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Dwarf Fortress now on Steam with a graphical overhaul


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
My current impressions of the game after 20 hours - you can read it on my blog here! Or down below if interested (It's mostly about issues I'm having with the game).

Been playing the new Dwarf Fortress version on Steam for about twenty hours now, and I think I got enough time under my belt to give some quick impressions. First off, I want to praise the new UI, in general at least, and the new graphics. It’s way more detailed than any visual pack I have used for the free version of the game. While I didn’t think the keyboard controls were that painful – just a bit archaic, I do appreciate the new mouse controls. It feels a bit more casual, and it requires less from you, which at least lets me focus on something else while playing – like listening to a good audiobook or watching a show on the second monitor.

However, there are some serious issues with the game, which makes me feel it has been dumbed down for a new audience. It’s mostly about hidden stats or detail that for some reason in this version is not easily accessed. Like a big one is announcements and the combat log. They exist, but only when something happens in form of a pop-up icon. So when something important goes down, like a battle, you can click on that icon and get the report. When you exit that report though, the information is gone forever, and there is no way to enter the report system and look at that information at will. It’s mind-boggling because this is one of the most crucial aspects of Dwarf Fortress in my opinion. With that I mean – it’s how you create a story for your dwarves and your fortress. How are you supposed to follow the story of someone, if you can’t see how, when, and why things happened to him or her? You are at the mercy of the incident when it happens – miss it, or ignore it at the time, and it’s gone forever.

The workshop area, also known as the slave den

Another problem with announcements is that the game does not pause when stuff happens, not even when important things like when battles occur. If you miss the icon, your favorite dwarf might be dead when you notice it on your screen. Another issue with the report system for combat is that the report screen pauses the game, so you can never follow the battles in real-time, which I think is a major missed opportunity. It’s something that should have been fixed for this version. Since now, the report is not a full-screen UI element, which could have been made so you could watch the action happen while you read the detailed description of the battle. It was stuff like this I was expecting to get improved upon if I’m being honest. Yet, nothing was done to change this, and it’s a real shame.

So many god damn cats!
Other problems are that a lot of small detail has been hidden away, stuff that was available before in the free version. Inspecting items, like armor and weapons while being carried around has been removed. You can get the basic information, but you can’t take part in interesting things – how many kills that legendary sword has, and so on. This gets replicated in other parts of the UI too, for example when looking for item detail while trading. There is no icon for inspection at all here, which is another baffling decision. You might want to know what you are trading away!

Now, I’m not going to list every issue I have with the game so far here, I just want to put through that this version is less than the freemium edition at this point. However, there is one more major issue I have to mention, but I’m unsure if this was part of Dwarf Fortress vanilla or something that was enchanted by Dwarf Therapist (a third-party program). And that is how the renaming of your dwarves works now, something I always do, and the issue is that the names do not stick for item descriptions. So if one of the dwarves that you have named makes an impressive statue, the art for the description will revert to the original name of the dwarf. It makes it hard as hell to know who has done what, and in my case, it makes it much harder to connect with your population since there is nothing to differentiate your dwarves from outside ones. Have fun learning all those obscure and weird fantasy names!

Vomol likes killing animals, what can I say

I was hoping nothing would get lost in this update, but apparently, I was wrong. I don’t want to put all my money on that it’s being dumbed down deliberately, yet, it sure feels like it. Why would some of these things be changed otherwise? It must have been playtested, right? Any veteran of the game would notice these things already after a few hours! This gets me thinking that stuff was decided to be cut or removed because I can’t believe it was purely missed in the testing. I do hope I get proven wrong, of course, otherwise, I have just wasted thirty euros on a lesser experience.

Right now I can’t recommend Dwarf Fortress. The visuals are much better, which makes it a lot easier on the eyes, but as stated, it’s less of a game. That makes paying for this version a stupid decision at the current time.

Thanks for reading.
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Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I don't even know what "adventure mode" is in this game (perhaps someone can explain it to me), and since I respond to big colorful buzz words and terms like "ADVENTURE MODE!!!" I decided that if I'm going to get this game, it damn well better have it plus no one wants to buy a game that's missing entire features available in all previous builds, even if those features are probably useless or likely will never be used.
It's basically RPG mode set in the world you have created, you can even enter your old fortress and meet your dwarves there. You create a character, walk around, talk, do quests, hire people etc. It's fairly deep, but lack a real narrative. But it's pretty damn cool. Especially if you like survival games, because you must drink, sleep and eat food. Not the easiest to come by always.


