Found a pretty major issue with the Oblivion XP mod.
One of the ways it rewards experience is when you become more famous or infamous. But rather than happening once when I first put on the Gray Fox Cowl, it's happening everytime. And it's an absurd amount too. It has been over a full level every time and I was already level 22.
Played around with this a little and worked out exactly what was happening. One of the effects of the Cowl is that it makes your fame drop to zero, and your infamy shoot up to 200. Then when you take it off, both stats return to their normal state, meaning that the mod is clocking all your fame points again every time you remove the item.
Strangely, the mod does reward xp for infamy points too, but doesn't activate xp when you place the item on (which knocks infamy to 200).
Which seems to indicate that the mod does have some type of special behaviour for this item, but it's just not done correctly.