Somehow the Codex thinks Deus Ex, a gameplay-wise very boring totally linear FPS with token stats that improve your crosshair wobble and three whole cosmetic dialogue choices is the 8th best RPG of all time, but Cyberpunk 2077 is not just not an RPG, but not even a game.
I really can't understand how there is people that find Deus ex's gameplay actually interesting. At first, you have to wait the cursor for 10 seconds on the ennemy till you get enough accuracy to shoot at him each time you want to kill one, then the feedback of the shot sucks
Ennemy's AI sucks as well(running like an idiot isn't a good response when ennemy has low health).
Melee's combat sucks even more.
Before you get the sword, you have to crouch then you have to be pasted to an ennemy to paralyze him and kill him.
And even if you get the sword, the gameplay still sucks.
imagine defending Cyberpunk 77 while shitting on Deus Ex. The absolute state of potato shills.If you think Deus Ex is fun then you hate video games, because that game has seriously bad gameplay.
Honestly, the 50-year technological stasis is hilarious and never really adequately explained, unless it's an ending thing. I'm not going to finish this game in its current state, I'm just not going to put myself through that.
1969 - Man lands on the moon
2020 - We can barely make it into earth orbit
1954 - First nuclear power plant on the grid
2022 - Germany decomissions all nuclear power plants to replace them with coal power plants
Yeah, going back to politics for a bit, devolution is a fact. e.g. materials science has been stagnant for decades, apparently, and probably most of us here are aware of the "replication crisis" in the softer sciences (psychology, sociology, etc.). I don't think this was at all inevitable, but that's another story ...
Remember that minor gig with that cop chick in the tutorial zone? You can find this later on if you tell her who hired you there is also a radio broadcast about this.
out of these 100 random ass gigs why not continue anna story if you let her live. like break into few cops apartments and steal evidence or some stupid shit.
it's not like they would have to invent some special game mechanics to do this shit
Many of those cop quests have some connection to the gigs that are nearby, like you can find the veteran (killed by tyger claws) that got interviewed by the media guy that you have to save in one of the gigs.One of the virtues of the storytelling-by-shard-drop-on-body-or-in-case is that you can have lots of interweaving micro-stories because you don't need the voice acting.
I've said this before but I'll say it again: that's one reason why the cop quests are actually a proper part of the game and shouldn't be artificially skipped (ofc if you're just following your nose that's fine). There's actually a lot of decent writing on those shards, small tragedies, tales of betrayal, etc. - even one that makes you feel like a heel because you realize you've just killed a bunch of gangoons holding a sweet little birthday party for their choom
The problem that you feel like Robocop for doing the cop quests is another problem - clearly the game should have made some accommodation for the gangster's path - but that way of telling stories is as good in this as it's always been in immersive sims, and it doesn't require expensive voice-acting.
This isn't about "woke cardboard cutouts" or "forced feeding by hollywood".
This is about you living in London and thus being shocked by not everyone being a prick.
I am sure this has been said many times already but I cant help repeating it.
The car buying system is a FUCKING DISGRACE!! Not only is it an incredible pain in the ass to find the pics to match up with car prices, the map is cluttered with more goddamn ! symbols, like we really need more of that shit on the map.
There should be a 'car guy' or shop somewhere you go to buy ALL the cars. Who ever thought the current system was a good idea is a complete freaking moron.
Of course it is, just don't listen to the haters. Personally I realised that my happiness from playing a particular $GAME tends to drop 50% after reading the $GAME's subreddit, and further 90% after reading the $GAME's Codex thread.Having played the game almost 80 hours, completed three of the endings and most of the side gigs, I have to say that this is a damn fine game.
One of the virtues of the storytelling-by-shard-drop-on-body-or-in-case is that you can have lots of interweaving micro-stories because you don't need the voice acting.
I've said this before but I'll say it again: that's one reason why the cop quests are actually a proper part of the game and shouldn't be artificially skipped (ofc if you're just following your nose that's fine). There's actually a lot of decent writing on those shards, small tragedies, tales of betrayal, etc. - even one that makes you feel like a heel because you realize you've just killed a bunch of gangoons holding a sweet little birthday party for their choom
The problem that you feel like Robocop for doing the cop quests is another problem - clearly the game should have made some accommodation for the gangster's path - but that way of telling stories is as good in this as it's always been in immersive sims, and it doesn't require expensive voice-acting.
Remember when i told i saw the game live and was nothing special and people would not believe me?... I do.
And now i am laughting my ass of.