Nov 9, 2022
I went on official KitFox discord, Mother of F*ng God, That's the cringiest place you can imagine:
Asked about elves - You approve and appologize genocide of reallife minorities and you will be ostracized by Whole server every day.
There is no certain rules, you can ask about ingame mechanic and banned because you don't know about unwritten rules.
Instead of bug reports, they discussing which gender moderation role can be and how to pronouce it right.

My current impressions of the game after 20 hours - you can read it on my blog here! Or down below if interested (It's mostly about issues I'm having about the game).

And I was thinking that I miss some details in game. Apparently that' the reason why.
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Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Yeah, adventure mode in the free version is especially cool, since some of the monsters or characters you kill will be named characters with an actual history that was built in world gen. So, if you kill a dragon, it's not just a dragon, it's an XXX year old dragon, who may or may not have killed a powerful being or another of your heroes himself.

From what I read on their Steam forums, adventure mode is months away at the earliest, as they say they haven't even looked at doing the interface for it yet, and there are clearly things missing from the standard mode.

So, even if you don't object to the trannies and gays Toady added, it seems the free version is superior anyway.


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
So the release version is incomplete and unfinished like all modern games. I was expecting this and as a fan I didn't buy it. I'm starting to count from now on, will probably buy it in a year when it's finished and everything from free version is implemented. Otherwise not gonna bother only to be disappointed that stuff is missing. I never played DF for graphics and never will.


Aug 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
I never played DF for graphics and never will.

Honestly I am buying just for the UI

Even if the do an ASCII gfx (making spire appears as ASCII characters) I would buy just for the UI and not having to use 3rd party application to manage stuffs.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I don't even know what "adventure mode" is in this game (perhaps someone can explain it to me), and since I respond to big colorful buzz words and terms like "ADVENTURE MODE!!!" I decided that if I'm going to get this game, it damn well better have it plus no one wants to buy a game that's missing entire features available in all previous builds, even if those features are probably useless or likely will never be used.
It's basically RPG mode set in the world you have created, you can even enter your old fortress and meet your dwarves there. You create a character, walk around, talk, do quests, hire people etc. It's fairly deep, but lack a real narrative. But it's pretty damn cool. Especially if you like survival games, because you must drink, sleep and eat food. Not the easiest to come by always.
The best part of adventure mode is going on rampages in peaceful towns and dismembering the townsfolk piece by piece


Jan 25, 2021
My short thoughts after ten hours:
I'm playing Dwarf Fortress since 2020, but I never truly did something big and complex, just some small forts The main issues for me were the absence of the interface, the terrible Mac Os Porting and labour system.
I bought the new steam's edition and it's seems the same game with the identical problems and strange things, but now with a modern and more "stable" interface. After some hours of dismay, I'm starting to understand (and appreciate) the new labour system (more flexibile than before) and the interface, but gosh there a lot of stupid absences:
- Each icon and menu have a hotkey, but for some reason, these hotkeys are "hidden". Someone created a mod for resolve this
- The new announcement system it's completely broken and stupid
- The game can be played only by using the mouse. After just one hour of game, you will start to fell pain
- It would have been better if they had released the game with the wiki already updated (I want to understand if they have resolved or no some historic bugs)
I hope that they will fix this things soon (Some modders made it in less than 24 hours) and constantly upgrading the game considering that now it's no more free but cost 30€


Jan 25, 2021
I've played other two hours and this are other main issues
1. The Macros are still here, but they're useless because the 95% of the action in-game now request the mouse
2. While you can create a project of dig, you can't do the same for building, so yes, you need first to wait that the furniture has been constructed and then you can place it
3. For the two reasons above, designing Bedrooms it's a kick in the ass (fortunately you can set a cap for the population in the option)
4. The stock menu it's terrible
5. The work order menu it's a mess, a simple tag system will simplify the life of many people
6. For some reason, they disabled the option to run the game one step at the time (if I remember correctly by pressing .), so during a combat or a frenetic situation you can't understand a shit
7. Despite have constructed tons of Cabinets, Chests and Armours Stands, it seems that the dwarves won't store anything here. I don't know if it is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong
8 (personal). It's literally impossible to understand graphically the difference between a Woman, a Man and a Children dwarves


Oct 29, 2012
2. That's always been a DFhack feature, not base game's (buildingplan — Plan building construction before you have materials.)
3. But now you can mass-designate them, which is kinda neat.
6. A workaround for that is recording a macro with "unpause, pause" commands.
7. Cabinets and Chests built in their rooms? At least some dwarves should use those (at least they did in previos version)

Overall like any other major DF release this one will get way better after several patches are released, and third-party utilities and mods catch up.


