I will never again have to write about Like A dragon: Infinite Wealth. Yesterday, I beat the toughest optional boss fight of the game. In general, I liked the game. There are improvements from the previous installment, but also some things are worse. For instance, they added movement in combat, but then they made fights easier. I died a couple of times by trying some tougher fights, with enemies 10-15 levels above me. The story was merely there, it felt like. There were good moments, but in the grand scheme of things, it felt like a nothing burger. Sub stories were a mixed bag. Some were fun like you would expect, while others felt like filler. Mini games were decent, if you're into that sort of thing. In general, I am a massive fan of the series, and I am more forgiving than others, so I would maybe give it an 8/10. That would place it in the lower end of the list of Yakuza games.
In Blade of Darkness, I bit my knuckle in anger. There was this boss creature that regenerates when it blocks your hits, or lands a hit. I kept messing up, and probably tried it 5+ times. You can't get too cocky in this game, because you can die to anything. I was on a good streak of not getting hit, and disposing of tougher enemies, only to die to three skeletons. I can definitely see similarities to (mostly Demon's) Souls. The barbarian felt weak at the start, but he gets some cool weapons, and his combos are good, when I actually pull them off. The atmosphere gives me a sort of Conan vibe, which I like. Levels are nice, with secret areas scattered around. I go out of my way to find everything, but I am not going to look up anything online. I probably have a future playthrough in me, in a few years. I could do a "100%" amazon run. The game is very dark, which means that I try to have a torch a lot of the time.
Btw, lighting in this game is impressive, considering its age. The same goes for all the gibs.
I looked through my PS4 backlog, and saw a game that I have been thinking about playing for some time. It's a jrpg from Tri-Ace, makers of Valkyrie Profile. The game is Exist Archive. It is not similar in any way graphically, but the combat is VP inspired. I'm very early on, so I don't have deep impressions to share. Dungeons are side scrolling affairs, and you do quests in them. You pick quests from the overworld menu. There is no real world traversal. I have four characters in my party, and each one represents a face button on the controller. In combat, you take turns with the enemy, you attack, then the enemy attacks. When it is your turn, you combine the attacks of your characters to get as high a combo aas you can get. The highest I got is 51 for now. In the defending phase, you guard enemy attacks by pressing the corresponding character button. You can time your guards for perfect guards, or some characters can even do counter damage.
From what little I have played, I expect the standard T-A of mediocre writing, with many cringey characters, and a few good ones. Story setup itself could be interesting.