For giggles I just went through the Panam part of the questline in my head, and realized what horribly written interactive cutscene/railshooter it was, so ima share that with y'all.
No need to even put "Ghost Town" in spoilers, because nothing happens.
Ride on the passenger seat for 15 mins.
Walk behind Panam for 5 mins so player can stare at her ASSet.
Press F to pick up crate.
Walk back (staring optional).
Press F to put crate in trunk.
Enter passenger seat again, ride 5 mins.
Press F to start power.
Press F to connect 1st cable.
Press F to connect 2nd cable.
Press F to wait.
Wait for Panam to tell you, then... press F.
Shoot 5 guys. Finally some action.
Press F to enter car, 5 mins ride.
Shoot 6 guys.
Press F to enter car. 5 mins ride.
Press F to exit car, watch Panam talking.
Follow dat ass again.
Press F to drink beer.
Press F to sleep.
There was of course a lot of linear talking to fill time, but that's pretty much it. Not making this up.
Her next mission is basically the same gameplay, plus Star Trek: Discovery makes-no-sense writing quality on top.
Come to think of it, Panam IS an angry irritating version of Micheal Burn'em the writer had a far to big hard on for. It's "The badass Panam Show" and the player just tags along to carry boxes.