Jan 25, 2021
2. That's always been a DFhack feature, not base game's (buildingplan — Plan building construction before you have materials.)
Yeah but I hoped they added by default
3. But now you can mass-designate them, which is kinda neat.
6. A workaround for that is recording a macro with "unpause, pause" commands.
I don't understand, maybe I need to try tomorrow
Overall like any other major DF release this one will get way better after several patches are released, and third-party utilities and mods catch up.
I'm not saying it's bad, indeed, these are issues that a good dev can resolve in less than two months


Aug 9, 2020
In the afternoon:
I'll just play Dwarf Fortress for an Hour that'll be fun then I'll go get dinner
*looks out the window its completely dark*
god damn it!

Lucky local place is open till 9:30pm now. It was daytime when I installed it.
I'm playing the free version.
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Aug 20, 2022
The problem with development speed is mostly down to Toady and Threetoes fucking jizz into each other's asses and other gay incest shit. Those guys are a really queer sort.

I mean, think about it, 2 autistic brothers, 1 apartment, zero girlfriends. Solve that equation.
Is it incest if it's gay sex?


Feb 12, 2012
Found out my first gay dwarf, maybe it was a one time flick and there wont be continuous beard on beard action?

I didnt play since before visitors were added and all the new stuff is ok and graphics are beautiful.
Hope toady wont get screwed by publisher and manages to pay his astronomical US healthcare bills!


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Some dipshit dwarf crowned himself king before we even had our first trader, during the first summer of the embark. Demanding a throne room and shit.
I think its because my faction only had 1 other city, and I guess they got fucked by goblins?


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
I've played other two hours and this are other main issues
You are missing a big one: no way to incrementally increase a number of committed materials.
If you want to build a big floor or, more likely, roof, you need to click 100+ times on the material. This can EASILY be fixed by implementing a hotkey combination: ctrl+click to add 10, shift+click to add 100, etc. Rimworld does it, many games and other software also do it. Its a common practice. Very easy to implement, doesn't require UI change, won't fuck with mods.
On the furniture issue, I think if you try to place a bed and a bed doesn't exist, it should default to a blueprint of the bed being placed instead. Then later you can select it, click some "resume" button, and it will be delivered and installed.
Additionally archery and ranged combat is shit (but it was in classic too), work prioritization is absurd, and even the simplest of the complex jobs (building a well, for example) is still a jihad against the user interface that will make more than one person quit the game.


Mar 16, 2007
Tampere, Finland
Codex 2012 Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
and even the simplest of the complex jobs (building a well, for example) is still a jihad against the user interface that will make more than one person quit the game.
This is something I really don't understand. Why not just have the placement of a well dig downwards until A) water is hit or B) some limit is reached so you don't dig for all eternity?
If water is found, just transport the dwarf up vertically via rope or whatever. It's not even unrealistic. Just common sense how you'd do things.

I get that more complicated stuff (like making an underground waterfall) is more involved, but at least some of the simpler stuff should be automated more.
At least there is a help section that (kind of) tells you how to build a well, but that section doesn't even get opened automatically, I've seen people never even realize that that "?" in the top right is actually a help section with topics.
Most assumed it was one of these "drag the ? onto something to receive info about it" things.
Aug 27, 2021
Toady is a big mean jerk who banned me from the bay 12 forums for saying Tucker Carlson was not actually a for real nazi. Then called me a bigot.

I don't even like Tucker Carlson lol, but he's not a nazi...

Dwarf Fortress was fun for a while. Figuring out how the nonsense works, getting the dwarves to mostly do what you want... but once you get it it's pretty simple, and you really have to make your own challenge.
Aug 27, 2021
Toady is a big mean jerk who banned me from the bay 12 forums
Play stupid games; win stupid prizes.
Eh, I used that forum for a very long time before i ever ventured into the political topics. It was a fun place to talk about dwarf fortress and random other games. I figured I'd try talking about politics with those same people and uh... they didn't like that very much.

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