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Gothic III

Gothic III

There are 76 articles associated with this tag:

22-Apr-2013 [Information] Gothic Series Stacking Promo on GOG
21-Mar-2009 [Game News] Gothic 3 Community Patch 1.7
5-Aug-2008 [Game News] Teasing you with a better Gothic 3
18-Jun-2008 [Development Info] Gothic 3 will expand after all
10-Jun-2008 [Review] Gothic 3 gets the treatment at GameBanshee
14-Apr-2008 [Game News] Gothic 3 gets an Expansion
8-Feb-2008 [Game News] Gothic 3 patched to 1.6
15-Dec-2007 [Game News] Gothic 3 fan-patched to 1.5.2
24-Jul-2007 [Game News] Gothic 3 community patch 1.4 released
22-May-2007 [Company News] Piranha Bytes and JoWooD end their relationship
6-Feb-2007 [Review] G4 reviews Gothic 3 - 3/5
30-Jan-2007 [Review] Game Chronicles pushes its Gothic 3 review online
11-Jan-2007 [Interview] New Gothic 3 interview with Kai Rosencrantz
6-Jan-2007 [Review] Gothic 3? Play Oblivion instead!
12-Dec-2006 [Review] Gothic 3 warms the cockles of GamerDad
5-Dec-2006 [Review] Gamespot gets around to playing Gothic 3
2-Dec-2006 [Review] Gothic 3 vs Oblivion at Gamers Europe
1-Dec-2006 [Review] More profeshunal perspectives on Gothic 3
30-Nov-2006 [Review] IGN rips Gothic 3 a new one
24-Nov-2006 [Review] Gothic 3 review at Softpedia - 9/10
23-Nov-2006 [Review] Gothic 3 trashed at GameSpy - 1.5/5
21-Nov-2006 [Review] Absolutely idiotic Gothic 3 review
20-Nov-2006 [Review] Our Gothic 3 review
20-Nov-2006 [Review] Gothic 3 Review
17-Nov-2006 [Review] ActionTrip reviews Gothic 3 - 79%
17-Nov-2006 [Preview] Gothic 3 preview at IGN
16-Nov-2006 [Review] Pro-G reviews Gothic 3's performance but forgets game
8-Nov-2006 [Game News] Gothic 3 demo is coming on Nov 10
1-Nov-2006 [Review] Pixel Rage reviews Gothic 3
31-Oct-2006 [Review] Gothic 3 trashed at Rewired Mind - 2/10
31-Oct-2006 [Review] Jolt reviews Gothic 3
31-Oct-2006 [Review] Gothic 3 review at Computer Games
24-Oct-2006 [Review] Gothic 3 vs Oblivion at TGSN
24-Oct-2006 [Review] Dark Zero reviews Gothic 3 - 7/10
19-Oct-2006 [Review] Gothic 3 review at Eurogamer
19-Oct-2006 [Review] Honest Gamers love Gothic 3
12-Oct-2006 [Review] CVG reviews Gothic 3 - 8.5
22-Sep-2006 [Development Info] Gothic 3 no-so-GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD
19-Sep-2006 [Interview] Gothic 3 posers and pontifications at Gameplay Monthly
13-Sep-2006 [Game News] Gothic 3 gone gold
20-Aug-2006 [Game News] Everything you've ever wanted to know about Gothic 3
8-Aug-2006 [Game News] Gothic 3 hits Europe - Oct 13
3-Aug-2006 [Preview] IGN previews Gothic 3
2-Aug-2006 [Preview] Gothic 2 pre-love at GameSpy
6-Jul-2006 [Development Info] Gothic III and StarForce break up
25-May-2006 [Review] GameSpy previews Gothic 3
20-May-2006 [Interview] Gothic 3 interview, part II
19-May-2006 [Interview] Gothic 3 interview
13-May-2006 [Preview] Refundable skills points in Gothic 3
13-May-2006 [Interview] Gothic 3 interview at RPG Vault
12-May-2006 [Preview] Gothic 3 preview at IGN
3-May-2006 [Interview] Gothic III - Part I
3-May-2006 [Interview] Gothic 3 interview, part I
13-Apr-2006 [Game News] Gothic 3 looks pretty
23-Mar-2006 [Preview] IGN: Gothic 3 owns Oblivion
7-Mar-2006 [Game News] Gothic III to be released in September
24-Feb-2006 [Preview] Gothic 3 preview at 1UP
16-Feb-2006 [Interview] Gothic III fan Q&A at JoWood forums
24-Dec-2005 [Preview] ActionTrip previews Gothic 3
30-Nov-2005 [Game News] Gothic III NA publisher confirmed
27-Oct-2005 [Interview] Gothic 3 interview at TVG
19-Oct-2005 [Interview] Gothic 3 Q&A at GameCloud
9-Aug-2005 [Preview] Gothic 3 eyings at RPGDot
5-Aug-2005 [Preview] Gothic 3 hullaballoo at RPGDot
26-Jul-2005 [Preview] Gothic 3 Soundtrack snippets available
9-Jul-2005 [Interview] World of Gothic talks to JoWood dudes about Gothic III
10-Jun-2005 [Preview] Gothic 3 pre/inter-view at RPGDot
2-Jun-2005 [Game News] World of Gothic celebrates five years with new trailer
9-May-2005 [Preview] RPGDot on E3 RPGs
3-May-2005 [None] Gothic 3 Teaser
3-May-2005 [Interview] Gothic 3 Interview @ World of Gothic
17-Jan-2005 [Game News] Gothic 3 Issues
27-Dec-2004 [Interview] Gothic 3 pocket pool at World of Gothic
15-Dec-2004 [Game News] Official Gothic III announcement from JoWooD
2-Dec-2004 [Preview] Gothic 3 details at WoG
29-Apr-2004 [Interview] Gothic I-III Q&A over at GothicDot

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