mp4, mkv or flv in general, even outside of the game. Try updating the codecs!
P.P.S.: Hehe... That's why I love this forum. You notice those tiny, yet meaningful details!
Posting here so I don't forget about it when it comes out of EA. Cautiosly :bounce: because the last few pages make the game look great. Hopefully it's not another Kingmaker bug-wise :negative:.
There will be bugs! But there will also be bug fixes uploaded like 2 hours after initial report. We're very quick at that, and we ironed out all the issues except silly small ones and the unfortunate ATI bug and that strange new video glitch thing. Thanks for keeping track of our progress, the game won't disappoint :)

Atom RPG II when?
Sorry, missed your comment at first. We're planning to add free DLC content to Atom and perfecting it long after the Release, we're not leaving the game until it's triple the size and quality of what we initially promised. Maybe after that... But see, we're Eastern Europeans, so eventually we'll also need to make a Jagged Alliance, a Might&Magic, a terrible point and click quest with sexual innuendos, plus I personally would also like to make a Grimoire. Maybe after all that, ATOM II. The story is already half-way made up.


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
You can probably get the actual name and franchise. Think it must be worth about 5 dollars now, considering how many times it has been dragged through the dirt.

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
Should I get this game to play while waiting for Insomnia: The Ark to get finished/fixed?

For sure man. You can even start playing around the 18th-26th of December when ATOM is actually out of early access, and it still will keep you distracted for the several months after that it's going to take for Insomnia to become "finished" (if that day does indeed ever come).

PLUS! You'll be playing a much better CRPG in the process.
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Sep 17, 2018
But seriously though, 26th is steam christmas sale territory, you don't want to launch when people already spent their budget and the front page is full of deep discounts. Just something to consider.

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
I agree. You should definitely feel it out. Definitely don't release during a sale, as it will destroy your new release visibility. Before or after should be fine though.


May 5, 2012
Wallet fatigue is a thing but honestly it's what Jinn says visibility is king on steam success. That new releases tab gets removed from the front page during sales and you have to actively seek it out which is something I guarantee you 99.999% of steam users don't do.


Jun 22, 2013
Game looks great, I'll buy it on release.
Thanks a lot!

So, how long is it? How does it compare to something like Underrail or the classic fallout? It looks genuinely good but it's getting so little attention
It's really hard to name accurate game time in a game that depends on whether or not you read the dialogues and on some of your stats (example: people who would give you a huge, branching dialogue and a quest if your charisma is say 5, won't give you nothing but a line of text if they don't like you and your charisma is like 3). Rough estimates are - When following the plot line and doing only plot-related and most obvious and in your face side quests, you get around 50-60 hours. If you're not in a hurry, and you're an exploring type, you can easily spend 100 to 150 hours in there and still find something new. Our Steam forums are filled with guys who have 300, even 400 hours on record, though I doubt they spent all of them on a single character. Or did they?! There's a lot of unseen stuff in game. Like, from the top of my head, I can remember a 3 hour long quest, the appearance of which in your play-through depends on whether or not you spoke to an old man hidden away in some apartment building in a certain way.

The little attention thing is basically because i'm 50% of the marketing staff, and I use all of my time actually working on the game, since I'm also one of the story writers, and a translator. The game gets sent around to news people and the like only when I have time to spare, and that's a rare thing. Basically we got to where we got by word of mouth alone, that's one of the reasons we love our players so damn much. :D

Your powers of marketing have converted me.
Jul 8, 2006
Wallet fatigue is a thing but honestly it's what Jinn says visibility is king on steam success. That new releases tab gets removed from the front page during sales and you have to actively seek it out which is something I guarantee you 99.999% of steam users don't do.
agree, don't release during a sale, it will go unnoticed and then people will be playing their new games..maybe wait a month or so, or release maybe like the 12th-14th of Dec if possible?....I don't know, I am no marketing expert, but I would avoid releasing during the steam sale at the very least


Nov 16, 2016
Don't release just before sale too, people will be on tight budget due to Christmas and will be holding off with game purchases untill sale, also if the game generates any good word of mouth, you won't be able to capitalize on it.
Wait till 20th of January at least, so people have time to try games bought on sale and recently acquired salary will give them capacity to impulse purchase.
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I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
End of December: https://steamcommunity.com/games/552620/announcements/detail/1718584000954162926

Information about the 1.0 release


Hello, friends!

A lot of people have been asking - when we will see ATOM? Will it be this year or the next one? Now, we don’t want to ignore our community so here is a small informational post about what we are up to right now.

First of all - the game will come out in the end of December, 2018, no second thoughts about it! Right now we can’t say the exact date, but we will say it in out traditional pre-update post that will come out in the next week. We will use this time to focus on all the new features and quests which there are many! Although, testing the new content, bug fixes and finalizing the new content is not everything that we still need to do.

Aside from that we are also working on adding some of the hottest features that you, the players, asked for! For example, now you can check your dialogue history in the game, use your items on the characters without starting a dialogue, zoom out the camera further and change the game options without quitting to the main menu.

There's a lot of work, but we are even more determined to finish it! :) And here are some of the screenshots of the new locations. We wouldn’t want it to be just some boring ol’ text update now do we!..

Live long and prosper!

Yours truly,
Atom Team




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