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Divinity Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition


Jul 3, 2014
A Morada do Sol
I don't get why the dumbfucks even put lockpicking on that door if you weren't supposed to use it, since there are a lot of doors that are unpickable in game; retarded in itself because you must waste a lockpick to find that out.
So, when I originally read the hint not to unlock the door I thought it meant the final one where the portal was, but now I realize I've been fucking around trying to complete a puzzle when there was none(Looked up candle room puzzle and it's for an entirely different temple..Lol more puzzles in the future, awesome.) and the quest is now impossible to complete. Welp, I guess that goes on the pile with the other 9000 bugged quests I have.

Now I'm surrounded, a quest I can't complete on one side, invulnerable enemies on the other, guess I just have to grind through the enemies in the sandstorm. :roll:
Lockpicking? You should be doing like a true man, just lay the wrath of your mighty weapon upon that piece of wood.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009

Nice corridors you have there, Larian. Looks like "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses" applies to so many posters in the Codex. Turns out things like corridor maps, cooldowns, asymmetric and large hp numbers, always-hit abilities, a near-complete-lack-of-strategic-resource-management, Diablo-style numbers-go-up magical trash loot, and generic fantasy settings/plots aren't the big issues they thought they were.

There is no list menu inventory in whole gaming that was good.

SkyUI makes the best out of something horrible. It is one of the most commendable efforts I've seen out of a modder considering what he had to work with, but "good"? Fuck no.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"Nice corridors you have there, Larian. Looks like "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses" applies to so many posters in the Codex. Turns out things like corridor maps, cooldowns, asymmetric and large hp numbers, always-hit abilities, a near-complete-lack-of-strategic-resource-management, Diablo-style numbers-go-up magical trash loot, and generic fantasy settings/plots aren't the big issues they thought they were."

I don't think the corridors are everywhere. Other than that, the people in this thread can whine all they watn, your quote is basically right. This is the same stuff they cry about in other games. But, DOS has a secret weapon: It's turnbased. Just ask the fanboys who even defend POR:ROMD around here.

\That being said, despite this stuff, the bottom line is DOS is a fun game with lots of good stuff. That's the bottom line because Volourn said so. :D

Anyways, I got a beef with the tenebrium skill. It's dumb. Ity basiclaly replaces your weapon skills. I have a question though - does it also replace the shield and armour skills? I don't think it does since it is under 'wepaons' but I want to make sure before I waset time buying/making tenebrium arour and shields

I really love the troll king/hidden mage lair thing was done. Good stuff. It is cheap and lame they tease you (for the secodn time mind you) with all that gold that you can't loot because it is just lame background. L0L

Also, the goblin village just asks you to wipe them out since there is no benefit not to and since they goblins are evil and scummy no mercy is deserved for 99% of all goblins. I do love the totem's use of pasta ctions though. With bitter C&C that could of been pretty cool.

Also, Larien really needs to allow you to play non humans. There's no reason not to in these Divinity games.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Could you show me those corridors? Because all I can see is an open map where you can go anywhere you want. Just because there there are hills and cliffs on the map and not just an huge open field, it is not just corridors.

You know what game has corridors?
You see the corridors? :troll:


Dec 26, 2012
God people just stop replying to Roguey already. She/he/it is like Balberith; butthurt only makes it stronger.
Jul 27, 2013
Lockpicking? You should be doing like a true man, just lay the wrath of your mighty weapon upon that piece of wood.
A nice sentiment, and it did sound cool when I first learned it was possible in the beginning of the game, unfortunately the reality is that the majority of the doors that anyone would care to break aren't breakable. I have about 30 odd two handed weapons and a 20 str madora with rage and the door takes 0, which leads me to believe that it isn't supposed to be broken. Usually the same doors that say "You cannot lockpick this", but not always.

Also, did I read right, did someone have trouble with
in this game? What is he supposed to do that made people have trouble lol? Neither him nor his crew got any attacks and I ended up just roasting all of them in a fire/poison stew.. Feel pretty lucky, like I was one turn away from some uber move.. What's hard about his fight exactly?


(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻
May 1, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Torment: Tides of Numenera
People like the game. People are having fun. People don't really care about your inane, rambling autistic nonsense. It's not going to change the fact that people are enjoying what amounts to one of the best emulations of an "old school" experience they've had in years despite its faults. Christ. You need a new hobby. Like, I dunno, telling young children Santa Claus doesn't exist or something. Surely that would bring you more joy.
people are having fun with bioware and bethesda games. i guess the codex should forego criticizing them as well.
I don't know how you can look at that map and not think it's nothing but corridors.
it is corridor map design (and there are plents of other things wrong with the game), which sucks, but the ability to fast travel to portals and the fact that many of the corridors are interconnected makes it much better than wl2.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Sorry to post Kotaku, but this could be really fucking cool:

We've talked about how much fun it is to play Larian's Divinity: Original Sin, but have we mentioned how easy it is to build with it? In four days, Redditor docalypse has built the doomed city of Tristam from the original Diablo, with plans to reimagine the entire game as Diablo: Original Sin.

