basically how hesperus is the meteor. First of all it makes sense. I mean the plot itself is really nothing new, and kinda a variation of fallout 1 plot that is imo, alot more morally ambiguous. But what makes the "WOAH" moment for me is the hesperus revelation, in accordance to the how tidbits of lore about Hesperus is presented. It is always an object of curiousity. Alot of myths, stories are created around the red star, and the player might form a theory of their own too, and some of you might have guessed right. But realy, for me, Hesperus is really just another tidbits of lore the same as the wacky lenin mutant hunter or a the more spooky one like skin worm. How the plot twist revealed for me is when it all clicked and for moral ambiguity, it is pretty impressive too.
The mushroom are completely right. No way in hell humans at this condition eill able to do anything to stop hesperus flame. if you kill/convince the mushroom to stop mycelium project, we still have a slight chance.
But i agree withe mushroom, the definite way to control is probably is to force humanitt to work in unison. If everything goes to plan.
The problem comes in 2 forms:
First of all, mycelium mind control isnt absolute. In mountain of woe bunker, the mushroom tried so hard to prevent violence, but there is certain limit to their conditioning, under such pressure. Plus your character can convince the mind controlled soldiers in the first level o mushroom bunker.
The second is what fidel said. Even if we succeed, what is the use if there is nobody left to enjoy the safety and peace the unity achieved. just controlled husk. this will vary depending on your beliefs and views on humanity, i think for myself is "humanity might be gone, but still leave a space for future intelligent species to rise up, maybe even there is a human survivor here and there" still that line of thought is still irrelevant long term even if the meteor hit, some form of life will survive, repopulating the earth eventually. Earth have survived 5 apocalyptic events, the species, individuals are long dead, mother earth and life as a whole live on, and there might or might not be another species that evolve and reach sapience. but yeah, nothing is relevant on that timescale. i think i just focus on humanity in which the only experience we are able to experience. i just choose to convicne the mushroom and try to work another way preventing the real apocalypse.