How about it?How about you make a game not in some desolate, autocratic shithole
We are talking about post-apo games set in countries after a "traditional", nuclear, apocalypse. By definition all of those look like "desolate shitholes". In fact, logically speaking, an atomic apocalypse would be an equaliser - turning everything into shit, be it shit and not-shit (before apocalypse) alike.
And if you think about the countries before apocalypse then I can assure you, Czechoslovakia and other mentioned countries were not desolate though they were communist so somewhat shithole-ey and very autocratic by definition. But how does that make for a worse or better setting by itself? You didn't quite explained that, so please do. The whole point of those games (ATOM) was not to set them AGAIN in ruins of United States (or any Western country). Do you believe that any and every post-apo game should happen on the territory of a Western democratic country? That's crazy thinking.