The screenshot's pretty dark, but if you squint you can make out some familiar landmarks, as well as some random guy who'd really appreciate it if you stay awhile and listen.


I've been so busy playing the game, I'd not even bothered checking out Divinity's modding tools. Apparently they're quite robust and easy to pick up, as this is docalypse's first modding project. It's a really ambitious one as well. From the Reddit thread:

I started this project 4 days ago on a whim to test the Divinity Engine and found I really enjoyed it. So, I've decided to create my first large mod for Divinity: Original Sin. It will be called Diablo: Original Sin (subject to change) and here's what I have planned:

  • 26 hand-crafted levels, including the Hellfire xpack levels, ranging from 64x64m to 512x512m
  • New quests (no handholding minimap marks or map markers)
  • Traps to detroy your party (they can be disarmed or destroyed from a distance, good thing you have that rogue in your party to locate those traps...)
  • lockpicking doors to secret areas
  • high perception ratings to discover more secret areas
  • co-op puzzles to reach new areas (read your lore to find clues)
  • hand-placed unique items
  • 1-4 player co-op (or take solo control over your own party of 2-4)
  • Full dialogue and lore through books
  • music from D1 and maybe D2 since this is a turn based cRPG engine (battle music, atmosphere music)
  • dark gritty world, dark gritty dungeons
And that's all with the editor as it is. As Larian adds enhanced functionality, docalypse plans to add new items, hirelings with their own stories and completely rework the magic system to allow for new schools and spells.

Once Tristam and his first dungeon level is complete he plans on releasing a demo. Until then, check out the gallery below to see what a dedicated Diablo fan can do with Divinity in just four days.


Dec 26, 2012
Also, did I read right, did someone have trouble with
in this game? What is he supposed to do that made people have trouble lol? Neither him nor his crew got any attacks and I ended up just roasting all of them in a fire/poison stew.. Feel pretty lucky, like I was one turn away from some uber move.. What's hard about his fight exactly?

Depends largely on what level you are when you face them. They have some pretty nasty bleed spells/abilities (but Leech takes care of that). Also they tend to cast resurrection.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
I gotta say the camera miovemtn, while fine most of time, is shit when trying to pixel hunt for stuff you know should be there. LMAO


Aug 10, 2012
Torment: Tides of Numenera
Also, did I read right, did someone have trouble with
in this game? What is he supposed to do that made people have trouble lol? Neither him nor his crew got any attacks and I ended up just roasting all of them in a fire/poison stew.. Feel pretty lucky, like I was one turn away from some uber move.. What's hard about his fight exactly?

Depends largely on what level you are when you face them. They have some pretty nasty bleed spells/abilities (but Leech takes care of that). Also they tend to cast resurrection.

Our party was level 9 when we faced him in a co-op session while he and his men were like 13, had no trouble beating him really.


Harbinger of Decline
Dec 24, 2008
Land of Rape & Honey ❤️
Codex 2012 MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Awright, 95 hours and I am done with the game. Predicted the ending correctly, heh.

It was crap.

Those elemental resistances, man.


Most of the time I am healing, and even if I am not, I am immune to it.

If you want a harder end battle,
don't save Leandra by mending the Soul Forge. You better have the Death Knight Bane on everyone for that fight. In fact, it is probably harder than the end boss itself, depending on what kind of party you have.

If you actually manage to fail the battle, you get the coolest game over screen in a while:


The ending itself, story wise was...
crap too, obviously. Come on, if you're going to build for that "epic heroic fight", then you gotta work a bit more on the build-up. Make the bad guys bad and the good guys noble, or something. And obviously none of the C&C has an effect. Bah!

Will post more coherent thoughts later, but still. Despite its failings, definitely one of the best cRPGs I've ever played.


Dec 26, 2012
Also, did I read right, did someone have trouble with
in this game? What is he supposed to do that made people have trouble lol? Neither him nor his crew got any attacks and I ended up just roasting all of them in a fire/poison stew.. Feel pretty lucky, like I was one turn away from some uber move.. What's hard about his fight exactly?

Depends largely on what level you are when you face them. They have some pretty nasty bleed spells/abilities (but Leech takes care of that). Also they tend to cast resurrection.

Our party was level 9 when we faced him in a co-op session while he and his men were like 13, had no trouble beating him really.

Neither did I, just saying some may struggle depending on their builds and general tacticool skills.

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